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Sasaki, Yuji
Bunri Gijutsu, 52(2), p.103 - 107, 2022/03
We develop all-inclusive partitioning method for actinides and fission products in high-level radioactive waste. This process is based on the sequential solvent extraction. In order to recover Cs and Sr for the management by interim storage, crown ether compounds are employed. For the removal of Pd and Mo due to production of a stable vitrified object, methylimino-dioctylacetamide (MIDOA) is taken as an extractant. DGA can extract both actinides and trivalent lanthanides. In order to separate each other, dietylenetriamine-triacetic-diamide (DTBA) for the stripping reagent of MA. For the mutual separation of Am/Cm, DGA and DOODA extraction system is taken into consideration.
Tsukahara, Takehiko*; Suzuki, Hideya*; Matsumura, Tatsuro; Saga, Kaname*
Bunri Gijutsu, 49(4), p.221 - 225, 2019/04
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Kitano, Akihiro
Bunri Henkan Gijutsu Soron, p.215 - 222, 2016/09
Prototype fast breeder reactor Monju has restarted in May 2010 after the long shutdown since the sodium leak accident. Before the restart the safety authority has examined the influence of the long shutdown, such as the characteristics of Am accumulated in MOX fuel. The integral data of the core with about 1.5% was acquired in the core confirmation test conducted in 2010 and the newest analysis method shows the enough accuracy. The irradiation test for the MA transmutation is planned, called GACID project by Japan, France and United States. The research of MA transmutation is one of the most important issues in Monju research plan included in the basic research plan decided by the cabinet council. It is expected that Monju would be utilized to demonstrate MA transmutation in the fast reactor.
Iwamoto, Osamu
Bunri Henkan Gijutsu Soron, p.280 - 284, 2016/08
Nuclear data such as neutron cross sections of reaction between neutron and nucleus are important as basement for the nuclear transmutation technology. The nuclear data affects nuclear characteristics on nuclear transmutation system because it uses large amount minor actinide (MA). However, accuracies of the nuclear data are enough at present due to the difficulties on measurement for radioactive nuclei. Present status of the nuclear data of MA are overviewed.
Arai, Yasuo
Bunri Henkan Gijutsu Soron, p.134 - 146, 2016/08
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Oigawa, Hiroyuki
Hoshasei Haikibutsu Genyoka, Yugai Teigen No Gijutsu Kaihatsu, Kakushu Bunri, Tenkan; NSA/Commentaries, No.22, p.38 - 50, 2016/03
An Accelerator-Driven System (ADS) is a hybrid nuclear system coupling a subcritical reactor consisting of minor actinide fuels with a spallation neutron source driven by a high-power proton accelerator, aiming at effective transmutation of MA contained in high-level radioactive wastes. An ADS with thermal power of 800MW can transmute MA produced in 10 light water reactors with electric power of 1GW. To realize ADS, we should solve various technical challenges such as a high-power accelerator, a spallation target, a subcritical reactor, recycle technology of MA fuel, and so on. JAEA is conducting research and development to solve these technical challenges with making use of international collaborations, and planning a new experimental program using J-PARC.
Shimojo, Kojiro
Bunri Gijutsu, 39(4), p.236 - 239, 2009/00
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Shimojo, Kojiro
Bunri Gijutsu, 36(4), p.241 - 246, 2006/08
no abstracts in English
Kubo, Shinji; Yoshida, Mitsunori; Sakurai, Makoto*; Tanaka, Kotaro*; Miyashita, Reiko*
Bunri Gijutsu, 35(3), p.148 - 152, 2005/05
no abstracts in English