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Journal Articles

Optimizing LiMn$$_{1.5}$$M$$_{0.5}$$O$$_{4}$$ cathode materials for aqueous photo-rechargeable batteries

Shimokawa, Kohei*; Matsubara, Shogo*; Kawaguchi, Tomoya*; Okamoto, Akihiro*; Ichitsubo, Tetsu

Chemical Communications, 59(51), p.7947 - 7950, 2023/06

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:15.68(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Light-induced Li extraction from LiMn$$_{2}$$O$$_{4}$$/TiO$$_{2}$$ in a water-in-salt electrolyte for photo-rechargeable batteries

Shimokawa, Kohei*; Matsubara, Shogo*; Okamoto, Akihiro*; Ichitsubo, Tetsu

Chemical Communications, 58(69), p.9634 - 9637, 2022/09

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:72.57(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Catalytic mechanism of decarboxylative hydroxylation of salicylate hydroxylase revealed by crystal structure analysis at 2.5${AA}$ resolution

Uemura, Takuya*; Kita, Akiko*; Watanabe, Yoshihiko*; Adachi, Motoyasu; Kuroki, Ryota; Morimoto, Yukio*

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 469(2), p.158 - 163, 2016/01

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:54.16(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Internal dynamics of F-actin and myosin subfragment-1 studied by quasielastic neutron scattering

Matsuo, Tatsuhito; Arata, Toshiaki*; Oda, Toshiro*; Nakajima, Kenji; Kawamura, Seiko; Kikuchi, Tatsuya; Fujiwara, Satoru

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 459(3), p.493 - 497, 2015/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:15.47(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Highly durable carbon-supported Pt catalysts prepared by hydrosilane-assisted nanoparticle deposition and surface functionalization

Saito, Akinori*; Tsuji, Hiromi*; Shimoyama, Iwao; Shimizu, Kenichi*; Nishina, Yuta*

Chemical Communications, 51(27), p.5883 - 5886, 2015/04

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:38.63(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Chemical repair of base lesions, AP sites, and strand breaks on plasmid DNA in dilute aqueous solution by ascorbic acid

Hata, Kuniki; Urushibara, Ayumi; Yamashita, Shinichi; Shikazono, Naoya; Yokoya, Akinari; Katsumura, Yosuke*

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 434(2), p.341 - 345, 2013/05

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:22.89(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Coupling of the hydration water dynamics and the internal dynamics of actin detected by quasielastic neutron scattering

Fujiwara, Satoru; Plazanet, M.*; Oda, Toshiro*

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 431(3), p.542 - 546, 2013/02

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:10.57(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Thermodynamic considerations on the purification of H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ and HIx phases in the iodine-sulfur hydrogen production process

Wang, L.*; Imai, Yoshiyuki; Tanaka, Nobuyuki; Kasahara, Seiji; Kubo, Shinji; Onuki, Kaoru

Chemical Engineering Communications, 199(2), p.165 - 177, 2012/02

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:33.47(Engineering, Chemical)

Small amount of HI and I$$_{2}$$ are contained in H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ phase and a little H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ is contained in HIx phase obtained from the Bunsen reaction in the thermochemical water splitting IS process. A thermodynamical investigation of purification to separate and recover these components was made by a chemical process simulator ESP to clarify effects of temperature and stripping gas on reaction and phase equilibrium. The reverse Bunsen reaction, which change HI to I$$_{2}$$, and I$$_{2}$$ vaporization are dominant at higher temperatures than ca. 110$$^{circ}$$C for H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ phase. The temperature can be extended to be lower by inert gas stripping. Purification of the solution without loss of H$$_{2}$$SO$$_{4}$$ is expected by oxidation of HI to I$$_{2}$$ by O$$_{2}$$ stripping. Though temperature range where purification by reverse Bunsen reaction is available is limited for HIx phase because of S and H$$_{2}$$S production reactions, the range can be widen by inert gas stripping.

Journal Articles

Thermochromic properties of low-melting ionic uranyl isothiocyanate complexes

Aoyagi, Noboru; Shimojo, Kojiro; Brooks, N. R.*; Nagaishi, Ryuji; Naganawa, Hirochika; Van Hecke, K.*; Van Meervelt, L.*; Binnemans, K.*; Kimura, Takaumi

Chemical Communications, 47(15), p.4490 - 4492, 2011/04

 Times Cited Count:41 Percentile:69.89(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Functional aberration of myofibrils by cardiomyopathy-causing mutations in the coiled-coil region of the troponin-core domain

Matsumoto, Fumiko; Maeda, Kayo*; Chatake, Toshiyuki*; Maeda, Yuichiro*; Fujiwara, Satoru

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 382(1), p.205 - 209, 2009/04

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:36.90(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Two cardiomyopathy-causing mutations, E244D and K247R, in human cardiac troponin T (TnT) are located in the coiled-coil region of the Tn-core domain. To elucidate effects of mutations in this region on the regulatory function of Tn, we measured Ca$$^{2+}$$-dependent ATPase activity of myofibrils containing various mutants of TnT at these residues. The results confirmed that the mutant E244D increases the maximum ATPase activity without changing the Ca$$^{2+}$$ sensitivity. The mutant K247R was shown for the first time to have the effect similar to the mutant E244D. Furthermore, various TnT mutants (E244D, E244M, E244A, E244K, K247R, K247E, and K247A) showed various effects on the maximum ATPase activity while the Ca$$^{2+}$$ sensitivity was unchanged. Molecular dynamics simulations of the Tn-core containing these TnT mutants suggested that the hydrogen-bond network formed by the side chains of neighboring residues around residues 244 and 247 is important for Tn to function properly.

Journal Articles

Analysis of internal motions of interleukin-13 variant associated with severe bronchial asthma using $$^{15}$$N NMR relaxation measurements

Yoshida, Yuichiro*; Okuri, Takatoshi*; Takeda, Chika*; Kuroki, Ryota; Izuhara, Kenji*; Imoto, Taiji*; Ueda, Tadashi*

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 358(1), p.292 - 297, 2007/06

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:9.68(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

The single nucleotide polymorphism interleukin-13 (IL-13) R110Q is associated with severe bronchial asthma because its lower affinity leads to the augmentation of local IL-13 concentration, resulting in an increase in the signal transduction via IL-13R. Since the mutation site does not directly bind to IL-13 R$$alpha$$2, we carried out NMR relaxation analyses of the wild-type IL-13 and IL-13 R110Q in order to examine whether the R110Q mutation affects the internal motions in IL-13 molecules. The results showed that the internal motion in the micro- to millisecond time scale on helix D, which is suggested to be important for the interaction between IL-13 and IL-13R$$alpha$$2, is increased in IL-13-R110Q compared with that in the wild-type IL-13. It therefore appears that the difference in the internal motions on helix D between the wild-type IL-13 and IL-13-R110Q may be involved in their affinity differences with IL-13R$$alpha$$2.

Journal Articles

A Remote valency control technique; Catalytic reduction of Uranium(VI) to Uranium(IV) by external ultrasound irradiation

Toraishi, Takashi; Kimura, Takaumi; Arisaka, Makoto

Chemical Communications, (3), p.240 - 241, 2007/01

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:36.92(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

We here report the enhancement of a sonochemical effect (chemical reaction induced by ultrasound irradiation) by a Pt black catalyst; the sonochemical reduction of the highly stable U(VI) was demonstrated using this catalytic reaction.

Journal Articles

Regioselectivity control of radiation-induced reaction; Electron beam-induced Fries rearrangement of sulfonamide within $$beta$$-cyclodextrin inclusion complex

Kato, Jun*; Kakehata, Hiroyuki*; Maekawa, Yasunari; Yamashita, Takashi*

Chemical Communications, (43), p.4498 - 4500, 2006/11

 Times Cited Count:10 Percentile:39.92(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

EB (electron beam) irradiation of sulfonamide within $$beta$$-cyclodextrin ($$beta$$-CD) inclusion complex in the solid state induced the solvent-free Fries rearrangement, which proceeded at a shorter reaction time with reversed regioselectivity by inclusion into $$beta$$-CD, compared with that of sulfonamide crystals; the $$beta$$-CD as a restricted nanospace had much effect on the reactivity and regioselectivity of the solvent-free EB-Fries rearrangement.

Journal Articles

Selective separation of Am(III) from lanthanides(III) by solvent extraction with hydrophobic field of "superweak" anion

Naganawa, Hirochika; Suzuki, Hideya*; Noro, Junji*; Kimura, Takaumi

Chemical Communications, (23), p.2963 - 2965, 2005/06

A "superweak" anion, TFPB-, gives rise to a field effect on the selectivity for Am$$^{3+}$$ over Ln$$^{3+}$$ in their extraction from aqueous HNO$$_{3}$$ solution into benzene containing a "hard donor" extractant that shows no selectivity for these metal ions in traditional solvent extraction.

Journal Articles

PprI: A General switch responsible for extreme radioresistance of ${it Deinococcus radiodurans}$

Hua, Y.*; Narumi, Issei; Gao, G.*; Tian, B.*; Sato, Katsuya; Kitayama, Shigeru; Shen, B.*

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 306(2), p.354 - 360, 2003/06

 Times Cited Count:156 Percentile:95.85(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

We have identified a unique deinococcal gene, ${it pprI}$, as a general switch for downstream DNA repair and protection pathways, from a natural mutant, in which ${it pprI}$ is disrupted by a transposon. Complete functional disruption of the gene in wild-type leads to dramatic sensitivity to ionizing radiation. Radioresistance of the disruptant could be fully restored by complementation with ${it pprI}$. In response to radiation stress, PprI can significantly and specifically induce the gene expression of ${it recA}$ and ${it pprA}$ and enhance the enzyme activities of catalases. These results strongly suggest that PprI plays a crucial role in regulating multiple DNA repair and protection pathways in response to radiation stress.

Journal Articles

Luminescence study of tetravalent uranium in aqueous solution

Kirishima, Akira*; Kimura, Takaumi; Tochiyama, Osamu*; Yoshida, Zenko

Chemical Communications, (7), p.910 - 911, 2003/04

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Radiation-induced reactions $$via$$ the lowest excited states in cinnamic acid crystals

Maekawa, Yasunari; Inaba, Tomonori; Hobo, Hiroki; Narita, Tadashi*; Koshikawa, Hiroshi; Moon, S.; Kato, Jun; Yoshida, Masaru

Chemical Communications, (18), p.2088 - 2089, 2002/09

Radiation-induced reactions of cinnamic acid derivatives have been examined and compared them with photoreactions in the crystalline states; all the reaction products were exactly the same as those of the photoreactions, indicating that the reactions proceed only via the lowest excited state to give [2+2]cycloadducts, E/Z isomerization products, or starting molecules.

Journal Articles

Photopromoted oxidative cyclization of an o-phenylene-bridged schiff base via a manganese(III) complex, leading to a fluorescent compound, 2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzimidazole

Sakamoto, Fuminori; ; Sato, Minoru*; ; X.S.Tan*; Fujii, Yuki*

Chemical Communications, (13), p.1391 - 1392, 1998/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Hydration structure of Eu$$^{III}$$ on aqueous ion-exchange resins using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy

Takahashi, Yoshio*; Kimura, Takaumi; Kato, Yoshiharu; ;

Chemical Communications, (2), p.223 - 224, 1997/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Laser-induced enantiodifferentiating reaction of tartaric acid using high-intensity circularly polarized light

Shimizu, Yuichi; Kawanishi, Shunichi

Chemical Communications, 0(11), p.1333 - 1334, 1996/06

no abstracts in English

23 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)