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Sakai, Toru*; Kametaka, Masao*; Aoki, Kazuhiro; Shimada, Koji; Takagi, Hideo*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Internet), 130(1), p.89 - 109, 2024/04
Shear planes are formed in various orientations within fault fracture zones. The sense of shear on each shear plane can be determined from the composite planar fabrics developed around it. However, it is not possible to distinguish whether all the shear planes in a fault fracture zone were formed during the same stage of motion by observations alone, because of the scarcity of chronological data. As such, we attempted to determine the kinematic and stress histories of the Shionohira and Kuruma faults by using both observations of composite planar fabrics and stress inversion analysis. As a result, we identified five stages of motion on the Shionohira Fault and two stages of motion on the Kuruma Fault. The chronological data are not sufficient to constrain the timing of the stages, but the reconstructed histories are consistent with the paleostress fields and tectonic activity around these faults, as determined in previous studies. Although the reconstructed stress history depends on the density of fault-slip data from the measurement area, this method is effective for investigating the formation mechanisms of fault fracture zones.
Nakajima, Toru; Nagata, Mitsuhiro; Fukuda, Shoma; Sueoka, Shigeru
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Internet), 129(1), p.503 - 507, 2023/11
Zircon U-Pb dating was carried out on granitic rocks from plutons in the Taiheizan Complex in Akita Prefecture, NE Japan. Two granodiorites from the Main Intrusive Rocks yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U dates of 103.41.0 Ma and 115.6
1.1 Ma (1SE). Three porphyrygranite from the Young Intrusive Rocks yielded weighted mean 206Pb/238U dates of 11.4
0.1 Ma, 4.7
0.1Ma, and 4.8
0.1 Ma (1SE). The older and younger dates can be interpreted as the ages of early and later stages of granitic intrusion at the sampling locations. The Pliocene U-Pb dates suggest that the Nibetsu Body in the Young Intrusive Rocks is one of the youngest granitic plutons currently exposed on Earth.
Kubomi, Ko*; Nagata, Mitsuhiro; Ota, Hiroto*; Miyata, Kazunori*; Oto, Shigeru*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Internet), 129(1), p.453 - 460, 2023/09
The Hakobuchi Formation in Hokkaido, NE Japan, consists of marine to terrestrial clastic rocks of the uppermost part of the Yezo Group, was previously interpreted to range from Early Campanian to Late Paleocene age, with a hiatus near the K/Pg boundary. No definitive evidence of the depositional age indicating Lower Paleocene (Danian) has been reported from the formation so far. We reported the LA-ICPMS zircon U-Pb dates of a tuff layer of the Hakobuchi Formation in the Yubari area. The weighted average date of the youngest cluster was 64.1 1.1 Ma (2
), suggesting the depositional age of the formation is Danian. The result is the first radiometric evidence indicating that the Hakobuchi Formation, at least partly, is correlated with the Danian, and is essential to discuss the depositional age of the Hakobuchi Formation and geochronology of the Yezo Group.
Tateishi, Ryo*; Shimada, Koji; Iwamori, Akiyuki*; Wada, Shinya*; Seno, Shotaro*; Nagata, Ken*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi (Internet), 128(1), p.63 - 64, 2022/04
The Tsuruga Fault is an active right-lateral strike-slip fault that is about 20 km in length and distributed in the northeast-southwest direction from the eastern part of Tsuruga City to the southern part of Mihama Town, Fukui Prefecture. The Tsuruga fault borders the Jurassic accretionary complex (mixed rock) and the late Cretaceous granite around the Oritodani area in the Shinjo district of Mihama-cho. Lateral bendings of valleys along the fault in this area are clear geomorphological signatures of fault activity. We briefly report newly found multiple fault outcrops at these bending points with photos of them. This research is the result of joint research by Kansai Electric Power Company, University of Toyama, and JAEA.
Shimada, Koji; Goto, Akira; Niwa, Masakazu; Shimo, Michito*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 127(10), p.I - II, 2021/10
Continuous leaking point of high-temperature fluid (liquid/gas) from underground can be easily grasped by infrared images. We show images confirmed by a FLIR C5 camera that can simultaneously obtain an infrared image and a visible light image at the outcrops of Kawayu Onsen that naturally spring along the river. Outcrops and river surface temperature rise due to hot springs that leaking from riverbanks and riverbeds, rock temperature rise around cracks where gas containing high-concentration methane leaks with hot springs, abandoned fluid pathway due to construction of the bank and damming river for hot spring river bath in winter can be confirmed at a glance. Infrared images may be useful for quick identification of hot fluid leaking points from underground.
Hatano, Nozomi*; Yoshida, Koki*; Sasao, Eiji
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 127(6), p.345 - 362, 2021/06
This paper is guidebook of field excursion at the 127th annual meeting of the Geological Society of Japan, originally planned to be held on September, 2020 (postponed for one year). Miocene to Pleistocene Seto Group yields porcelain clay and are studied in the point of view of clay mineralogy and geology. In this field excursion, genesis of porcelain clay will be discussed through the observation of paleosols, paleoweathering profiles of the Seto Group and the basement strongly weathered granite.
Sueoka, Shigeru; Shimada, Koji; Terusawa, Shuji*; Iwano, Hideki*; Danhara, Toru*; Ogita, Yasuhiro; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 127(1), p.25 - 39, 2021/01
no abstracts in English
Niwa, Masakazu; Ueki, Tadamasa*; Hoshi, Hiroyuki*; Sugisaki, Yuichi*; Yagi, Koshi*; Tozawa, Terumasa
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 126(9), p.543 - 548, 2020/09
A large number of paleomagnetic and chronological studies have contributed to the elucidation of the early Miocene clockwise rotation of Southwest Japan associated with the major opening of back-arc basins of the Japan Sea. Paleomagnetic data from an andesitic parallel dike swarm in the Takane area, Takayama City, Gifu Prefecture, Central Japan, were previously reported, showing the easterly deflection of the observed magnetization direction compared to an early Miocene expected paleomagnetic direction. This must represent the clockwise rotation during the opening of the Japan Sea, if the dike swarm was intruded before the opening event. Here, we report new K-Ar hornblende ages from an andesite dike of the dike swarm. These ages are statistically indistinguishable, indicating emplacement of the dike swarm before the clockwise rotation.
Niwa, Masakazu; Amamiya, Hiroki*; Yonaga, Yusuke; Ogita, Yasuhiro; Yasue, Kenichi*; Iwano, Hideki*; Danhara, Toru*; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 126(5), p.267 - 283, 2020/05
U-Pb and fission-track (FT) ages from single zircon grain were measured for three tephra samples (TKB3, TKB6, and TKB7) intercalated in Neogene to Quaternary in Horonobe area, Hokkaido, to understand their depositional ages. In TKB3 and TKB6, weighed average U-Pb and FT ages for zircon grains within the youngest age range are coincident within a range of error 2 each other, which suggest that their ages correspond to the eruption ages. In TKB7, FT ages for most zircons are reset to their U-Pb ages or younger. The weighed average FT age for all analyzed zircons and weighed average U-Pb age for zircon grains within the youngest age range are coincident within a range of error 2
each other. Thus, their ages could also show the eruption age.
Ueki, Tadamasa; Niwa, Masakazu; Iwano, Hideki*; Danhara, Toru*; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 125(3), p.227 - 236, 2019/03
no abstracts in English
Sasao, Eiji; Danhara, Toru*; Iwano, Hideki*; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 124(2), p.141 - 150, 2018/02
Here U-Pb and reassessed fission track (FT) ages are presented for samples from the Miocene Mizunami and Iwamura groups in the southeastern Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. The U-Pb ages of three tuff samples coincide with the reassessed FT ages within the error range. These new U-Pb and reassessed FT ages are consistent with those reported in previous microfossil and paleomagnetic studies, which indicate the following depositional history: The Hongo and Akeyo formations of the Mizunami Group were deposited at ~19-18 Ma and ca. 18 Ma, respectively, and the lower part of the Toyama Formation of the Iwamura Group was deposited ca. 18 Ma.
Ueki, Tadamasa; Niwa, Masakazu
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 123(12), p.1061 - 1066, 2017/12
Conventional point counting method for modal analysis is time-consuming, and often affected by measurer's skill and subjective view on the determination of minerals. We introduce the alternate method using scanning X-ray analytical microscope and image processing and analyzing softwares. This method is simple and not affected by measurer's skill and subjective view. By using this method for thin sections or polished slabs of granitic rocks, we provided clear images showing mineral distributions and obtained objective data of modal compositions efficiently and quickly.
Ikuta, Masafumi*; Niwa, Masakazu; Danhara, Toru*; Yamashita, Toru*; Maruyama, Seiji*; Kamataki, Takanobu*; Kobayashi, Tetsuo*; Kurosawa, Hideki*; Kokubu, Yoko; Hirata, Takafumi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 122(3), p.89 - 107, 2016/03
We carried out mineral composition analysis, morphological classification of volcanic glass shards and refractive index measurements of the glass shards and orthopyroxene from the eruption products from Sakurajima volcano. In this study, refractive indexes of hydrated and non-hydrated parts within each individual glass shard were measured separately. This measurements in consideration of hydration in glass shards made possible distinct discrimination of the pumice samples from the three eruption events of Bunmei, An-ei, and Taisho. Pumice layers in the core samples obtained from the southern part of the Miyazaki Plain were also identified as the Sakurajima-Bunmei tephra by the above mentioned analyses, and also by the data of radiocarbon dating for coaly materials included in the pumice layers. Occurrences of the pumice layers suggest that the Sakurajima-Bunmei tephra could have reached the southern part of Miyazaki Plain as pumice falls.
Yasue, Kenichi; Takatori, Ryoichi*; Tanikawa, Shinichi*; Ninomiya, Atsushi*; Tanase, Atsushi*; Furusawa, Akira*; Tajikara, Masayoshi*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 120(12), p.435 - 445, 2014/12
Estimating the rate of change in landforms and geological environments due to erosion is important when assessing the safety of the geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste in Japan. The aim of this study is to develop an index of erosion rates in inland mountains. We focused on circular abandoned channels, which are old river valleys around detached meander cores formed by the cut-off of incised meandering rivers. The channels can be useful for estimating incision rates because they occur at a range of elevations throughout the Japanese Islands. We undertook a case study to determine the incision rate using a circular abandoned channel in the middle reaches of the Kumanogawa River in the Kii Peninsula, where many circular abandoned channels have been identified. We obtained undisturbed core samples of old river channel deposits and angular gravel deposits that overlie the circular abandoned channel. The old river channel deposits have been emergent since at least MIS5, based on an analysis of the soil color in angular gravel deposits. The incision rate, as calculated from this age and the difference in elevation between the abandoned and present channels, is less than about 0.9 m/ky. This study shows that analyses of circular abandoned channels can yield estimates of incision rates and potentially also uplift rates. More accurate estimates of incision rates require further studies of the dating and evolution of sediments that overlie circular abandoned channels.
Yasue, Kenichi; Ishimaru, Tsuneari; Kobori, Kazuo; Umeda, Koji; Nakatsuka, Noboru
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 120(12), p.XIII - XIV, 2014/12
From the viewpoint of present and future use of underground space such as the geological disposal of radioactive waste and carbon dioxide, this is a need to understand subsurface geological structures in the Japanese islands. In general, conventional methods of subsurface mapping are widely used to convert subsurface geological information into two-dimensional space. We present subsurface geological structures on horizontal-section maps at depths of 0, 500, and 1,000 meters below sea level. We also map surface geological units consisting of pre-Neogene basement rocks. Data from existing geological maps, geological cross sections and boreholes were used as input to the maps. The data has been gathered from publications prior to 2001.
Sasao, Eiji
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 120(10), p.345 - 359, 2014/10
This study utilizes information on the uranium deposit as an analogue of the long-term stability and function as the natural barrier system of the geological environments in Japanese island. Information on distribution and mode of occurrence of uranium deposit was compiled from the published data. Distribution of uranium deposit suggests that geological environments suitable for geological isolation are widely distributed in the Japanese Islands, despite their location in a geologically active area. The mode of occurrence of the uranium deposits indicates that formation of uranium-bearing mineral as well as sorption is expected in both sedimentary and crystalline rocks. The functioning of the natural barrier would be expected in various geological environments in the Japanese Islands, because mineralization and sorption are regarded as a barrier function to retard the migration of radionuclides in HLW, and because of the uranium deposits in the various rock types.
Shimada, Koji; Kametaka, Masao*; Nakayama, Kazuhiko; Seshimo, Kazuyoshi; Tanaka, Yoshihiro; Hayashi, Toshio*; Tanaka, Yukumo; Shimogama, Kota*; Okazaki, Kazuhiko*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 119(11), p.727 - 731, 2013/11
Staples for a stapler can be used as a frame of a small oriented sample taken from fragile and scarce fault gouge. The fault gouge was slotted for staples of an insert. Staples are a group of about ten or less ones holding right-angled three small surfaces. Pre-oriented staples set the slot would remove then presented for the SEM observation. Only a knife, some glues and simple equipment are needed for the method in the field or laboratories.
Tsuruta, Tadahiko; Tagami, Masahiko; Amano, Kenji; Matsuoka, Toshiyuki; Kurihara, Arata; Yamada, Yasuhiro*; Koike, Katsuaki*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 119(2), p.59 - 74, 2013/02
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is developing a geoscientific research project, Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) project, in order to establish scientific and technological basis for geological disposal of HLW. A series of geological mapping, reflection seismic survey, borehole investigation and geological investigations around research galleries are carried out to identify the distribution and the heterogeneity of fractures and faults that are potential major flow-pass of groundwater as field investigations. This paper describes geological investigations in the MIU project, focused on the evaluation of their effectiveness in order to understand the deep underground geological environment.
Yamada, Kunimi; Yasue, Kenichi; Iwano, Hideki*; Yamada, Ryuji*; Umeda, Koji; Omura, Kentaro*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 118(7), p.437 - 448, 2012/07
Fission-track analyses for samples corrected from around the Atera fault indicated 2 conclusions. The dip-slip displacement of the Atera fault after Cretaceous is about 1 km. It is similar to the displacement of basement rocks or topography across the fault. These are consistent with previous studies that indicated the present Atera fault activity began after late Pliocene. The fracture zone along the fault was widely heated at about 20 Ma. It indicates that the fracture zone existed at the time and perhaps the paleo fault activity has already begun.
Sasao, Eiji; Danhara, Toru*; Iwano, Hideki*; Hayashi, Joji*
Chishitsugaku Zasshi, 117(8), p.476 - 481, 2011/08
Fission track age dating was done on 14 tuff samples from the Miocene Mizunami and Iwamura Groups, distributed in the southeastern part of Gifu Prefecture, central Japan. The depositional ages are estimated to be as follows: about 17 Ma (the Hongo Formation) and 17-16 Ma (the Akeyo Formation) for the Mizunami Group, 20-18 Ma (the Agi Formation) and 17-16 Ma (the middle part of the Toyama Formation) for the Iwamura Group. In terms of correlation of the Mizunami and Iwamura Groups and the Kani Group on the west side of the Mizunami Group, the Akeyo and Hongo Formations of the Mizunami Group correlate with the Toyama Formation of the Iwamura Group and the Hiramaki Formation of the Kani Group, respectively.