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社本 真一; 山内 宏樹; 飯田 一樹*; 池内 和彦*; Hall, A. E.*; Chen, Y.-S.*; Lee, M. K.*; Balakrishnan, G.*; Chang, L.-J.*
Communications Physics (Internet), 6, p.248_1 - 248_6, 2023/09
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:30.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)MnRhSi単結晶の中性子散乱測定により、局所スピン相関秩序がらせん構造を持つことがわかった。磁気クラスター形成の起源の可能性を、リフシッツ不変量とグリフィス相の観点から議論し、CoZnMnの室温スキルミオン相とMnの非フェルミ液体挙動と比較した。
Sala, G.*; Stone, M. B.*; Halsz, G. B.*; Lumsden, M. D.*; Fay, A, F,*; Pajerowski, D. M.*; 河村 聖子; 金子 耕士; Mazzone, D. G.*; Simutis, G.*; et al.
Communications Physics (Internet), 6, p.234_1 - 234_7, 2023/08
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:71.21(Physics, Multidisciplinary)We demonstrate and elucidate quantum effects on the honeycomb lattice through comprehensive inelastic neutron scattering measurements of the prototype honeycomb lattice quantum magnet YbCl as a function of applied magnetic field. Examining the spectrum above the saturation field where linear spin-wave theory is essentially exact, we accurately determine the dominant nearest-neighbor Heisenberg interaction. Below the saturation field, we reveal a field-dependent energy renormalization of the entire magnetic spectrum; the sharp spin-wave modes as well as the multimagnon continuum. This renormalization is a quantum effect that can be accurately captured by the first 1=S correction in nonlinear spin-wave theory. Furthermore, we find that the application of a magnetic field induces a qualitatively new sharp feature inside the multimagnon continuum; the lower edge of a specific two-magnon component; which is complementary to the previously observed Van Hove singularity and demonstrates that structures within the multimagnon continuum can occur over a wide experimental parameter space and can be used as an additional means of identifying quantum phenomena.
Zhang, T.*; 田島 裕之*; 関野 裕太*; 内野 瞬; Liang, H.*
Communications Physics (Internet), 6, p.86_1 - 86_7, 2023/04
被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:30.70(Physics, Multidisciplinary)空間的に一様なラビ結合を介した、2成分フェルミ超流動状態とノーマル状態間のレーザー誘起アンドレフ反射を理論的に提案する。超流動状態とノーマル状態間のトンネル電流をラビ結合の4次まで解析することにより、アンドレーフ電流がゼロ温度で非従来型の非オーミック輸送を示すことを発見した。これは、従来の超伝導体-常伝導体接合とは対照的で、化学ポテンシャルバイアスの値に関わらず、ゼロ離調においてアンドレーエフ電流が唯一の寄与となることが明らかになった。この結果は、アンドレーエフ反射を量子情報鏡として利用することで、ブラックホール情報のパラドックスを解明する道筋を示すものであると考えられる。
浅川 寛太*; 福谷 克之; 河内 泰三*
Journal of Physics Communications (Internet), 6(10), p.105004_1 - 105004_6, 2022/10
The Verwey transition on FeO(111) surface was investigated using nuclear resonant x-ray scattering (NRS). Measurements were conducted below (85K) and above (297 and 500K) the Verwey transition temperature. The internal magnetic field estimated from the NRS frequency spectra agreed with that of bulk FeO at all measured temperatures. A clear change in the intensity ratio of the two peaks in the frequency spectra was observed across the Verwey transition. The results indicate that despite the presence of the peculiar surface electronic states which makes the changes in the electronic properties across the Verwey transition temperature blurred, the hyperfine parameters of the (111) surface show a clear change across the Verwey transition temperature.
古池 美彦*; Ouyang, D.*; 富永 大輝*; 松尾 龍人*; 向山 厚*; 川北 至信; 藤原 悟*; 秋山 修志*
Communications Physics (Internet), 5(1), p.75_1 - 75_12, 2022/04
被引用回数:4 パーセンタイル:52.94(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Circadian clock proteins often reveal temperature-compensatory responses that counteract temperature influences to keep their enzymatic activities constant over a physiological range of temperature. This temperature-compensating ability at the reaction level is likely crucial for circadian clock systems, to which the clock proteins are incorporated, to achieve the system-level temperature compensation of the oscillation frequency. Nevertheless, temperature compensation is yet a puzzling phenomenon, since side chains that make up the clock proteins fluctuate more frequently due to greater thermal energy at higher temperature. Here, we investigated temperature influences on the dynamics of KaiC, a temperature-compensated enzyme (ATPase) that hydrolyzes ATP into ADP in the cyanobacterial circadian clock system, using quasielastic neutron scattering. The frequency of picosecond to subnanosecond incoherent local motions in KaiC was accelerated by a factor of only 1.2 by increasing the temperature by 10C. This temperature insensitivity of the local motions was not necessarily unique to KaiC, but confirmed also for a series of temperature-sensitive mutants of KaiC and proteins other than clock-related proteins. Rather, the dynamics associated with the temperature-compensatory nature of the reaction- and system-level was found in global diffusional motions, which was suggested to regulate the temperature dependence of ATPase activity and dephosphorylation process presumably through changes in the hexamer conformation of KaiC. The spatiotemporal scale at which cross-scale causality of the temperature sensitivity is established is finite, and extends down to picosecond to subnanosecond dynamics only in a very limited part of KaiC, not in its entire part.
原田 秀郎; 高山 直毅; 米田 政夫
Journal of Physics Communications (Internet), 4(8), p.085004_1 - 085004_17, 2020/08
原子炉を用いた放射化分析などで重要な中性子共鳴積分値を高精度化するため、熱外中性子スペクトルの新しい近似を定式化した。近似式の導出に当たっては、はじめにモンテカルロ計算コードMVP-3を用いて参照解となる中性子スペクトルを計算し、これから 型の関数型を導出した。従来の近似式に比較し、導出した関数型は、中性子共鳴積分値を高精度に決定できることを示した。この検討は、過去にJRR-3で行われたCsの中性子共鳴積分値の測定データに基づき行われた。また、提唱した近似式に導入したパラメータ及びを実験的に決定するため、3種類のフラックスモニター(Au, Co及びZr)を用いる手法を提唱するとともに、解析手法を定式化した。
Wang, H.*; 大津 秀暁*; 千賀 信幸*; 川瀬 頌一郎*; 武内 聡*; 炭竃 聡之*; 小山 俊平*; 櫻井 博儀*; 渡辺 幸信*; 中山 梓介; et al.
Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), p.78_1 - 78_6, 2019/07
被引用回数:9 パーセンタイル:55.81(Physics, Multidisciplinary)陽子(あるいは中性子)過剰核の効率的な生成経路を探索することは、原子核反応研究の主な動機のひとつである。本研究では、Pdに対する核子当たり50MeVの陽子および重陽子入射による残留核生成断面積を逆運動学法によって測定した。その結果、重陽子入射ではAgやPd同位体の生成断面積が大きくなることを実験的に示した。また、理論計算による解析から、この生成断面積の増大は重陽子の不完全融合反応に起因することを示した。これらの結果は、陽子過剰核の生成において重陽子のような弱束縛核の利用が有効であることを示すものである。
和田 有希*; 榎戸 輝揚*; 中村 佳敬*; 古田 禄大; 湯浅 孝行*; 中澤 知洋*; 森本 健志*; 佐藤 光輝*; 松元 崇弘*; 米徳 大輔*; et al.
Communications Physics (Internet), 2(1), p.67_1 - 67_9, 2019/06
被引用回数:53 パーセンタイル:92.01(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Two types of high-energy events have been detected from thunderstorms. One is "terrestrial gamma-ray flashes" (TGFs), sub-millisecond emissions coinciding with lightning discharges. The other is minute-lasting "gamma-ray glows". Although both phenomena are thought to originate from relativistic runaway electron avalanches in strong electric fields, the connection between them is not well understood. Here we report unequivocal simultaneous detection of a gamma-ray glow termination and a downward TGF, observed from the ground. During a winter thunderstorm in Japan on 9 January 2018, our detectors caught a gamma-ray glow, which moved for 100 s with ambient wind, and then abruptly ceased with a lightning discharge. Simultaneously, the detectors observed photonuclear reactions triggered by a downward TGF, whose radio pulse was located within 1 km from where the glow ceased. It is suggested that the highly-electrified region producing the glow was related to the initiation of the downward TGF.