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Journal Articles

Preparation of ion-track membranes of poly($$p$$-phenylene terephthalamide)

Yamaki, Tetsuya; Asano, Masaharu; Maekawa, Yasunari; Suzuki, Yasuyuki; Yoshida, Masaru; Neumann, R.*; Voss, K.-O.*

GSI Report 2007-1, P. 332, 2007/06

The preparation of ion-track membranes of thermally stable poly($$p$$-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPTA) was performed by ion beam irradiation followed by chemical etching with a sodium hypochlorite solution. Cylindrical pores were observed in the membrane irradiated with $$^{197}$$Au and $$^{238}$$U ions at an energy of 11.1 MeV/n. In contrast, funnel shape pores appeared in the membrane irradiated with $$^{84}$$Kr, $$^{102}$$Ru and $$^{129}$$Xe ion at energies of 6.2, 3.6 and 3.5 MeV/n, respectively. The effect of the ion velocity as well as of the LET in the damage creation might be manifested for the present etched tracks.

Journal Articles

Influence of ion-charge state on damage morphology of ion tracks in dark mica

Lang, M.*; Hasenkamp, W.*; Ishikawa, Norito; Medvedev, N.*; Neumann, R.*; Papal$'e$o, R.*; Trautmann, C.*; Voss, K.-O.*; Yamaki, Tetsuya

GSI Report 2007-1, P. 313, 2007/06

We report how the ion charge state affects the track morphology of phlogopite, a dark mica mineral. The phlogopite samples were irradiated with nickel-58 ions at three different accelerators (GSI, Tokai/JAEA, and Takasaki/JAEA). The charge state of the Ni beams from both the JAEA accelerators was non-equilibrium, whereas at GSI it was adjusted to the equilibrium by passing the ions through three Al-foils. After chemical etching in a hydrogen fluoride aqueous solution, the tracks from different charge states of +15 (388 MeV) and +23 (373 MeV) were inspected by scanning force microscopy. The significant difference in etch-pit size and shape indicates the direct influence of the charge state in the track morphology.

2 (Records 1-2 displayed on this page)
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