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春山 保幸; 金子 広久; 花屋 博秋; 山縣 諒平; 清藤 一; 金沢 孝夫; 山口 敏行*; 八木 紀彦*; 高木 雅英*; 平井 利幸*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 176, 2009/12
1号加速器は、新材料開発のためのグラフト重合,半導体の照射効果,外部ユーザーの種々の実験等に利用されている。電子加速器の年間運転時間は860.3hであった。コバルト60線照射施設は3つの照射棟に合計8つの照射室があり、0.004Gy/hから20kGy/hまでの広い範囲の線量率で照射が可能である。コバルト第1照射棟,コバルト第2照射棟及び食品照射棟のそれぞれの年間運転時間は19,480h, 12,503h及び6,066hであった。
須郷 由美; 田口 光正; 永石 隆二; 佐々木 祐二; 広田 耕一; 森田 泰治
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 26, 2009/12
山田 圭介; 宇野 定則; 千葉 敦也; 横山 彰人; 齋藤 勇一; 石井 保行; 佐藤 隆博; 大久保 猛; 上松 敬
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 168, 2009/12
星 陽崇; 菊池 孝浩; 森田 泰治; 木村 貴海
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 24, 2009/12
野上 雅伸*; 杉山 雄一*; 川崎 武志*; 原田 雅幸*; 川田 善尚; 森田 泰治; 菊池 俊明*; 池田 泰久*
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 25, 2009/12
渡辺 智; 橋本 和幸; 渡邉 茂樹; 飯田 靖彦*; 花岡 宏史*; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 109, 2009/12
を塩酸で溶解し、逆相シリカゲルカラムにチャージし、あらかじめ不純物元素を取り除くために陽イオン交換カラム及びキレート交換カラムで精製した0.25M 2-ヒドロキシイソ酪酸(2-HIBA)/0.1M 1-オクタンスルホン酸ナトリウム(1-OS)を溶離液として用い、
伊藤 小百合; 鈴井 伸郎; 河地 有木; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 104, 2009/12
Recently, Cd accumulation in soybean seed is considered one of the acute agricultural problems in Japan. However, characteristics of Cd transport and accumulation in soybean plants are unclear so far. In this study, the mechanism of Cd transport in young soybean plants was characterized using tracer of a positron-emitting Cd (half-life: 6.5 hours) and the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv. Williams) seeds were grown hydroponically for 3 weeks after sowing. The test plants were placed between a set of the PETIS detector heads in another growth chamber.
Cd and was added to the hydroponic solution with non-radioactive Cd. The imaging with PETIS was performed for 36 hours. In the field of view of PETIS,
Cd was observed very weakly. Cd appeared in the shoot base at about 10 hours after Cd feeding, which timing was 10 times later compared with the results of rice. Cd was not reached the leaves within 36 hours. These results may indicate that Cd transport might be particularly slow in soybean plants.
河地 有木; 菊地 郁*; 渡部 浩司*; 鈴井 伸郎; 石井 里美; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 101, 2009/12
Photoassimilate translocation and distribution are important topics for understanding the mechanism of the growth and development of the organ to be harvested. Carbon-11 (C) labeled photoassimilate translocation into fruits of tomato has been imaged using carbon-11-labeled carbon dioxide and the positron emission tomography (PET). Dynamic PET data of gradual increasing of
C activity and its distribution is acquired quantitatively in intact plant body. This indicates that the three dimensional photoassimilate translocation into the fruits is imaged successfully and carbon kinetics is analyzed to understand the plant physiology and nutrition.
鈴井 伸郎; 中村 進一*; 伊藤 小百合; 河地 有木; 石岡 典子; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 102, 2009/12
We have developed a monitoring system of Cd radioactivity in tracer solution using Positron Multi-Probe System (PMPS) that enables the noninvasive measurement of the amounts of
Cd uptake by an intact plant. Two-week old oilseed rape plant (
L.) was placed into a plastic cylindrical container containing 30 ml of 0.5 mM CaCl
solution with approximately 10 MBq of
Cd. The cylindrical container was divided by nylon mesh into two compartments, the root of the plant was immersed in the upper compartment, and a pair of PMPS detectors was placed outside the bottom compartment. As a result, we successfully obtained the continuous data of the amount of a radioactive tracer taken up by the intact plant for 36 hours.
中村 進一*; 鈴井 伸郎; 石岡 典子; 河地 有木; 伊藤 小百合; 服部 浩之*; 茅野 充男*; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 103, 2009/12
Tabacco plant is one of model plants which enable us to manipulate its gene expression, it is expected to create crop plants with low Cd content in the future. In this study, we visualized Cd dynamics in tobacco plant. Tobacco plants () were grown hydroponically in a growth chamber where the growth conditions of plants were controlled completely for two weeks after sowing. After setting plants in the chamber, PETIS experiments were started by adding purified
Cd in nutrient solutions. Time-series images of the
Cd distribution were obtained with the PETIS apparatus. Each image was obtained every four minute for 36 hours. We succeeded to obtain fine serial images of Cd transport and accumulation in tobacco plants. Strong
Cd signals were observed in the roots of tobacco plants. We also could see strong signals of
Cd in the stems. In leaves,
Cd signals were distributed thoroughly. The pattern of Cd signal distribution in the tobacco plants was similar to that in oilseed plants). These results demonstrated that dicotyledonous plants had the similar pattern of Cd distribution when plants were treated at low concentration of Cd.
金子 広久; 春山 保幸; 花屋 博秋; 山縣 諒平; 清藤 一; 金沢 孝夫; 山口 敏行*; 八木 紀彦*; 高木 雅英*; 平井 利幸*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 177, 2009/12
上松 敬; 宇野 定則; 千葉 敦也; 山田 圭介; 横山 彰人; 齋藤 勇一; 石井 保行; 佐藤 隆博; 大久保 猛; 横田 渉; et al.
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 175, 2009/12
平成20年度にTIARAの3台の静電加速器は順調に稼動し、計画されたイオン照射実験はユーザーの都合で中止したものを除いてすべて実施した。年間運転時間は、タンデム加速器,シングルエンド加速器,イオン注入装置についてそれぞれ2009, 2426, 1882時間と例年並であった。整備では、タンデム加速器の制御系の更新を行うとともに、ターミナルの機械的振動による加速電圧の不安定をペレットチェーンの駆動機構の調整により改善した。また、シングルエンド加速器のSFガスの高純度化及びストレージタンクの再塗装を行った。新ビーム開発においては、イオン注入装置でBi
飯田 靖彦*; 花岡 宏史*; 渡辺 智; 渡邉 茂樹; 石岡 典子; 吉岡 弘樹*; 山元 進司*; Paudyal, P.*; Paudyal, B.*; 樋口 哲也*; et al.
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 108, 2009/12
As antibody binds specifically to corresponding antigens, radiolabeled antibody also binds to cells expressing antigens on surface membranes. Large amounts of antibodies labeled with cytotoxic radionuclides are administered intravenously in cancer patients, after diagnostic imaging using the tracer amount of radiolabeled antibody. In this study, we developed this therapy, called radioimmunotherapy, for effective treatment in cancer patients without damaging normal cells which do not express antigens. We developed Lu-DOTA-NuB2 using carrier-free
Lu, and obtained remarkable results for decreasing tumor. Tumor specific radionuclide therapy using
Lu is effective therapy with less adverse reactions.
横田 渉; 佐藤 隆博; 奥村 進; 倉島 俊; 宮脇 信正; 柏木 啓次; 吉田 健一; 神谷 富裕
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 165, 2009/12
石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 河地 有木; 松橋 信平; 大竹 憲邦*; 大山 卓爾*; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 106, 2009/12
The nodule is a symbiotic organ of leguminous plants with rhizobium. Soybean plants utilize nitrogen (N) fixed by nodules from atmospheric N. Until now,
N, a stable isotope, has long been used for studies of N
fixation. However, because this method is invasive, it has been difficult to analyze an instant response to an environmental (ex. temperature, light) changes. The purpose of our study is to image the N
fixation and analyze the kinetics quantitatively and noninvasively by using nitrogen gas labeled with
N (half life: 10 min), a positron emitting isotope, and PETIS (positron-emitting tracer imaging system). Previously, we succeeded in producing
N-labeled nitrogen gas However, it was required to purify the gas because it was likely to contain physiologically active
N-labeled impurities. In this paper, we report development of a new method of production of pure
and the imaging of nitrogen fixation.
菊地 郁*; 河地 有木; 石井 里美; 鈴井 伸郎; 伊藤 小百合; 石岡 典子; 本多 一郎*; 藤巻 秀
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 105, 2009/12
In the eggplant cultivation, defoliation is normally used to prevent the disease and insect as well as raise the efficiency of light interception for efficient fruit production. However the general guideline for defoliation is not established yet because fundamental knowledge about effects of defoliation on the nutritional balance in individuals has hardly been obtained. For these reason, it is important to clarify the accumulation mechanism of the photoassimilates which is translocated from each leaf to the fruit in eggplant. Previously, we succeeded to observe translocation of C-labeled photoassimilates from a leaf into a fruit and established a method for the quantitative analysis of photoassimilates using the positron-emitting tracer imaging system (PETIS). PETIS can noninvasively visualize the movement of
C-labeled photoassimilates in plants and repetitive analyses using one plant are possible due to the short half-life (20 min) of
C. In this study, we analyzed translocation of photoassimilates from each of major leaves to a fruit, and estimated the contribution of the respective leaves to accumulation of photoassimilates in the fruit using
and PETIS.
渡邉 茂樹; 花岡 宏史*; Liang, J. X.; 飯田 靖彦*; 渡辺 智; 遠藤 啓吾*; 石岡 典子
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 107, 2009/12
I-m-Iodobenzylgunanidine (
I-MIBG), functional analogue of norepinephrine, has been employed for the therapy of neuroendcrine tumors which express norepinephrine transporter (NET).
I-MIBG scintigraphy has been also used for diagnosis of the neuroendcrine tumors. However, MIBG scintigraphy has been not enough for diagnosis of neuroendcrine tumors due to poor sensitivity and resolution. Positron emission tomography (PET) is superior to spatial resolution and quantitative capability. To improve diagnostic ability of NET positive neuroendcrine tumor, positron emitter
Br labeled m-bromobenzylguanidine (
Br-MBBG) was synthesized.
Br was synthesized successfully with 50% of labeling efficiency, and the compound had great stability in vitro. In biodistribution studies using neuroendcrine tumor xenografted nude mice,
Br-MBBG showed highest accumulation to the tumor, which is relative high compared to that of MIBG. These results indicate that
Br-MBBG is useful for in vivo imaging of neuroendcrine tumors with PET.
深谷 有喜; 河裾 厚男; 一宮 彪彦
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 145, 2009/12
中曽根 光; 川合 真紀*; 清末 知宏*; 鳴海 一成; 内宮 博文*; 大野 豊
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 65, 2009/12
The phytohormone auxin has roles in controlling various mechanisms in growth, proliferation, and differentiation of plants throughout the life stages. As a research initiative, the analysis of novel mutants created by ion-beam mutagenesis is an effective method. We previously isolated a novel auxin-related mutant which shows a reduced response to the anti-auxin. The SMAP1 gene, which is one of the missing genes in the 44-kb DNA region that is possibly deleted by ion beams in the mutant genome, is responsible for the 2,4-D / anti-auxin-resistant phenotype. The Arabidopsis genome has another copy of the SMAP gene, SMAP2. In this study, to better understand the biological function of the SMAP2 gene and its relationship to the mode of action of 2,4-D, we investigated the expression pattern of the SMAP2 gene and the phenotypic complementation of SMAP2 in the SMAP1 mutant.
長谷 純宏; 岡村 正愛*; 竹下 大学*; 鳴海 一成; 田中 淳
JAEA-Review 2009-041, JAEA Takasaki Annual Report 2008, P. 66, 2009/12
We examined the effect of stress treatment on the frequency of flower-color mutants induced by ion beams. We found that petunia seedlings treated with 3% sucrose from 8 days after sowing accumulated significant amount of pigments within 4 days compared to non-treated control seedlings. The petunia seedlings treated with sucrose were exposed to 320-MeV carbon ions. The sucrose treatment did not affect the survival rate and seed fertility of the M1 plants. In the M2 lines obtained by self-pollination of individual M1 plants, chlorophyll mutants were obtained in both treated and non-treated groups with a similar frequency. Flower-color mutants such as magenta, purple and light pink were obtained from the original color of purplish blue. The frequency of flower-color mutants was significantly higher in sucrose-treated group than in non-treated group. These results suggest that the sucrose pretreatment specifically increases the frequency of flower-color mutation following ion beam irradiation.