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竹田 武司; 大津 巌
Journal of Energy and Power Sources, 2(7), p.274 - 290, 2015/07
An experiment on accident management (AM) measures during a PWR station blackout transient with leakage from primary coolant pump seals was conducted using the ROSA/LSTF under an assumption of non-condensable gas inflow to the primary system from accumulator tanks. The AM measures are steam generator (SG) secondary-side depressurization by fully opening safety valves (SVs) in both SGs and primary-side depressurization by fully opening SV in pressurizer with the start of core uncovery and coolant injection into the SG secondary-side at low pressures. The decrease was accelerated in the primary pressure when the SG primary-to-secondary heat removal resumed soon after the coolant injection into the SG secondary-side. The primary depressurization worsened due to the gas accumulation in the SG U-tubes after accumulator completion. Remaining problems in the RELAP5 code include the predictions of pressure difference between the primary and SG secondary sides after the gas inflow.