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Shimada, Taro; Takeda, Seiji; Mukai, Masayuki; Munakata, Masahiro; Tanaka, Tadao
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol.1744, p.229 - 234, 2015/04
Integrated safety assessment methodology which analyzes radionuclide migration reflecting the spatial and temporal changes of disposal systems was developed for a geological disposal site with uplift and denudation, and then some case analyses for an assumed site with sedimentary rocks were carried out. The combination of uniform uplift and denudation has the most effect on the radionuclide migration because the groundwater flow velocity increases with decreasing the depth from the ground surface. In the case without denudation, tilted uplift has more effect than uniform uplift because flow velocity in tilted uplift increase with increasing hydraulic gradient. The long-term change of the geological structures including the uplift and denudation, the hydraulic conditions, and the recharge and outlet of the groundwater around a candidate site should be carefully investigated to determine the appropriate the place,depth and layout of the repository.