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Shimada, Asako
Nihon Bunseki Kagakukai Kanto Shibu Nyusu, (31), p.7 - 8, 2021/00
I am very glad to win a prize, new century award of Kanto branch of The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry. I deeply appreciate recommender and co-workers. The title of award was "Development of analytical method of difficult to measure nuclides in radioactive wastes", and especially development of analytical method for Am-242m, Mo-93, and I-129 was recognized. By measuring beta-ray of Am-242, which is progeny nuclide of Am-242m and having high intensity and shorter half-life, measuring time was shortened to approximately 1/20 compare to traditional method. Analyzed Mo-93 example was extremely few. When Mo-93 was analyzed via X-ray, Zr-93 and Nb-93m were the interfering nuclides, therefore, separation method of Mo from Zr and Nb was developed and the method was applied to the rubble sample collected at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). Official method to measure I-129 in environmental samples were optimized to measure I-129 in the contaminated water collected at FDNPS.