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Journal Articles

Characteristics of smartphone-wirelessly-connected personal dosemeters

Mikami, Satoshi; Tokiyoshi, Masanori*; Sato, Rina*; Tanaka, Daisuke*; Yoshimura, Kazuya

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 23(1), p.10 - 17, 2024/06

Taisei Corporation and Infocube LAFLA Co., Ltd. have developed the smartphone-wirelessly-connected dosemeters, aiming to apply it to real-time exposure management of multiple decontamination workers. In order to grasp the basic characteristics of the developed dosemeters, they were calibrated and tested their characteristics such as energy dependency, angle of incidence dependency, etc. at photon calibration fields in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. The results showed generally good characteristics in each test. We evaluated that the dosemeters can be effectively used for decontamination work.

Journal Articles

Activity review of Working Group on Accidents Relating X-ray Equipment, Japan Health Physics Society

Igarashi, Yu; Yamaguchi, Ichiro*; Oda, Keiji*; Fukushi, Masahiro*; Sakama, Minoru*; Iimoto, Takeshi*

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 21(2), p.74 - 76, 2022/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Proceeding of 16th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Radiation Management (JRSM) and the 50th Annual Meeting of Japan Health Physics Society (JHPS) (Oita); Oral session-E2 Radiation measurement-2

Mikami, Satoshi

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 16(2), P. 41, 2017/11

I summarized the outline of the oral presentation session where the author served as chairman.

Journal Articles

Survey and countermeasures on radiocesium inflow into a laboratory building for radioactivity analysis

Kurita, Yoshiyuki; Saegusa, Jun; Maeda, Satoshi

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 15(2), p.180 - 185, 2016/11

In 2012, JAEA has established a laboratory in Fukushima-city to implement radioactivity analysis of environmental samples. Key nuclides measured in this laboratory are $$^{134}$$Cs and $$^{137}$$Cs (radiocesium). For the purpose, situation of radiocesium inflow into the laboratory building and its effects were investigated based on high-resolution gamma-spectrometry with germanium detectors. As a result, the surface density of radiocesium in the laboratory was found to be far below the minimum detectable activities of survey instruments routinely used for radiation control purposes.

Journal Articles

The Installation and the radiation protection of the optically stimulated luminescence reader with sealed beta source in the Toki Research Institute of Isotope Geology and Geochronology, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Tokuyasu, Kayoko; Furuta, Sadaaki*; Kokubu, Yoko; Umeda, Koji

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 15(1), p.80 - 87, 2016/07

An optically stimulated luminescence reader (Riso TL/OSL DA-20) was installed in Toki Research Institute of Isotope Geology and Geochronology (Toki-shi, Gifu Prefecture), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for dating the geological sample. An accumulated dose of the sample is obtained using the reader. Sealed beta source of strontium-90 is required to be mounted on the reader because repeated artificial irradiation is necessary for the accumulated dose estimation. However, there are not many introduction examples for the reader domestically, and the information as to radiation control of the reader is limited. We therefore report here the process of source loading on the reader and radiation control associated with the use of the source.

Journal Articles

Application of the small OSL elements to the ring type dosemeter

Miyauchi, Hideaki; Yoshitomi, Hiroshi; Sato, Yoshitaka; Takahashi, Fumiaki; Tachibana, Haruo; Kobayashi, Ikuo*; Suzuki, Akifumi*

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 12(1), p.41 - 45, 2013/07

In the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), exposures to fingertips can be significant in radiological decontamination at the facilities with mixture fields of beta and $$gamma$$ (X) rays. The radiation doses to fingertips have been measured by ring type dosemeters equipped with thermoluminescence dosemeters (TLD) in JAEA. We applied small Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) elements to the ring type dosemeter, which has the advantages in the use for long term and repeating in dose measurements comparing to the TLDs. In this report, we introduce the outline and the dose evaluation method of the new ring type dosimeter which we applied.

Journal Articles

Method for monitoring radioactive cesium concentration in water using cesium adsorption disk and GM survey meter

Nagano, Tetsushi; Mitamura, Hisayoshi; Yanase, Nobuyuki; Naganawa, Hirochika; Yasuda, Kenichiro; Yoshida, Zenko; Yamaguchi, Hiroaki*

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 11(2), p.139 - 145, 2012/11

An on-site monitoring method for radioactive cesium concentration in water using a cesium adsorption disk and a GM survey meter has been developed to rapidly and easily ascertain whether the water quality meets standards on radiological contaminants in water. In this method, both dissolved and suspended forms of radioactive cesium are collected on the cesium adsorption disk by means of filtration of a water sample. Beta counting rate of the disk is converted into radioactivity using a conservative calibration factor obtained here. The present on-site method was applied to monitoring of decontaminated water of an outdoor school swimming pool in Date city after Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident.

Journal Articles

Efficiency calibration of radioactivity measuring instrument with the representative point calibration method

Saegusa, Jun

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 6(2), P. 111, 2007/11

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of tissue equivalent materials

Kinase, Sakae

Nihon Hoshasen Anzen Kanri Gakkai-Shi, 5(2), p.92 - 93, 2006/10

no abstracts in English

9 (Records 1-9 displayed on this page)
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