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Kato, Atsushi; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Nabeshima, Kunihiko; Iwasaki, Mikinori*; Akiyama, Yo*; Oya, Takeaki*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.593 - 600, 2015/05
Japan sodium cooled fast reactor is the advanced loop type reactor developing in Japan. After the Fukushima-Dai-ichi NPP accident, system enhancement against severe accident have been investigated mainly for residual decay heat removal system, spent fuel storage system and emergency power sources in order to satisfy the safety design criteria for Generation IV SFR. This paper describes principle of the building layout design and the actual approach to be consistent with the recent design enhancement in JSFR. From the perspective of greater ability to withstand severe events, the principles of the building layout design as the measures against aircraft attack and the consequential fire, and tsunami are introduced in order to avoid local event initiating and simultaneous redundant failure of the safety grade facilities and could achieve lowering risk of the loss of all stuck and maintaining the essential power supply.
Ohira, Hiroaki; Doda, Norihiro; Kamide, Hideki; Iwasaki, Takashi*; Minami, Masaki*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.2585 - 2592, 2015/05
IAEA's Coordinated Research Project on Benchmark Analyses of Shutdown Heat Removal Test (SHRT) performed at the Experimental Breeder Reactor-II (EBR-II) has been carried out since 2012. The benchmark specifications were provided by the Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) and the model development for thermal-hydraulics codes and/or plant dynamics codes has been conducted by participating organizations. The experimental data were also provided by the ANL after the calculations have been performed as the blind simulation. JAEA participated in this benchmark analyses, and the plant dynamics analysis code; Super-COPD was applied to the SHRT-17 simulation. The calculated inlet temperature of the high pressure plenum agreed well with the test data in all simulation time. Although the Z-pipe inlet temperature and the IHX intermediate outlet temperature had some discrepancy in the first 400 sec. caused by larger mass flow rate of the primary pump and the perfect mixing model of upper plenum, these temperatures and the flow rate agreed well with the measured data after 400 sec. Hence it was concluded the present analytical model could predict the natural circulation in good accuracy.
Kawasaki, Nobuchika; Sakamoto, Yoshihiko; Eto, Masao*; Taniguchi, Yoshihiro*; Kamishima, Yoshio*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.760 - 769, 2015/05
The Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor, JSFR, is currently under conceptual study. The concept of JSFR's reactor system is a compact reactor system to avoid excessive increase of reactor vessel diameter with structural and fluid integrities. To realize this concept, single rotating plug with advanced refueling system is adopted. Advanced refueling system consists of column type Upper Internal Structure and pantograph type Fuel Handling Machine. To realize structural and fluid integrities, top entry piping, sodium dam and flow block/guide structures are adopted. Structural integrities against seismic displacement or thermal stress and fluid integrities against vortex cavitations or cover gas entrainment can be ensured with these designs.
Aizawa, Kosuke; Togashi, Yoshinori; Sasaki, Koei; Chikazawa, Yoshitaka; Fukuie, Masaru*; Jimbo, Noboru*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.808 - 816, 2015/05
Inspection technique in opaque liquid metal coolant is one of the important issues for the safety warranty of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactor (LMFBR) core. A performance test of Under Sodium Viewer (USV) which was developed to detect obstacles in reactor vessel of LMFBR Monju was carried out. The ultrasonic sensors and reflectors are located across the core inside the Monju reactor vessel. The USV detects the obstacle between the core top and the bottom of Upper Core Structure (UCS) by differences of echo signals. This reports showed the USV performance test in Monju before power operation. In the test, the basic echo signals in various conditions were accumulated and signal to noise ratio met with the design value. Measured signals with and without obstacles showed difference clearly. Those experimental results showed that basic performance of the USV to detect an obstacle between the core and UCS.
Watanabe, So; Sano, Yuichi; Nomura, Kazunori; Koma, Yoshikazu; Okamoto, Yoshihiro
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.2781 - 2788, 2015/05
Passerini, S.*; Carardi, C.*; Grandy, C.*; Azpitarte, O. E.*; Chocron, M.*; Japas, M. L.*; Bubelis, E.*; Perez-Martin, S.*; Jayaraj, S.*; Roelofs, F.*; et al.
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.780 - 790, 2015/05
Nakaya, Hiroyuki*; Matsuura, Hideaki*; Katayama, Kazunari*; Goto, Minoru; Nakagawa, Shigeaki
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.398 - 402, 2015/05
The performance of tritium production for fusion reactor using High-Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR) is studied. An influence of Li concentration on tritium production performance using HTGR is estimated. Li compound is loaded in the reactor core using Li rod consisting cylindrical Li compound in cladding tube. A Gas Turbine High-Temperature Reactor of 300 MWe nominal capacity (GTHTR300) with 600 MW thermal output power is assumed as HTGR. An amount of tritium production is estimated by burn-up calculations using the continuous-energy Monte Carlo transport code MVP-BURN. The amount of tritium outflow is estimated from equilibrium solution for the tritium diffusion equation in the cladding tube. Even if 6Li is enriched, the GTHTR300 can produce 500 g of tritium over 180-day operation without increasing the amount of required
Li. The amount of tritium outflow is decreased by 20-50%.
Rouault, J.*; Le Coz, P.*; Garnier, J.-C.*; Hamy, J.-M.*; Hayafune, Hiroki; Iitsuka, Toru*; Mochida, Haruo*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.832 - 837, 2015/05
The French and international industrial partners already joined the project from 2010 to 2013 and many others are also effective in the Research and Development in support of ASTRID. A new partnership is now effective on both topics with Japan. This collaboration on the ASTRID Program and Sodium Fast Reactor is now fully integrated in the ASTRID program organization. In addition a specific Joint Team, CEA, AREVA, JAEA, MHI and MFBR, has been created to follow specifically Japanese contribution and develop evaluations of a common interest to orientate future work and contribute to ASTRID options confirmation and be of an interest for the future Japanese Fast Breeder reactor.
Rouault, J.*; Abonneau, E.*; Settimo, D.*; Hamy, J.-M.*; Hayafune, Hiroki; Gefflot, R.*; Benard, R.-P.*; Mandement, O.*; Chauveau, T.*; Lambert, G.*; et al.
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.824 - 831, 2015/05
The Preconceptual Design phase of the ASTRID Project ended late 2012, the main goal was to evaluate innovative options. It is now followed by the AVP2 phase planned until the end of 2015 whose objectives are both to focus the design in order to finalize a coherent reactor outline and to finalize by December 2015 the Safety Option Report. The CEA acts as the industrial architect of the project. In 2014, Japan which participates now in the design studies and also in Research and Development in support of the ASTRID Project and VELAN are the latest partners to join the Project. The next important milestone is at the end of 2015 with the release by the Project team of a convincing and coherent Conceptual Design file.
Chevalier-Jabet, K.*; Zheng, X.; Mabrouk, A.*; Maruyama, Yu; Baccou, J.*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), 13 Pages, 2015/05
Ito, Hiromichi; Suzuki, Nobuhiro; Kobayashi, Tetsuhiko; Kawahara, Hirotaka; Nagai, Akinori; Sakao, Ryuta*; Murata, Chotaro*; Tanaka, Junya*; Matsusaka, Yasunori*; Tatsuno, Takahiro*
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.1058 - 1067, 2015/05
In the experimental fast reactor Joyo (Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR)), it was confirmed that the top of the irradiation test sub-assembly had bent onto the in-vessel storage rack as an obstacle and had damaged the upper core structure (UCS). There is a risk of deformation of the UCS and guide sleeve (GS) caused by interference between them unless inclination is controlled precisely. To mitigate the risk, special jack-up equipment for applying three-point suspension was developed. The existing damaged UCS (ed-UCS) jack-up test using the jack-up equipment was conducted on May 7, 2014. As a result of this test, it was confirmed that the ed-UCS could be successfully jacked-up to 1000 mm without consequent overload. The experience and knowledge gained in the ed-UCS jack-up test provides valuable insights and prospects not only for UCS replacement but also for further improving and verifying repair techniques in SFRs.
Yamano, Hidemasa; Nishino, Hiroyuki; Kurisaka, Kenichi; Okano, Yasushi; Sakai, Takaaki; Yamamoto, Takahiro*; Ishizuka, Yoshihiro*; Geshi, Nobuo*; Furukawa, Ryuta*; Nanayama, Futoshi*; et al.
Proceedings of 2015 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2015) (CD-ROM), p.454 - 465, 2015/05
This paper describes mainly strong wind PRA methodology development in addition to the project overview. In developing the strong wind PRA methodology, hazard curves were estimated by using Weibull and Gumbel distributions based on weather data recorded in Japan. The obtained hazard curves were divided into five discrete categories for event tree quantification. Next, failure probabilities for decay heat removal related components were calculated as a product of two probabilities: i.e., a probability for the missiles to enter the intake or outtake in the decay heat removal system, and fragility caused by the missile impacts. Finally, based on the event tree, the core damage frequency was estimated about 610
/year by multiplying the discrete hazard probabilities in the Gumbel distribution by the conditional decay heat removal failure probabilities. A dominant sequence was led by the assumption that the operators could not extinguish fuel tank fire caused by the missile impacts and the fire induced loss of the decay heat removal system.