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沖田 将一朗; 水田 直紀; 高松 邦吉; 後藤 実; 吉田 克己*; 西村 洋亮*; 岡本 孝司*
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05
Adoption of SiC-matrix fuel elements in future pin-in-block type HTGR designs will enhance oxidation resistance of the fuel element in the event of the air ingress accident, one of the most worrisome accidents in HTGRs. This would eliminate the need for the graphite sleeves used in the current pin-in-block type HTGR designs and enable high power density core designs with sleeveless and direct coolable fuel structure. Such a concept itself has been suggested by Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in the past. However, JAEA has not yet demonstrated the feasibility for a core design with the SiC-matrix fuel elements. The present work is intended to demonstrate the feasibility for a new core design upgraded from an existing conceptual core design, called HTR50S, with 50 MW thermal power and reactor outlet temperature of 750C. The new core design uses SiC-matrix fuel elements and increases the reactor power density to 1.2 times higher than the original HTR50S design. The feasibility is determined by whether the core satisfies the target values in nuclear and thermal-hydraulic designs by performing burn-up calculation with the whole core model and fuel temperature calculations. The calculation results showed that the new core design satisfied these target values on the reactor shutdown margin, the temperature coefficient of reactivity, and the maximum fuel temperature during normal operation.
尾崎 裕介; 石井 英一
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05
Tuya, D.; 長家 康展
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05
堀口 直樹; 吉田 啓之; 北辻 章浩; 長谷川 信*; 岸本 忠史*
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05
石井 克典; 青木 健; 井坂 和義; 野口 弘喜; 清水 厚志; 佐藤 博之
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
JAEA initiated High Temperature engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) heat application test project to establish coupling technologies between HTGR and a hydrogen production plant necessary to achieve large-scale, low cost, and carbon-free hydrogen production. One important element for the coupling technologies is a system analysis code which can simulate dynamic behavior of a HTGR hydrogen production system to design a plant control system for the effects of circulated helium heat through both facilities. The code is required to deal with a complex system which involves several subsystems and different physics with different timescales. As a first step of the development, we developed a heat and mass balance evaluation model of a helium-heated steam reformer. This report will present the outline of the developed model and simulation results with comparison to the experimental results.
Luu, V. N.; 中島 邦久
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
Information of Cs distribution is important for decommissioning of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). Several experimental studies confirmed the Cs retention on stainless steels by chemical reaction at very high temperatures (commonly above 800C), but the Cs retention on non-metallic materials, such as concrete and thermal insulators, was not fully understood though they are used with large quantity in light water reactors. This study demonstrated that Cs might be deposited and retained on the concrete structure where the temperature was not so high during the 1F accident. It was revealed that the CsOH/concrete interaction at around 200C resulted in the formation of water-insoluble Cs-(Al,Fe)-Si-O deposits and water-soluble phases, i.e., cesium carbonate hydrate and possibly cesium silicate, if Al and Fe are not present. CsOH might be trapped on concrete by chemical reaction with CaCO to form CsCO hydrate, and with aluminosilicate and SiO(quartz) to form Cs-Al-Si-O and Cs-Si-O deposits, respectively. This output will be useful for elucidating the trapping mechanism that caused an extremely high radioactivity on concrete shield plugs at 1F, and for developing an effective decommissioning practice for concrete structure.
渡部 創; 高畠 容子; 長谷川 健太; 後藤 一郎*; 宮崎 康典; 渡部 雅之; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2023/05
Japan Atomic Energy Agency is developing extraction chromatography technology for MA(III) recovery from spent nuclear fuel. Developments in the extraction chromatography system especially focusing on safety and stable operation are required for practical application of the technology. In this paper, main tasks which have to be challenged preferentially are discussed based on achievements obtained by previous studies and potential MA(III) recovery process flow.
長谷川 健太; 後藤 一郎*; 宮崎 康典; 安倍 弘; 渡部 創; 渡部 雅之; 佐野 雄一; 竹内 正行
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 5 Pages, 2023/05
JAEA has been working on development of extraction chromatography technology for recovery of trivalent minor actinides (MA(III): Am, Cm) from high-level radioactive waste generated in reprocessing of spent fuel. The technology utilizes porous silica particles with about 50 micrometre diameter for support of adsorbents. The particles are coated by styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer, and an extractant for MA recovery is impregnated into the polymer. Pressure drop of the packed column depends on characteristics of the particle (diameter, uniformity and pore size). Large pressure drop of the column is not favorable for safety assessment of the technology although a certain level of the pressure drop is indispensable for excellent separation performance. In this study, spray drying granulation experiments and fundamental characterization of the product particle were carried out to find optimal specs of the particle and conditions of the granulation operation.
青木 健; 清水 厚志; 野口 弘喜; 倉林 薫; 安田 貴則; 野本 恭信; 飯垣 和彦; 佐藤 博之; 坂場 成昭
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
野本 恭信; 水田 直紀; 守田 圭介; 青木 健; 沖田 将一朗; 石井 克典; 倉林 薫; 安田 貴則; 田中 真人; 井坂 和義; et al.
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05
JAEA initiated an HTTR heat application test plan to develop for coupling technology between HTGR and hydrogen production facility. The principal objective of this test plan is to establish the high safety coupling technology for coupling a hydrogen production facility to HTGR through the demonstration of a hydrogen production by the proven technology of methane steam reforming method utilizing the HTTR as a high temperature heat source. The other objective is to develop for coupling equipment such as a high temperature isolation valve, a helium gas circulator and a high temperature insulation pipe. This paper describes the overview of an HTTR heat application test plan such as a draft test schedule and test targets for the demonstration of a hydrogen production. This paper also presents basic specifications of an HTTR heat application test facility such as the HTTR modification strategy, overall system configuration and heat and mass balance at rated test operation for the demonstration of a hydrogen production. Furthermore, the operation plan during the normal start-up and shut-down processes is proposed.
奥田 幸彦; 滝藤 聖崇; 西田 明美; Li, Y.
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
太田 宏一*; 尾形 孝成*; 山野 秀将; 二神 敏; 島田 貞衣*; 山田 由美*
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05
The experimental analyses of the U-Pu-Zr fuel pin behavior during transient overpower (TOP) tests were performed by CANIS, and the residual cladding wall thickness and molten region of the fuel alloy after the tests, and the reactivity inserted by molten fuel extrusion before the fuel pin failure were compared with the experimental results. On the basis of these analysis results, detailed calculation models were developed for and implemented into CANIS to be made it possible to consider changes in the local properties of the fuel alloys due to redistribution of fuel constituents during steady-state irradiation and in the cladding thinning rate depending on the fuel-cladding interface temperature. The modified CANIS properly predicted fuel behavior and resulting reactivity changes before fuel pin failure in TOP events.
栗坂 健一; 西野 裕之; 山野 秀将
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2023/05
本研究の目的は破損拡大抑制技術によって過大地震時の原子炉構造レジリエンス向上策の有効性評価手法を開発することである。安全上重要な機器・構造物のレジリエンス向上策によって耐震裕度が増すとみなす。同向上策の有効性を評価するため、炉心損傷頻度CDFを指標に選び、CDFの低減を 地震PRAによって定量化する。崩壊熱除去機能喪失に至る事故シーケンスがナトリウム冷却高速炉SFRの地震時CDFに有意な寄与を示す。また、同事故シーケンスは超高温を経て炉心損傷に至る。本研究では過大地震時の振動への対策のみならず超高温での対策も評価するよう手法を考案した。手法の適用性を検討するため、ループ型SFRを想定して試計算を実施した。仮定した範囲内では、レジリエンス向上策は設計地震動の数倍の地震までCDFを有意に低減する効果を示した。適用性検討を通じて、有効性評価手法が開発された。
栗坂 健一
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05
西野 裕之; 栗坂 健一; 鳴戸 健一*; 権代 陽嗣; 山本 雅也
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05
シビアアクシデントに対する対策の有効性評価は常陽の再稼働のために必要である。これらの対策は深層防護レベル4の対策を意味する。既往研究では出力運転時のPRAにて深層防護レベル3までの対策の失敗を想定した事故シーケンスの発生頻度の計算、支配的な事故シーケンスグループの同定、重要事故シーケンス選定に必要な支配的な事故シーケンスの同定を行った。この既往研究に基づき、本研究では深層防護レベル4までを考慮し、事故シーケンスがどの程度低減するかを評価した。本研究で構築したイベントツリーを定量化した結果、事故シーケンスグループの発生頻度の合計値は110 /炉年になった。これは深層防護レベル3までの対策を想定した既往研究の結果よりも1/1000倍の発生頻度となった。崩壊熱除去機能喪失がすべての事故シーケンスグループの中で最も支配的であった。
Zhang, T.*; Yao, Y.*; 守田 幸路*; Liu, X.*; Liu, W.*; 今泉 悠也; 神山 健司
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
The in-pile EAGLE ID1 test was conducted by Japan Atomic Energy Agency to demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuel assembly with an internal duct structure during a core disruptive accident in a sodium-cooled fast reactor. In this study, a new computational fluid dynamics code based on the fully Lagrangian particle method was developed for the purpose of clarifying the failure mechanism of the inner duct wall of FAIDUS. The three-dimensional simulation of the ID1 test was performed to analyze a series of thermal hydraulic behaviors leading up to duct wall failure for a computational domain that included six fuel pins. The simulations reasonably reproduced the heat transfer characteristics observed in the test, showing that the local contact of liquid steel with high thermal conductivity with the duct wall greatly enhances the heat transfer from the nuclear heating fuel to the duct wall. The results support the validity of the conclusions of our analytical study regarding the molten pool-to-duct wall heat transfer mechanism that caused the thermal failure of the duct wall.
桑垣 一紀; 横山 賢治
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 9 Pages, 2023/05
小野田 雄一; 栗坂 健一; 山野 秀将
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05
本研究の目的は、破損拡大抑制技術を用いた超高温時における原子炉構造物のレジリエンス向上策の有効性評価手法を開発することである。まず、レジリエンスを向上させる可能性のある事故シーケンスを特定するため、日本の次世代ループ型ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR)を対象としてレベル1 PRA及びレベル2 PRAのイベントツリーを分析し、その特性を調査した。その結果、候補となる事故シーケンスとして除熱機能喪失事象の事故シーケンスを特定した。LOHRSに至るすべての事故シーケンスについて、レジリエンス向上策の導入前後の炉心損傷頻度の低減率を定量化することでレジリエンス向上策の有効性を評価するという方法論を考案した。次世代ループ型SFRを対象として予備評価を行い考案した方法論の適用性を確認した。これにより有効性評価の方法を開発することに成功した。今後、レジリエンス向上策の条件付成功確率の精緻化を行う予定である。
山本 智彦; 渡壁 智祥; 宮崎 真之; 宮川 高行*; 横井 忍*; 岡村 茂樹*; 深沢 剛司*; 藤田 聡*
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2023/05
A sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) considers adopting 3-dimensional seismic isolation devices for withstanding seismic loads not only horizontal but also vertical direction. In order to investigate the performance of each component and the feasibility of integrated system for SFR, the experiments to each component of seismic isolation devices and seismic response analysis are carried out. As those experimental results, the mechanical characteristics of each component and the devices are grasped. As the analytical results of seismic response, it is indicated that this 3-dimesional seismic isolation device and system can reduce the seismic response on horizontal and vertical simultaneously. Based on the analytical studies and experimental results, the feasibility of newly developed 3-dimensional seismic isolation system is obtained and the prospect of practical application of 3D seismic isolation system for fast reactor is implied in this paper.
田中 正暁; 江沼 康弘; 岡野 靖; 内堀 昭寛; 横山 賢治; 関 暁之; 若井 隆純; 浅山 泰
Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2023/05
In Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), an artificial intelligence (AI) aided integrated digital system named "Advanced Reactor Knowledge- and AI aided Design Integration Approach through the whole plant lifecycle (ARKADIA)" has been developing to offer the best possible solutions for challenges arising during the design process, safety assessment, and operation of a nuclear plant over its life cycle. ARKADIA aims for creating a new plant design beyond the reach of experienced engineers by assembling the solutions to be met a safe, economic, and sustainable carbon-free energy source. ARKADIA consists of three inter-connected systems: EAS (Enhanced and AI-aided optimization System) as a controller for the numerical analyses and the design optimizations, VLS (Virtual plant Life System) for numerical simulator, and KMS (Knowledge Management System) with knowledges obtained through the development of sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) in JAEA. These systems stand on the AI aided platform. Until 2023, the platform, the ARKADIA-Design, the ARKADIA-Safety, and the KMS are separately being developed. In the next five years until 2028, the element functions and the systems are to be unified to one system, ARKADIA. In this paper, outlines of current status in its development are introduced.