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Comparative evaluation of two analytical functions for the microdosimetry of ions from $$^{1}$$H to $$^{238}$$U

Parisi, A.*; Furutani, K. M.*; 佐藤 達彦; Beltran, C. J.*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(3), p.18_1 - 18_16, 2024/09

The analytical microdosimetric function (AMF) implemented in the Monte Carlo code PHITS is a unique tool that bridges the gap between macro- and microscopic scales of radiation interactions, enabling accurate microdosimetric calculations over macroscopic bodies. This study compares the older and newer AMFs in computing microdosimetric probability distributions, mean values, and the relative biological effectiveness (RBE). The newer AMF was found to offer superior performance, particularly for very heavy ions, producing results that align more closely with published in vitro clonogenic survival experiments. These findings suggest that the updated AMF provides a more reliable tool for microdosimetric calculations and RBE modeling, essential for ion radiation therapy and space radiation protection.


Coulomb spike model of radiation damage in wide band-gap insulators

Costantini, J.-M.*; 小川 達彦

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(3), p.20_1 - 20_16, 2024/08



Stress measurement of stainless steel piping welds by complementary use of high-energy synchrotron X-rays and neutrons

三浦 靖史*; 鈴木 賢治*; 諸岡 聡; 菖蒲 敬久

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(1), p.1_1 - 1_14, 2024/03

Probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) is expected as a reasonable structural integrity assessment method for nuclear components such as piping, whose main degradation phenomenon is stress corrosion cracking (SCC). Some input parameters are necessary for PFM analysis, and welding residual stress is one of the most important parameters because welding residual stress affects SCC initiation and propagation. Recently, a double exposure method (DEM) with synchrotron X-ray has been proposed, and the method is an expected candidate for the measurement of welding residual stress with a high spatial resolution. In this paper, the DEM was applied to measure the residual stress of the plate specimen, which was cut from the welded pipe using electrical discharge machining, and detailed stress maps under a plane stress state were obtained. Furthermore, the residual stress distributions of the welded pipe under a triaxial stress state were also evaluated using neutron diffraction. From these results, the method for obtaining a detailed stress map of the welded pipe by the complementary use of high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays and neutrons was proposed.


Principal preferred orientation evaluation of steel materials using time-of-flight neutron diffraction

徐 平光; Zhang, S.-Y.*; Harjo, S.; Vogel, S. C.*; 友田 陽*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 8(1), p.7_1 - 7_13, 2024/01

Comprehensive information about the ${it in situ}$ microstructure and crystal structure evolution during the preparation/production processes of various materials is in great demand in order to precisely control the microstructure morphology and the preferred orientation characteristics for the excellent strength-ductility-toughness balance of advanced engineering materials. ${it In situ}$ isothermal annealing experiments of cold rolled 17Ni-0.2C (mass %) martensitic steel sheets were carried out by using the TAKUMI and ENGIN-X time-of-flight neutron diffractometers, respectively. The inverse pole figures based on full-profile refinement were extracted to roughly evaluate the preferred orientation features along three principal sample directions of investigated steel sheets using the General Structure Analysis System (GSAS) software with built-in generalized spherical harmonic functions. The consistent rolling direction (RD) inverse pole figures from TAKUMI and ENGIN-X have confirmed that the time-of-flight neutron diffraction has high repeatability and statistical reliability, revealing that the principal preferred orientation evaluation of steel materials is available through 90$$^{circ}$$ TD $$rightarrow$$ ND (transverse direction $$rightarrow$$ normal direction) rotation of the investigated specimen on the sample stage during two neutron diffraction experiments. Moreover, these RD, TD and ND inverse pole figures before and after in situ experiments were compared with the corresponding inverse pole figures recalculated respectively from the MUSASI-L complete pole figure measurement and the HIPPO in situ microstructure evaluation. The similar orientation distribution characteristics suggested that the principal preferred orientation evaluation method can be applied to in situ microstructure evolution of bulk orthorhombic materials and spatially resolved principal preferred orientation mappings of large engineering structure parts.


Stress evaluation method by neutron diffraction for HCP-structured magnesium alloy

Harjo, S.; Gong, W.; 川崎 卓郎

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(4), p.32_1 - 32_13, 2023/12

Tensile deformation in situ neutron diffraction of an extruded AZ31 alloy was performed to validate conventional procedures and to develop new procedures for stress evaluation from lattice strains by diffraction measurements of HCP-structured magnesium alloys. Increases in the lattice strains with respect to the applied true stress after yielding largely vary among [${it hk.l}$] grains. The newly proposed procedure of stress evaluation from the lattice strains shows very high accuracy and reliability by weighting the volume fraction of [${it hk.l}$] grains and evaluating them in many [${it hk.l}$] orientations in addition to multiplication by the diffraction elastic constant. When multiple ${it hk.l}$ peaks cannot be obtained simultaneously, we recommend to use the 12.1 peak for stress evaluation.


Measurement of mechanical behavior of $$^{11}$$B-enriched MgB$$_{2}$$ wire using a pulsed neutron source

町屋 修太郎*; 長村 光造*; 菱沼 良光*; 谷口 博康*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(4), p.34_1 - 34_17, 2023/10

Measuring the actual strain on the MgB$$_2$$ filaments are of paramount importance, since tensile stress and strain diminish the critical current. In this study, the strain measurement using neutron diffraction during tensile loading was established. We fabricated a MgB$$_2$$ wire enriched with boron-11, an isotope having a smaller neutron absorption cross- section than natural boron, and succeeded in obtaining changes in the lattice constant under tensile loading through Rietveld analysis.


Accuracy of measuring rebar strain in concrete using a diffractometer for residual stress analysis

安江 歩夢*; 川上 真由*; 小林 謙祐*; Kim, J.; 宮津 裕次*; 西尾 悠平*; 向井 智久*; 諸岡 聡; 兼松 学*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.15_1 - 15_14, 2023/05

Neutron diffraction is a noncontact method that can measure the rebar strain inside concrete. In this method, rebar strain and stress are calculated using the diffraction profile of neutrons irradiated during a specific time period. In general, measurement accuracy improves with the length of the measurement time. However, in previous studies, the measurement time was determined empirically, which makes the accuracy and reliability of the measurement results unclear. In this study, the relationship between the measurement time and the measurement standard deviation was examined for reinforced concrete specimens under different conditions. The aim was to clarify the accuracy of the measurement of rebar stress using the neutron diffraction method. It was found that if the optical setup of the neutron diffractometer and the conditions of the specimen are the same, there is a unique relationship between the diffraction intensity and the rebar stress standard deviation. Furthermore, using this unique relationship, this paper proposes a method for determining the measurement time from the allowable accuracy of the rebar stress, which ensures the accuracy of the neutron diffraction method.


Relationship between internal stress distribution and microstructure in a suspension-sprayed thermal barrier coating with a columnar structure

山崎 泰広*; 篠宮 啓介*; 奥村 忠晴*; 鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 中村 唯我*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.14_1 - 14_12, 2023/05

The suspension plasma spray (SPS) technique has attracted attention because of its various microstructures, which can be achieved by mixing submicron spray particles with a solvent to form a suspension. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a columnar structure, which might achieve high strain tolerance, can be obtained using the SPS technique. In this study, the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC with different columnar structures was evaluated by hybrid measurement using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis and laboratory low-energy X-rays. The effect of microstructure on the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC was discussed on the basis of the experimental results. In addition, the in-plane internal stress was decreased by decreasing the column diameter. The thin columnar microstructure of the SPS-TBC has superior strain tolerance. The internal stresses in the column of the SPS-TBC are periodic decrements caused by stress relaxation in porous layers.


Automated pulsed magnet system for neutron diffraction experiments at the Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility in J-PARC

渡辺 真朗; 木原 工*; 野尻 浩之*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(1), p.1_1 - 1_10, 2023/03



Neutron stress measurement of W/Ti composite in cryogenic temperatures using time-of-flight method

西田 真之*; Harjo, S.; 川崎 卓郎; 山下 享介*; Gong, W.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(1), p.8_1 - 8_15, 2023/03

In this study, the thermal stress alterations generated in a tungsten fiber reinforced titanium composite (W/Ti composite) were evaluated by the neutron stress measurement method at cryogenic temperatures. The W/Ti composite thermal loads were repeated from room temperature to the cryogenic temperature (10 K), and alterations in thermal residual stress were evaluated using the neutron in situ stress measurement method. In this measurement, the stress alterations in the titanium matrix and the tungsten fibers were measured. This measurement was carried out by TAKUMI (MLF-BL19) of J-PARC, a neutron research facility in the Japan Atomic Agency. The measurement method of TAKUMI is the time-of-flight (TOF) method. Owing to this measurement method, the measurement time was significantly shortened compared to the angle-dispersion type measurement by a diffractometer. As a result of the measurement, large compressive stresses of about 1 GPa were generated in the tungsten fibers, and tensile stresses of about 100 MPa existed in the titanium matrix. The thermal stresses due to the temperature change between room temperature and cryogenic temperature is caused by the difference of thermal expansions between the tungsten fibers and the titanium matrix, and these stress values can be approximated by a simple elastic theory equation.


Coulomb spike modelling of ion sputtering of amorphous water ice

Constantini, J.-M.*; 小川 達彦

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(1), p.7_1 - 7_16, 2023/03

イオンなどを物体に照射し、物体の構成原子や分子を放出させるスパッタリングは、工学的に重要な技術として様々な分野で利用されている。このスパッタリングで放出される原子や分子の運動では、入射粒子の運動と真逆に放出される成分があることが実験的に知られていた。従来、照射効果の予測に標準的に用いられてきたサーマルスパイクモデルでは、伝導により平衡に達した熱統計集団が蒸発して粒子を放出する。ただし、この放出は等方的であり、指向性のある成分は説明が付かない。本研究では、イオン照射で発生する電離が飛跡に沿って直線状に配置され、それらの間に働く電気的斥力がイオン照射方向に指向性を持つことに着想を得て、スパッタリングの角度分布をイオン照射で発生する静電気力により表現した。具体的な手法として、イオン照射によって発生する電離を飛跡構造解析コードRITRACKSを使用して計算し、その電離で発生する陽イオンの幾何的配置から、静電気力によるイオンの運動を計算した。その結果、1MeVの陽子や1MeV/uの炭素イオンを水に照射した場合、照射と逆方向 にイオンの噴出が確認できた他、スパッタリングの放出収量も先行研究の実験と矛盾ない結果が得られた。


Effect of irradiation on corrosion behavior of 316L steel in lead-bismuth eutectic with different oxygen concentrations

大久保 成彰; 藤村 由希; 友部 政勝*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 5(3), p.27_1 - 27_9, 2021/09



Multiple wavelengths texture measurement using angle dispersive neutron diffraction at WOMBAT

徐 平光; Liss, K.-D.*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 5(2), p.11_1 - 11_14, 2021/06


In contrast to conventional angle dispersive neutron diffractometers with a single-tube detector or a small-size linear position-sensitive detector, the WOMBAT diffractometer at Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) is equipped with a large-area curved position-sensitive detector, spanning 120$$^{circ}$$ for the scattering angle 2$$theta$$ and 15$$^{circ}$$ for the azimuth ${it $eta$}$, respectively. Here, WOMBAT was employed to establish a texture measurement environment for complex textured samples, through measuring neutron diffractograms at two selected wavelengths on a typical reference sample of martensite-austenite multilayered steel sheet. All neutron patterns were simultaneously Rietveld analyzed using the software, Materials Analysis Using Diffraction (MAUD). The shorter wavelength enabled to collect the martensite diffraction peaks 110, 200, 211, 220, 310, 222 as well as the austenite diffraction peaks 111, 200, 220, 311, 222, 331 diffraction peaks simultaneously by pre-setting the detector range to 2$$theta$$ = 30$$sim$$150$$^{circ}$$. The longer wavelength enabled to separate the overlapping strong martensite peak 110 and austenite peak 111 more reliably. Moreover, the detector panel division along the vertical direction covers a good stereographic coverage in the azimuthal angle. Such combination of multiple wavelength neutron diffraction combined with simultaneous Rietveld texture analysis was confirmed much valuable to realize high precision measurements for complex textured samples at an orientation distribution function (ODF) graticule of 5$$^{circ}$$, and in a much shorter beam time than the conventional angle dispersive method.


Internal strain distribution of laser lap joints in steel under loading studied by high-energy synchrotron radiation X-rays

菖蒲 敬久; 城 鮎美*; 河野 史明*; 村松 壽晴; 山田 知典; 永沼 正行; 小澤 隆之

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 5(2), p.17_1 - 17_9, 2021/06



Comprehensive understanding of hillocks and ion tracks in ceramics irradiated with swift heavy ions

石川 法人; 田口 富嗣*; 小河 浩晃

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(4), p.43_1 - 43_14, 2020/12

LiNbO$$_{3}$$, ZrSiO$$_{4}$$, Gd$$_{3}$$Ga$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$, SrTiO$$_{3}$$について、200MeV Auイオンを照射し、透過型電子顕微鏡で、照射損傷組織(イオントラックとヒロック)を詳細に観察した。その結果、LiNbO$$_{3}$$, ZrSiO$$_{4}$$, Gd$$_{3}$$Ga$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$は、イオントラックとヒロックともにアモルファス化していることが確認され、耐照射性の低い「アモルファス化可能材料」に分類されることが確認された。一方で、CaF$$_{2}$$などのフッ化物は、耐照射性の高い「非アモルファス化可能材料」に分類されることが、我々の前回の研究で判明している。ところが、本研究で調べたSrTiO$$_{3}$$は、2つの分類の中間に当たることが判明した。耐照射性の観点から区別される2つの材料分類を分ける材料基準が何なのか従来から問題となっていたが、本研究により、イオン結合性の強さ、結晶対称性の高さが、その材料基準となることが示唆された。


Irradiation effects of swift heavy ions detected by refractive index depth profiling

雨倉 宏*; Li, R.*; 大久保 成彰; 石川 法人; Chen, F.*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(4), p.39_1 - 39_11, 2020/12

200MeV Xeイオンビームを照射したY$$_{3}$$Al$$_{5}$$O$$_{12}$$ (YAG)の屈折率変化の深さ分布測定を行った。その結果、3$$mu$$mまでの浅い領域では電子的エネルギー付与に起因した屈折率変化が見られ、さらに深い6$$mu$$mまでの中間領域では電子的エネルギー付与と弾性衝突によるエネルギー付与の重畳効果がみられ、さらに深い13$$mu$$mでは弾性衝突によるエネルギー付与に起因する屈折率変化が見られた。これらの光学特性の深さ分布は、必ずしも照射損傷の量と一致しないため、損傷の質(照射で誘起される材料歪みなど)も光学特性変化に影響を及ぼしている可能性が示唆された。


Double-exposure method with synchrotron white X-ray for stress evaluation of coarse-grain materials

鈴木 賢治*; 城 鮎美*; 豊川 秀訓*; 佐治 超爾*; 菖蒲 敬久

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(3), p.25_1 - 25_14, 2020/09



Analysis of ion-irradiation induced lattice expansion and ferromagnetic state in CeO$$_{2}$$ by using Poisson distribution function

山本 優輝*; 石川 法人; 堀 史説*; 岩瀬 彰宏*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(3), p.26_1 - 26_13, 2020/09

CeO$$_{2}$$セラミックスに高エネルギーイオン(200MeV Xeイオン)照射を行うと格子膨張及び強磁性の変化が起きる。イオントラック損傷の寸法で記述できるポアッソン分布関数を利用すると、それらの変化の照射量依存性がうまく記述でき、容易に予測できるようになることを示した。具体的には、ポアッソン分布関数を利用すると、イオントラックの寸法が決定できること、また、高照射量領域でのイオントラックのオーバーラップ効果も直感的に理解できるようになる。また照射によって発現する強磁性のふるまいも、同じ枠組みで理解できるようになることを示し、物性変化に対しても応用可能である利点を提示した。


Residual stress distribution in water jet peened type 304 stainless steel

林 眞琴*; 大城戸 忍*; 鈴木 裕士

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(2), p.18_1 - 18_12, 2020/06

In materials with a surface treatment such as shot peening, the residual stress gradient in the surface layer is severe. When measuring the residual stress distribution near the surface with a severe stress gradient by the neutron diffraction method, the gauge volume must be removed from the measurement sample. However, when the gauge volume deviates from the sample, a pseudo peak shift occurs and accurate stress distribution cannot be evaluated. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate the pseudo peak shift in advance under the same conditions, as in the case of actual residual stress measurement, using a sample in an unstressed state. In this study, the stress distributions in the surface layer of a type 304 stainless steel plate and bar with simulated stress-corrosion cracks which were subjected to water jet peening - giving a surface layer residual stress equivalent better than that of normal shot peening - were evaluated considering the pseudo peak shift. As a result, the residual stress distributions in the surface layer were measured in good agreement with the measurement result obtained by the sequential polishing X-ray diffraction method. It was clarified that the residual stress distribution in the near surface with steep stress gradient can be evaluated by the neutron diffraction method.


Microstructural features and ductile-brittle transition behavior in hot-rolled lean duplex stainless steels

高橋 治*; 渋井 洋平*; 徐 平光; Harjo, S.; 鈴木 徹也*; 友田 陽*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 4(1), p.16_1 - 16_15, 2020/03

The characteristics of texture and microstructure of lean duplex stainless steels with low Ni content produced through hot rolling followed by annealing were investigated locally with electron backscatter diffraction and globally with neutron diffraction. Then, the ductile-brittle transition (DBT) behavior was studied by Charpy impact test. It is found that the DBT temperature (DBTT) is strongly affected by the direction of crack propagation, depending on crystallographic texture and microstructural morphology; the DBTT becomes extremely low in the case of fracture accompanying delamination. A high Ni duplex stainless steel examined for comparison, shows a lower DBTT compared with the lean steel in the same crack propagating direction. The obtained results were also discussed through comparing with those of cast duplex stainless steels reported previously (Takahashi et al., Tetsu-to-Hagane, 100(2014), 1150).

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