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Journal Articles

Monte Carlo simulation study on the dose and dose-averaged linear energy transfer distributions in carbon ion radiotherapy

Ishikawa, Akihisa; Koba, Yusuke*; Furuta, Takuya; Chang, W.*; Yonai, Shunsuke*; Matsumoto, Shinnosuke*; Hashimoto, Shintaro; Hirai, Yuta*; Sato, Tatsuhiko

Radiological Physics and Technology, 17(2), p.553 - 560, 2024/06

Journal Articles

Photon dose rate distribution inside and outside a brachytherapy room

Sabri, A. H. A.*; Tajudin, S. M.*; Aziz, M. Z. A.*; Furuta, Takuya

Radiological Physics and Technology, 16(1), p.109 - 117, 2023/03

The spatial distributions of photon dose rates in a brachytherapy room with an Iridium-192 were simulated by using the particle and heavy ion transport code system (PHITS). A geometry of the brachytherapy room with concrete walls and a sliding lead door was reproduced by tracing the existing room in Advanced Medical and Dental Institute at the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Penang. The simulation results were confirmed by comparing to the measured results using a thermoluminescent dosimeter. The simulation study suggested that an additional layer of 3-mm thick lead at the side wall of the entrance will efficiently reduce the dose outside the entrance due to the photons leaked from the edge of the entrance. Simulation with replacing the source with Cobalt-60 was also conducted and revealed the dose level outside the room was too high compared to regulatory value in the current room configuration.

Journal Articles

Influence of distant scatterer on air kerma measurement in the evaluation of diagnostic X-rays using Monte Carlo simulation

Tominaga, Masahide*; Nagayasu, Yukari*; Sasaki, Motoharu*; Furuta, Takuya; Hayashi, Hiroaki*; Oita, Masataka*; Nishiyama, Yuichi*; Haga, Akihiro*

Radiological Physics and Technology, 14(4), p.381 - 389, 2021/12

Due to recent advance of diagnostic radiology, the increase of diagnostic radiation exposure to patient becomes problem. Diagnostic Reference Levels has been released to optimized the radiation exposure to patients in Japan recently. The evaluation of entrance surface dose (ESD) is recommended to assess the dose level for general X-ray examination. The ESD can be easily evaluated by multiplying the backscatter factor of the patient body on the free-in-air air kerma. The air kerma free-in-air value used to estimate ESD may contain X-rays scattered from obstacles located at the time of measurement, which may induce non-minor error in assessments. We therefore studied the influence of scattered X-rays on air kerma measurement under various environments (distances, field sizes, and materials). It was found that the dependence on the X-ray energy and field size was different for different materials. The X-ray contamination can be ignored for all the materials when the distance to the scatterer exceeds 35 cm.

Journal Articles

Medical application of Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System PHITS

Furuta, Takuya; Sato, Tatsuhiko

Radiological Physics and Technology, 14(3), p.215 - 225, 2021/09

Number of the PHITS users has steadily increased since 2010 from when it is officially counted. Among them, increase of new users in medical physics is outstanding. Many research works in medical physics using PHITS have been published and the applications are widely spread in different fields such as applications to different types of radiotherapy, shielding calculations of medical facilities, application to radiation biology, and research and development of medical tools. In this article, we will introduce useful functions for medical application in PHITS by referring to examples of various medical applications.

Journal Articles

A Parameter study of pencil beam proton dose distributions for the treatment of ocular melanoma utilizing spot scanning

Sutherland, K.*; Miyajima, Satoshi*; Date, Hiroyuki*; Shirato, Hiroki*; Ishikawa, Masayori*; Murakami, Masao*; Yamagiwa, Mitsuru; Bolton, P.; Tajima, Toshiki

Radiological Physics and Technology, 3(1), p.16 - 22, 2010/01

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