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Nozawa, Takashi
Senmon Toshokan, (295), p.18 - 19, 2019/05
no abstracts in English
Inagaki, Satomi
Senmon Toshokan, (279), p.44 - 48, 2016/09
This paper describes the case of Japan Atomic Energy Agency Library, as an example to improve our library database that is user friendly. We are providing the JAEA R&D information through the JAEA Originated Papers Searching System (JOPSS). We have two main issues to solve aiming at improving the usability of JOPSS; (1) to consider how our target users find our contents, (2) to improve user interface of contents. We will continue to improve the dissemination of the JAEA R&D information.
Kumazaki, Yui
Senmon Toshokan, (278), p.40 - 43, 2016/07
no abstracts in English
Inagaki, Satomi
Senmon Toshokan, (276), p.43 - 44, 2016/03
A book review of "New directions for Library" (by Natsumi Ogushi). In this book, Natumi Ogushi gives us new directions for library with the examples of advanced efforts. Summary and key points of this book are described.
Hayakawa, Misa
Senmon Toshokan, (274), p.2 - 5, 2015/11
no abstracts in English
Yonezawa, Minoru
Senmon Toshokan, (273), p.23 - 27, 2015/09
The Library of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has developed the special website on Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident and started the website from April 4, 2011. This website disseminates over 23,000 bibliographic and full-text records, such as JAEA's research results, academic journal articles, conference papers, technical reports etc. JAEA library started to collect and prepare bibliographic information of Internet information of Japanese Government-based organizations, TEPCO as well as of oral presentations of responsible nuclear related Associations in regard to the accident not to be disappeared, inaccessible. And we organize this information by classifying with Taxonomy for Nuclear Accident which was developed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). We launched the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Archive in June 2014. In this paper, the author introduces the experience in developing special website on Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident as well as Fukushima Nuclear Accident Archive and issues to develop the archive and future plan.
Gonda, Mayuki
Senmon Toshokan, (258), p.52 - 58, 2013/03
no abstracts in English
Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro
Senmon Toshokan, (256), p.25 - 28, 2012/11
The Japan Health Physics Society addresses the issues of radiation protection for uses of nuclear energy, radiation and radioactive materials in a varaity of fields and issues quarterly the Japanese Journal of Health Physics. The Journal contains scientific papers, reports and news, recently articles about the effects of the Fukushima nuclear accident. People have a great interest in the radiation protection issues due to the accident. This article presents the editorial work of the Journal.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Yonezawa, Minoru
Senmon Toshokan, (250), p.35 - 42, 2011/11
no abstracts in English
Ikeda, Kiyoshi
Senmon Toshokan, (246), p.61 - 66, 2011/03
no abstracts in English
Ikeda, Kiyoshi
Senmon Toshokan, (236), p.53 - 55, 2009/07
This paper is a book review of "Library policy in Singapore; Aiming at information advanced nation" (written by Rasu Ramachandran, et al). Summary as well as key points of the book is described.
Yonezawa, Minoru
Senmon Toshokan, (233), p.57 - 58, 2009/01
This paper is a book review of "Dictionary of Bibliometrics" (written by Virgil Diodato, and translated by Fuyuki Yoshikane, et al). Summary as well as key points of the book is described.
Gonda, Mayuki; Ikeda, Kiyoshi; Ebisawa, Naomi*
Senmon Toshokan, (228), p.26 - 32, 2008/03
Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has disseminated research results via the Internet from before institutional repositories are provided by many universities and institutes. JAEA Library is providing 2 systems, "JAEA Abstracts" and "JOPSS" (JAEA Originated Papers Searching System) today. In this article, the history and the present situation of dissemination of JAEA's research results are reviewed.
Ikeda, Kiyoshi
Senmon Toshokan, (227), p.65 - 69, 2008/01
no abstracts in English
Nagaya, Shun
Senmon Toshokan, (226), p.57 - 58, 2007/11
This is a book review of "Outline of library history of Japan" (written by Iwasaru, Toshio). Summary and key points of this book are described. In addition, library history is shown from a viewpoint of the provenance of the object. Personal opinion about the future library history is also made.
Nakajima, Hidemitsu
Senmon Toshokan, (200), p.11 - 12, 2003/07
no abstracts in English
Senmon Toshokan, 0(155), p.31 - 35, 1995/00
no abstracts in English
Itabashi, Keizo
Senmon Toshokan, 0(125), p.91 - 96, 1989/00
no abstracts in English
Itabashi, Keizo
Senmon Toshokan, (111), p.39 - 43, 1987/00
no abstracts in English
; ; Habara, Tadashi
Senmon Toshokan, (90), p.74 - 76, 1982/00
no abstracts in English