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Journal Articles

Power source-free getter pump using advantage of the characteristics of titanium

Kamiya, Junichiro

Shinku Janaru, (189), p.6 - 11, 2024/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Technology of vacuum, Large vacuum system, J-PARC

Kamiya, Junichiro

Saishin Jikken Shinku Gijutsu Soran, p.908 - 917, 2019/02

Vacuum is a core technology in accelerators, and the latest accelerator is full of next generation vacuum technologies. In order to solve the problem at each stage of the high intensity proton accelerator, such as stable beam supply from the ion source, suppression of discharge in the acceleration cavity, reduction in beam loss, suppression of pressure increase due to particle desorption from the surface, the vacuum is a key technology. In this manuscript, we will explain the vacuum technology in the high-intensity proton accelerator with J-PARC Linac and 3 GeV synchrotron as examples.

Journal Articles

Effect of Ru chemical form on corrosion behavior of structural materials in spent fuel reprocessing process

Sano, Yuichi; Ambai, Hiromu; Takahatake, Yoko

Aichi Shinkurotoron Hikari Senta 2017-Nendo Kokyoto Riyo Seika Hokokusho (Internet), 1 Pages, 2018/00

In order to elucidate the mechanism of corrosion in the reprocessing process and propose a method for suppressing corrosion, the effect of coexisting substances on the chemical form of Ru in nitric acid solution containing seawater components was evaluated. The result of XAFS measurement for Ru showed the structural change around a Ru atom due to the interaction with chloride ion, which will suppress the corrosion promoting action of Ru in nitric acid solution.

Journal Articles

Discovery of a selective Cs$$^{+}$$ binding site of a $$beta$$-lactamase from the halophile by anomalous X-ray diffraction

Arai, Shigeki; Shibazaki, Chie; Shimizu, Rumi; Adachi, Motoyasu; Tamada, Taro; Tokunaga, Hiroko*; Ishibashi, Matsujiro*; Tokunaga, Masao*; Kuroki, Ryota

Kyushu Shinkurotoronko Kenkyu Senta Nempo, 2014, p.17 - 19, 2016/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Surface reaction dynamics research group, Japan Atomic Energy Agency

Teraoka, Yuden

Shinku Janaru, (143), p.22 - 23, 2013/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Single-cell/single-particle irradiation using heavy-ion microbeams

Kobayashi, Yasuhiko

Shinku, 50(9), p.564 - 568, 2007/09

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Reduction of outgassing for suppressing electrical breakdown in the kicker magnet of J-PARC RCS

Kamiya, Junichiro; Kinsho, Michikazu; Ogiwara, Norio; Kuramochi, Masaya; Ueno, Tomoaki; Takayanagi, Tomohiro; Takeda, Osamu; Watanabe, Masao; Yamazaki, Yoshio; Yoshimoto, Masahiro

Shinku, 50(5), p.371 - 377, 2007/05

Kicker magnets in Rapid Cycling Synchrotron (RCS) of Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) are now under construction. The kicker magnets are short pulse magnets with high charging voltage of 60 kV or more which is installing in vacuum chambers. The kicker magnet mainly consists of aluminum alloy as electric plates and ferrite as magnetic cores. The outgas reduction from those components is very important to prevent not only electrical discharge but also interaction between the proton beam and residual gas in the vacuum. We thoroughly reduced the outgas from the components. Surface of the aluminum alloy was finished by pit-free electropolishing. Aluminum and ferrites were baked in vacuum before construction of the magnet. They were baked each other until water, which was the main component of outgas, was reduced. We will discuss the effects of above processes on the discharge in the vacuum.

Journal Articles

Real-time photoelectron spectroscopy for Nitridation at Ti(0001) surface using supersonic N$$_{2}$$ molecular beams

Ogawa, Shuichi*; Takakuwa, Yuji*; Ishizuka, Shinji*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; Mizuno, Yoshiyuki*

Shinku, 49(12), p.775 - 779, 2006/12

Nitridation on a Ti(0001)-1$$times$$1 surface using a supersonic N$$_{2}$$ molecular beam was investigated by real-time photoelectron spectroscopy to clarify the adsorption reaction dynamics of N$$_{2}$$ molecule on the Ti surface. In a whole N$$_{2}$$ dosage region examined, N 1s spectra can be fitted well with two chemically-shifted components, the binding energies of which are 396.9 and 396.6 eV, respectively. For both the components, the initial sticking probability S$$_{0}$$ shows a decrease with increasing incident energy in the overall trend, while has significant minima at 0.3 and 1.5 eV. Such incident energy dependences of S$$_{0}$$ suggest that the chemisorbed states are similarly caused by a trapping-mediated adsorption process through a physisorption state at lower incident energy than 0.3 eV and an activated adsorption process becomes dominant at higher incident energy than 0.3 eV.

Journal Articles

Development of alumina ceramics vacuum chamber for J-PARC

Kinsho, Michikazu; Saito, Yoshio*; Kabeya, Zenzaburo*; Ogiwara, Norio

Shinku, 49(12), p.728 - 733, 2006/12

It was success to develop alumina ceramics vacuum duct for the 3GeV-RCS of J-PARC at JAERI. This duct has titanium flanges and the exterior RF shield to reduce duct impedance. The production process of the alumina ceramics vacuum duct could be established, and mass production has been performing.

Journal Articles

Hydrogen isotopes removal from the vacuum vessel using discharges

Nakamura, Hirofumi; Higashijima, Satoru

Shinku, 49(2), p.62 - 68, 2006/02

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy for chemical bonding of N atoms in oxynitride films formed at SiO$$_{2}$$/Si(001) by N$$^{+}$$ beam irradiation

Hachiue, Shunsuke; Teraoka, Yuden

Shinku, 48(5), p.343 - 345, 2005/05

Silicon oxynitride layers were formed by irradiation of nitrogen ion beams at silicon substrates with ultrathin oxide layers. The nitrogen beam was mass-selected N$$^{+}$$ ion beam. The translational kinetic energy was about 3 keV. The dose was 6.3$$times$$10$$^{14}$$ ions/cm$$^{2}$$. This value is almost equal to the atom density at the Si(001) surface. Chemical bonding states of irradiated nitrogen atoms were analyzed by photoemission spectroscopy with synchrotron radiation. Although the nitrogen dose was a low density, N-1s photoemission spectra could be deconvoluted into four peaks. The chemical bonding state of each peak was assigned with a reference of a oxide layer thickness dependence of the N-1s photoemission peak profile.

Journal Articles

Gas purification technology using electron beams

Kojima, Takuji

Shinku, 47(11), p.789 - 795, 2004/11

When flue gas/off gas is irradiated by EB, many free radicals such as OH and active oxygen atom are formed from major components of air: namely nitrogen, oxygen, water and carbon dioxide ecules. The similer reaction can be achieved using UV light and plasma-discharging, but ionizing radiations produce such free radicals at higher density. Such radiation-induced radicals react efficiently with air pollutants, SOx and NOx in coal/oil combustion flue gas at thermal power plants, dioxins in waste incineration flue gas and volatile organic compounds (VOC) even in very low concentration and decompose them into non-toxic substances or change them to removable substances. R & D on EB treatment of flue gas/off gas done in JAERI on the basis of this principle process, as an example, is described in the present paper.

Journal Articles

Oxidation state during growth of very thin oxide on Ti(0001) surface

Takakuwa, Yuji*; Ishizuka, Shinji*; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Teraoka, Yuden; Moritani, Kosuke; Ogawa, Shuichi*; Mizuno, Yoshiyuki*; Tonda, Hideki*; Homma, Teiichi*

Shinku, 47(6), p.457 - 461, 2004/06

The oxidation reaction of Ti(0001) surface by oxygen molecules was observed by real-time in-situ photoemission spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation in the conditions of 400$$^{circ}$$C and 3.7$$times$$10$$^{-6}$$ Pa. The uptake curve of oxygen showed a plateau at the dose of 45-85 L and then increased again. This re-growth of oxide film was attributed to the drastic change of Ti oxidation state from TiO to TiO$$_{2}$$. Consequently, the characteristic change of the uptake curve was caused by the oxidation state change of Ti atoms.

Journal Articles

Measurements of the energy controllability of the collimated laser photoionized Neodymium ion beam

Tamura, Koji

Shinku, 47(6), p.477 - 479, 2004/06

The lateral distributions of the laser photoionized neodymium ion at the ion energy between 1400eV and 300eV were measured with a multi-channel Faraday cup. The obtained ions were collimated within these energy regions, and are considered to be useful for the applications of the laser photoionized ions.

Journal Articles

Roundness and straightness measurement of ceramic beam ducts for the 3GeV-synchrotron of Japan-Proton Accelerator Research Complex

Nishizawa, Daiji*; Kinsho, Michikazu; Kanazawa, Kenichiro; Ogiwara, Norio; Saito, Yoshio*; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*

Shinku, 47(4), p.339 - 343, 2004/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Chemical reaction dynamics in oxidation processes of Si(001) surface at high temperature

Teraoka, Yuden; Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Moritani, Kosuke

Shinku, 47(4), p.301 - 307, 2004/04

Recent research results on translational kinetic energy effects of incident oxygen molecules for Si(001) oxidation are summalized and introduced. The variation of surface temperature dependence of SiO desorption yield, oxygen uptake curves, and chemical bonding states depending on translational kinetic energy of oxygen molecules is described concretely. Eapecially, the translational kinetic energy effects on chemical reaction processes of concurrent oxide-layers formation and SiO desorption are discussed.

Journal Articles

Roundness and straightness measurement of ceramic beam ducts for the 3GeV-synchrotron of Japan-proton accelerator research complex

Nishizawa, Daiji*; Kinsho, Michikazu; Kanazawa, Kenichiro; Ogiwara, Norio; Saito, Yoshio*; Kubo, Tomio*; Sato, Yoshihiro*

Shinku, 47(4), p.339 - 343, 2004/02

Large aperture cylindrical beam ducts consisting of alumina ceramics will be used for the first time in the 3GeV-synchrotron of High Intensity Proton Accelerator Facility. It is necessary to evaluate roundness and straightness of ceramic ducts because we have to compensate contact area of the connected beam duct large as well as we have to compensate large enough beam aperture. We developed an apparatus of measuring roundness and straightness, and we completed data analysis method as well as measuring method. Then we are measuring and evaluating roundness and straightness of ceramic beam ducts. Now, we have newly made an ellipse ceramic duct for the 3GeV-synchrotron BM. This duct has ellipse cross-sections to satisfy with larger aperture that the beam dynamics requires. In this conference, we are going to present taken data and findings regarding form accuracy including roundness and straightness of the ellipse ceramic duct.

Journal Articles

Deuterium retention of low activation ferritic steel F82H

Yamaguchi, Kaoru*; Yamauchi, Yuji*; Hirohata, Yuko*; Hino, Tomoaki*; Tsuzuki, Kazuhiro

Shinku, 46(5), p.449 - 452, 2003/05

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Real-time observation of initial stages thermal oxidation on Si(001) surface by using synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy

Yoshigoe, Akitaka; Moritani, Kosuke; Teraoka, Yuden

Shinku, 46(5), p.424 - 428, 2003/05

In order to study the reaction mechanism of the initial thermal Si(001) oxidation by O$$_{2}$$(1$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$Pa) at the surface temperature region between 870K and 1120K, we have performed the ${it real-time}$ synchrotron radiation photoemission spectroscopy of Si-2p and O-1s levels. The oxygen uptake curves as a function of the oxygen exposure time were analyzed on the basis of kinetics. The Si oxidation states corresponding to the adsorbed oxygen amount were well clarified by the time evolution of Si-2p photoemission spectra.

Journal Articles

Experiments of continuous gas separation for D$$_{2}$$/He mixed gas under room temperature

Tanzawa, Sadamitsu; Hiroki, Seiji; Abe, Tetsuya

Shinku, 46(3), p.154 - 157, 2003/03

no abstracts in English

136 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)