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JAEA Reports

High radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ solid Waste treatment facilities Conceptual design study

; Seki, Sadao*;

PNC TJ9409 91-001, 164 Pages, 1991/02


This report describes the result of conceptual design study concerned with "High Radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ Solid Waste Treatment Facilities, "which will be planed for the purpose of volume reduction and stabilization of High Radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ solid wastes generated and stocked in the O-arai Engineering Center of PNC. In this conceptual design study the basic process of the facilities, which are sufficient to treat each waste and develop technologies, are clarified. This report consist with: (1)Clarification of waste to be treated. (2)Study on the treatment technology and process. (3)Conceptual design of facilities and equipment. (4)Estimation of construction cost and schedule.

Oral presentation

Research and development on preceding processing methods for contaminated water management waste at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 7; Numerical analysis of temperature rise of solidified waste by radiation applying various container shapes

Hiraki, Yoshihisa; Enomoto, Mayu*; Terasawa, Toshiharu*; Imaizumi, Ken*; Kato, Jun; Osugi, Takeshi; Sone, Tomoyuki; Kuroki, Ryoichiro

no journal, , 

Evaluate the maximum temperature of solidified body, when Secondary Waste Produced from Contaminated Water Treatment at Fukushima Daiichi NPP is solidified with cement etc. Simulate various container shapes, and analysis using the radiation transport code and the thermal analysis code was performed. The summary of the test and some of the obtained results are introduced.

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