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JAEA Reports

Inspection procedure of MONJU fuel pellet

Kajiyama, Tadashi;

JNC TN8410 2000-015, 7 Pages, 2000/10


Some falsification has been detected in the results of quality control data relating to the diameter of samples of pellets produced in the BNFL's MOX Demonstration Facility (MDF) on September 1999. This document is the outlines of inspection procedure for the MONJU fuel pellet in plutonium fuel center of JNC.

JAEA Reports

Study of the quality of vipac oxide fuel obtained by pyro-processing

Kakehi, Isao;

JNC TN9400 2000-054, 84 Pages, 2000/04


This report describes accomplishment of the study on the quality of vipac (vibro-packed) oxide fuel obtained by pyrochemical processing (molten salt electrolytic processing). This study is intended to contribute to the design study of the pyro-reprocessing-vipac fuel recycling system of oxide fuel. In this study, vibro-packing experiment has been conducted using granular U0$$_{2}$$ obtained by molten salt electrolytic processing (cold experiment). The oxide pyro process developed by Research lnstitute of Atomic Reactors (RIAR) is the method in which the sintered oxide is electrically deposited on the cathode at approximately 600$$^{circ}$$C. 0xide granules for vipac fuel are obtained by crushing the oxide deposited on the cathode. This process is also developed as recycle process because it is capable of FP separation. Also in Japan, this process is studied as one of the new FBR fuel recycling systems. ln this study, we made an effort to clarify the mechanisms of vibro-packing of the electrically obtained granules, which influence on the effective parameters of vibro-packing density and fuel particles size distribution in the fuel cladding in case of non-sphere particles of the granules. As a result of the study, smear density of 75% and almost uniform distribution of U0$$_{2}$$ particles have been taken in the experiment, and much knowledge for the improvement of the vibro-packing quality has been found. And the possibility of the smear density over 80% and the uniform distribution of U0$$_{2}$$ particles has been suggested in this study.

JAEA Reports


; Obata, Shinichi; Nogami, Yoshitaka; ; Seki, Masayuki; ;

PNC TN8410 96-198, 235 Pages, 1996/06



JAEA Reports


; ; ; ; ; ;

PNC TN8470 93-002, 99 Pages, 1993/01


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Techniques for quality inspection of coated fuel particles

Iwamoto, K.; Ikawa, Katsuichi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 12(7), p.450 - 455, 1975/07

 Times Cited Count:5

no abstracts in English

7 (Records 1-7 displayed on this page)
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