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Journal Articles

Parameter optimization for turbulent boundary layer generation using ensemble Kalman filter

Onodera, Naoyuki; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Hasegawa, Yuta; Nakayama, Hiromasa

Dai-36-Kai Suchi Ryutai Rikigaku Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 3 Pages, 2022/12

We have developed a wind simulation code named CityLBM to realize wind digital twins. Mesoscale wind conditions are given as boundary conditions in CityLBM by using a nudging data assimilation method. It is found that conventional approaches with constant nudging coefficients fail to reproduce turbulent intensity in long time simulations, where atmospheric stability conditions change significantly. We propose a dynamic parameter optimization method for the nudging coefficient based on an ensemble Kalman filter. CityLBM was validated against plume dispersion experiments in the complex urban environment of Oklahoma City. The nudging coefficient was updated to reduce the error of the turbulent intensity between the simulation and the observation. The mean error of velocity variance is reduced by $$sim$$10% compared to the conventional nudging method with a constant nudging coefficient.

Journal Articles

Development of a surface heat flux model for urban wind simulation using locally mesh-refined lattice Boltzmann method

Onodera, Naoyuki; Idomura, Yasuhiro; Hasegawa, Yuta; Nakayama, Hiromasa

Dai-35-Kai Suchi Ryutai Rikigaku Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu (Internet), 3 Pages, 2021/12

A detailed wind simulation is very important for designing smart cities. Since a lot of tall buildings and complex structures make the air flow turbulent in urban cities, large-scale CFD simulations are needed. We develop a GPU-based CFD code based on a Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM) with a block-based Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) method. In order to reproduce real wind conditions, the wind condition and ground temperature of the mesoscale weather forecasting model are given as boundary conditions. In this research, a surface heat flux model based on the Monin-Obukhov similarity theory was introduced to improve the calculation accuracy. We conducted a detailed wind simulation in Oklahoma City. By executing this computation, wind conditions in the urban area were reproduced with good accuracy.

Journal Articles

Geographical distribution of ground deposition density and ambient dose rate, and temporal change of dose rate

Saito, Kimiaki

Tokyo Denryoku Fukushima Daiichi Genshiryoku Hatsudensho Jiko Ni Yoru Kankyo Osen No Kenkyu Chosa No Shinten To Kadai (Internet), p.8 - 10, 2020/07

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Journal Articles

Toward a robust phenomenological expression of evaporation efficiency for unsaturated soil surfaces

Komatsu, Teruhisa; Adachi, Takeo

Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(9), p.1330 - 1334, 2003/09

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Journal Articles

HTO emission from contaminated surfaces and distribution in environmental media around nuclear facilities

Amano, Hikaru

Fusion Science and Technology, 41(3), p.488 - 492, 2002/05

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Journal Articles

A New method for determining HT deposition velocity and dependence of the velocity on environmental factors

Koarashi, Jun; Amano, Hikaru; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Iida, Takao*; Koma, T.*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 93(3), p.237 - 243, 2001/00

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:52.25(Environmental Sciences)

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JAEA Reports


JNC TJ7420 2000-007, 28 Pages, 2000/03


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Journal Articles

Estimation of $$^{222}$$Rn flux from ground surface based on the variation analysis of $$^{222}$$Rn concentration in a closed chamber

Koarashi, Jun*; Amano, Hikaru; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Iida, Takao*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 87(2), p.121 - 131, 2000/01

 Times Cited Count:24 Percentile:80.74(Environmental Sciences)

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JAEA Reports


JNC TJ1440 99-005, 41 Pages, 1999/12


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JAEA Reports


JNC TJ1400 99-014, 173 Pages, 1999/03



Journal Articles

Development of water circulation model and application to tiritum diffusion

Yamazawa, Hiromi; Nagai, Haruyasu

JAERI-Conf 99-001, p.151 - 160, 1999/03

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JAEA Reports


; Nagasaki, Shinya*

JNC TJ1400 99-028, 62 Pages, 1999/02


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JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 99-022, 19 Pages, 1999/02


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JAEA Reports


Fusaeda, Shigeki*

JNC TJ1400 99-021, 86 Pages, 1999/02


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JAEA Reports


JNC TJ1400 99-016, 24 Pages, 1999/02


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JAEA Reports

Development of one-dimensional atmosphere-bare soil model

Yamazawa, Hiromi; Nagai, Haruyasu

JAERI-Data/Code 97-041, 56 Pages, 1997/10


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Journal Articles

5 years research project between RIAP and JAERI on secondary migration of radionuclides in terrestrial and aquatic environment; Some preliminary results

Amano, Hikaru; Matsunaga, Takeshi; Ueno, Takashi; Onuma, Yoshikazu*; Watanabe, Miki*; Yanase, Nobuyuki; Nagao, Seiya; Sukhoruchkin, A. K.*

Proceedings of 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference on the Problems of Liquidation of Chernobyl Accident Consequences, P. 74, 1996/00

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Journal Articles

Experience of stay at Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany

Yamazawa, Hiromi

Hoken Butsuri, 29(4), p.437 - 440, 1994/12

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JAEA Reports

Radionuclide transfer onto ground surface in surface water flow, 2; Undisturbed tuff rock

Mukai, Masayuki; Takebe, Shinichi; Komiya, Tomokazu

JAERI-Research 94-014, 25 Pages, 1994/09


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28 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)