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Journal Articles

Impact of safety design enhancements on construction cost of the advanced sodium loop fast reactor in Japan

Kato, Atsushi; Mukaida, Kyoko

Proceedings of 2019 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP 2019) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2019/05

Improvement of economic competitiveness is a part of key requirement in the project. By adopting innovative technologies to reduce plant commodities, JSFR could achieve economic competitiveness compared with LWR. After the Fukushima-Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plants accident, safety enhancement measures were added on LWR in Japan mainly against external hazards. In parallel, Safety Design Criteria and Guidelines (SDC/SDG) for SFR were constructed in the framework of Generation IV international forum. Design studies of JSFR were carried out responding to GIF SDC/SDG and lessons learn from the Fukushima accident. This reports an impact of recent safety design enhancements on JSFR construction cost. Safety design enhancement adopted in JSFR.

Journal Articles

Design features and cost reduction potential of JSFR

Kato, Atsushi; Hayafune, Hiroki; Kotake, Shoji*

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 280, p.586 - 597, 2014/12

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:30.65(Nuclear Science & Technology)

To improve the economic competitiveness of the Japan Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (JSFR), several innovative designs have been introduced, e.g. reduction of number of main cooling loop, shorter pipe arrangement by adopting thermally durable material, a compact reactor vessel (RV), integration of a primary pump and an intermediate heat exchanger (IHX). A new approach for construction cost estimation has been introduced to handle innovative technologies, for example, concerning different kinds of material, fabrication processes of equipment etc. As results of cost estimations and the latest conceptual JSFR design, economic goals of Generation IV nuclear energy systems can be achieved by expecting the following cost reduction effects: commodity reduction by adopting innovative design, economy of scale by power generation increase, learning effect etc.

Journal Articles

High temperature gas-cooled reactor

Muto, Yasushi; Kunitomi, Kazuhiko

Karyoku Genshiryoku Hatsuden, 52(10), p.1279 - 1286, 2001/10

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

An Analysis on the economics of plutonium recycle

Tatematsu, Kenji; Tanaka, Yoji*; Sato, Osamu

JAERI-Research 2001-014, 25 Pages, 2001/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


JNC TJ6420 2000-005, 109 Pages, 2000/07


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

lnvestigation of small and modular-sized fast reactor

; Kawasaki, Nobuchika; ; ; ; ;

JNC TN9400 2000-063, 221 Pages, 2000/06


ln this paper, feasibility of the multipurpose small fast reactor, which could be used for requirements concemed with various utilization of electricity and energy and flexibility of power supply site, is discussed on the basis of examination of literatures of various small reactors. And also, a possibility of economic improvement by learning effect of fabrication cost is discussed for the modular-sized reactor which is expected to be a base load power supply system with lower initial investment. (1) Multipurpose small reactor (a) The small reactor with 10MWe$$sim$$150MWe has a potential as a power source for large co-generation, a large island, a middle city, desalination and marine use. (b) Highly passive mechanism, long fuel exchange interval, and minimized maintenance activities are required for the multipurpose small reactor design. The reactor has a high potential for the long fuel exchange interval, since it is relatively easy for FR to obtain a long life core. (c) Current designs of small FRs in Japan and USA (NERI Project) are reviewed to obtain design requirements for the multipurpose small reactor. (2) Modular-sized reactor (a) ln order that modular-sized reactor could be competitive to 3200MWe twin plant (two large monolithic reactor) with 200k/kWe, the target capital cost of FOAK is estimated to be 260k/kWe for 800MWe modular, 280k/kWe for 400MWe modular and 290k/kWe for 200MWe by taking account of the learning effect. (b)As the result of the review on the current designs of modular-sized FRs in Japan and USA (S-PRISM) from the viewpoint of economic improvement, since it only be necessary to make further effort for the target capital cost of FOAK, since the modular-sized FRs requires a large amount of material for shielding, vessels and heat exchangers essentially.

JAEA Reports


; Ojima, Hisao

PNC TN8410 97-220, 33 Pages, 1997/12



JAEA Reports


PNC TJ1211 97-004, 101 Pages, 1997/03



JAEA Reports

A Design study on a large FBR plant enhancing passive safety

Hayashi, Hideyuki; ;

PNC TN9410 96-062, 186 Pages, 1996/02


A conceptual design study on a 1300MWe large FBR plant was performed with focusing on enhancing passive safety and capital cost reduction. Spectrum-adjusted mixed nitride fueled core in which zirconium hydride was added, was applied to enlarge Doppler reactivity coefficient. Breeding ratio of 1.2 was obtained only with one layer of radial blanket subassemblies by optimizing the content of the zirconium hydride. The optimization also lightened the burden to the reactor structure through the reduction of the core diameter. Reactor passive shutdown were performed in the ATWS events of ULOF and ULOHS, and UTOP caused by one control rod full runout was endurable under the criterion of the prevention of coolant boiling. The safety feature can be called as inherent safety, because the feature comes only from the reactivity characteristics of the core. The integrities of the reactor structures which characterize head-access loop type reactor were evaluated on the transient thermal stress at the loss of flow accident and on seismic strain. Vertical strain of core support plate at loss of flow condition was also evaluated on the passive shutdown at ULOF. The capital cost of the large FBR plant was estimated 1.3 to 1.4 times as high as that of the same scale LWR based on the weight of major components.

JAEA Reports


PNC TN9440 93-022, 370 Pages, 1993/10



JAEA Reports


PNC TN9440 92-017, 435 Pages, 1992/10



JAEA Reports


PNC TN9440 91-018, 232 Pages, 1991/10



JAEA Reports


PNC TN9440 91-010, 45 Pages, 1991/07



JAEA Reports

High radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ solid Waste treatment facilities Conceptual design study

; Seki, Sadao*;

PNC TJ9409 91-001, 164 Pages, 1991/02


This report describes the result of conceptual design study concerned with "High Radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ Solid Waste Treatment Facilities, "which will be planed for the purpose of volume reduction and stabilization of High Radioactive $$alpha$$-$$gamma$$ solid wastes generated and stocked in the O-arai Engineering Center of PNC. In this conceptual design study the basic process of the facilities, which are sufficient to treat each waste and develop technologies, are clarified. This report consist with: (1)Clarification of waste to be treated. (2)Study on the treatment technology and process. (3)Conceptual design of facilities and equipment. (4)Estimation of construction cost and schedule.

JAEA Reports


PNC TJ9349 88-001VOL1, 188 Pages, 1988/12



JAEA Reports


PNC TN1410 97-025, 53 Pages, 1988/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Conelptual Design of Krypton Recovery Plant by Prous Membrone Method

; ; Shimizu, Toku; Saito, Keiichiro; ; ; ; Naruse, Yuji

JAERI-M 8494, 291 Pages, 1979/10


no abstracts in English

Oral presentation

Economic competitiveness of a pool type SFR

Kato, Atsushi; Uchita, Masato*

no journal, , 

The construction cost of a 650 MWe class pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor (hereafter pool-type SFR) was evaluated based on the detailed plant commodities obtained from the plant conceptual design. In this paper, we analyze the relationship between the characteristics of the pool-type SFR and the construction cost, and attempt to compare them with the generation cost of light water reactors in the Working Group on Power Generation Cost Verification in 2021.

18 (Records 1-18 displayed on this page)
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