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JAEA Reports

Design concepts for overpack

; ; Tanai, Kenji

JNC TN8400 99-047, 54 Pages, 1999/11


This paper reports on the design process for a carbon-steel overpack as a key component in the engineered barrier system of a deep geological repository described in the 2nd progress report. The results of the research and development regarding design requirements, configuration, manufacturing and inspection of overpack are also described. The concept of a composite overpack composed of two different materials is also considered. First, the design requirements for an overpack and presume environmental and design conditions for a repository are provided. For a candidate material of carbon steel overpack, forging material is selected considering enough experience of using this material in nuclear power boilers and other components. Second, loading conditions after emplacement in a repository are set and the pressure-resistant thickness of overpack is calculated. The corrosion thickness to achieve an assigned 1000 year life time and the required thickness to prevent radiolysis of ground water which might enhance corrosion rate are also determined. As aresult, the total required thickness of a carbon-steel overpack is conservatively estimated to 190 mm. This is a reduction of about 30% from the previous estimate provided in the 1st Progress Report. Additional items that must be considered in manufacturring and operating overpacks (i.e. sealing of vitrified waste, examination of main body and sealing welding, mechanism of handling) are evaluated on the basis of current technology, specific future data needs are identified. With respect to the concept of composite overpack (i.e., an outer vessel to provide corrosion-allowance or corrosion-resistant performance and an inner vessel to provide pressure-resistance), the differences in design concepts between the carbon-steel overpack and such composite overpacks are analyzed. Future data needs and analytical capabilities with respect to overpacks are also summarized.

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