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JAEA Reports

Feasibility study on dismantling and removal of hydraulic rabbit No.1 irradiation facility

Magome, Hirokatsu; Iimura, Koichi; Matsui, Yoshinori

JAEA-Testing 2020-008, 52 Pages, 2021/02


As to the removal of the hydraulic rabbit No.1 irradiation facility related to the decommissioning of JMTR, points to be noted for considering a removal plan and maintenance methods after the removal were studied based on the past experiences of removing the hydraulic rabbit No.2 irradiation facility. As results, it became clear that it was necessary to (1) add a shutoff valve and a closing flange to piping for preventing cooling water leakage, (2) prepare a drawing jig for inner tube, and (3) shorten the remaining piping to withstand earthquakes. In addition, regarding the management of equipment to be maintained after removal, the necessary management items for the removal methods of the three patterns of ground equipments were listed.

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