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JAEA Reports

Feasibility study of a high-speed X-ray visualization method for multiphase interactions

Usami, Tsutomu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Nishikizawa, Tomotoshi; Nakamura, Hideo

JAERI-Tech 2005-028, 37 Pages, 2005/05


The steam explosion during a severe accident in a light water reactor, which may occur by the contact of molten core and coolant, has been known as a potential threat on the integrity of the containment vessel, and has been studied in the nuclear safety research field. Prediction of the intensity of steam explosions needs an understanding of the initial premixture. However, visual observation of the premixture in experiments is usually difficult due to the vapor generation. Thus, we investigated the possibility of a high-speed X-ray visualization with a 4500 f/s high speed video camera with an image-intensifier and three kinds of scintillator materials: CdWO$$_{4}$$, ZnS(Ag) and CsI(Tl). A modeled premixture consisted of metal objects and bubbles in a water vessel was used. The test result showed that the CsI(Tl) scintillator gave the best image quality among the three and the high-speed visualization at 4500 f/s was possible, though in the still picture which carried out one of the recorded picture, the picture became indistinct.

Journal Articles

Visualization study of molten metal-water interaction by using neutron radiography

Mishima, Kaichiro*; Hibiki, Takashi*; Saito, Y.*; Sugimoto, Jun; Moriyama, Kiyofumi

Nucl. Eng. Des., 189(1-3), p.391 - 403, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:68.41(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Application of high-frame-rate neutron radiography to steam explosion research

Saito, Y.*; Mishima, Kaichiro*; Hibiki, Takashi*; ; Sugimoto, Jun; Moriyama, Kiyofumi

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 424(1), p.142 - 147, 1999/00

 Times Cited Count:16 Percentile:74.02(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Study on premixing phase of steam explosion of JAERI

; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Maruyama, Yu; H.Park*; Y.Yang*; Sugimoto, Jun

JAERI-Conf 97-011, p.447 - 466, 1998/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Effect of system constraint on coolant injection mode of energetic fuel-coolant interactions

Park, H.; Yamano, Norihiro; Maruyama, Yu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Yang, Y.; Sugimoto, Jun

Dai-35-Kai Nihon Dennetsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, 3, p.803 - 804, 1998/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Study on subcooled water injection into molten material

Park, H.; ; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Maruyama, Yu; Y.Yang*; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc. of 11th Int. Heat Transfer Conf. (Heat Transfer 1998), 6, p.69 - 74, 1998/00

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Journal Articles

Effect of water jet dynamics in the coolant injection mode of fuel-coolant interactions

H.S.Park*; ; Maruyama, Yu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Y.Yang*; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc. of 1998 ASME/JSME Joint Pressure Vessels and Piping Conf., 362, p.49 - 56, 1998/00

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Journal Articles

Study on energetic fuel-coolant interaction in the coolant injection mode of contact

H.Park*; ; Maruyama, Yu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Y.Yang*; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc. of 6th Int. Conf. on Nucl. Eng. (ICONE-6) (CD-ROM), 12 Pages, 1998/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Technical note on ex-vessel core melt debris coolability and steam explosions

Yamano, N.; Maruyama, Yu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Sugimoto, Jun

NEA/CSNI/R(96)24, 0, p.1 - 49, 1996/00

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Journal Articles

Study on steam explosion and molten core coolability in ALPHA program

Yamano, N.; Maruyama, Yu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Kudo, Tamotsu; H.S.Park*; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc. of 11th KAIF/KNS Annual Conf., 0, p.827 - 838, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of steam explosion simulation code JASMINE

Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Yamano, N.; Maruyama, Yu; Kudo, Tamotsu; ; ; Sugimoto, Jun

JAERI-Data/Code 95-016, 50 Pages, 1995/11


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Journal Articles

Development of steam explosion analysis code JASMINE,I; Premixing model

Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Yamano, N.; Maruyama, Yu; Kudo, Tamotsu; ; ; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc., Seminar on the Vapor Explosions in Nuclear Power Safety,Kanzanji 1995, p.87 - 102, 1995/00

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Journal Articles

Current status of large-scale steam explosion experiments

Yamano, N.; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Maruyama, Yu; Kudo, Tamotsu; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc., Seminar on the Vapor Explosions in Nuclear Power Safety,Kanzanji 1995, 0, p.121 - 139, 1995/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Thermal-hydraulics in a containment vessel of a unclear power plant during a severe accident

Sugimoto, Jun; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; Yamano, N.; Maruyama, Yu

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai "Genshiro Kakuno Yoki Shinraisei Jissho Shiken Ni Kansuru Chosa Hokokusho, Heisei-5-Nendo", 0, p.3 - 192, 1994/00

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Journal Articles

OCCD/NEA Specialist Mtg. on Fuel-Coolant Interactions

Akiyama, Mamoru*; Yamano, Norihiro

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai-Shi, 35(7), p.630 - 631, 1993/07

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Journal Articles

Studies of fuel coolant interactions during core melt accident of nuclear power plants

Yamano, N.; Sugimoto, Jun; Maruyama, Yu; Soda, Kunihisa

NUREG/CP-0127, 0, p.271 - 281, 1993/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Steam explosions of single drops of molten aluminum and 6061 alloy

L.S.Nelson*; Fuketa, Toyoshi; Eatough, M. J.*; F.J.Vigil*

Dai-27-Kai Nihon Dennetsu Shimpojiumu Koen Rombunshu, p.319 - 321, 1990/05

no abstracts in English

17 (Records 1-17 displayed on this page)
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