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Oral presentation

Application of pulsed optically stimulated luminescence using natural mineral to retrospective dosimetry

Fujita, Hiroki

no journal, , 

Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) from natural quartz and feldspar has been used in retrospective dosimetry, dating of sediment and etc. However, in the application target mineral should be extracted with chemical separation which is robust work. Now a days, pulsed optically stimulated luminescence (P-OSL) was developed to separate luminescence signal from between quartz and feldspar as instrumental separation. The purpose of this study tried to apply the P-OSL to Japanese surface soil as retrospective dosimetry with easy physical separation. From our results, it was concluded that P-OSL dosimetry is suitable for accident evaluation although further research is required to improve the protocol using various kinds of Japanese surface soils.

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