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Journal Articles

Development of innovative light refractory materials using beryllide for gas turbine

Iwadachi, Takaharu*; Uchida, Munenori*; Mishima, Yoshinao*; Fujita, Akitsugu*; Kawamura, Hiroshi; Shestakov, V.*; Miyakawa, Masaru*

JAERI-Conf 2004-006, p.196 - 202, 2004/03

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of new functional materials making use of radiation effects

Tanaka, Shigeru

Enerugi Rebyu, 22(4), p.16 - 18, 2002/04

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

PIE technology on mechanical tests for HTTR core component and structural materials developed at research hot laboratory

Kizaki, Minoru; Honda, Junichi; Usami, Koji; Ouchi, Asao*; Oeda, Etsuro; Matsumoto, Seiichiro

JAERI-Tech 2000-087, 50 Pages, 2001/02


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Development of creep-fatigue evaluation method for welde structures considering metallurgical and geometrical discontinuities; Application of elastic follow-up model to welded joints

kasahara, Naoto

PNC TN9410 95-213, 38 Pages, 1995/08


In order to evaluate thermal transient strength of welded components in nuclear plants, conventional structural design codes provide conservative strength reduction factors, which are desired to be rationalized. Author extended the generalized clastic follow-up model to evaluate main causes of strength reduction of welded joints. As main causes of strength reduction of welded joints subjected to cyclic thermal transients, attention was given to (1)Metallurgical discontinuity in which the different deformation response between base metal and weld metal can result in nonuniform stresses and strain across the weldment, (2)Structural discontinuity at penetration beads of welded joints, and (3)Degradation of Weld Metal. In order to evaluate (1) and (2) of above factors, an elastic follow-up model was successfully applied. Thermal transient strength test results provide further substantiation of the validity of the elastic follow-up model for ensuring adequate life in elevated temperature component weldments. Author applied the creep-fatigue life prediction methods based on the elastic follow-up model to evaluate test results of a welded vessel model. Proposed method was proved to be adequate through comparison of predicted damagc with observed cracks data.

JAEA Reports

Development of program for arbitrary real time simulation; (1)Design of prototype program

kasahara, Naoto;

PNC TN9410 95-211, 32 Pages, 1995/08


In order to optimize elevated temperature structural systems in fast reactor plants, where main loading is thermal stress induced by transient operation of circuit, authors proposed new design frame by applying design by analysis concept to both structural design and system design. A key technology in this design frame is an integrated analysis method for both thermo-mechanical behaviors of structures and plant thermo-hydraulic dynamics, developing of a prototype code of which, named PARTS (Program for Arbitrary Real Time Simulation), was started this year. For the purpose to achieve flexible coupling of several codes, authors designed three categories of calculation parts (objects): (1)thermo-hydraulics of coolant, (2)thermo-mechanical behavior of structures, and (3)material strength. These calculation parts can be handled and connected easily on the PARTS-Workbench. Real time simulation is planed to be accomplished by parallel processing of individual parts calculation, and by prediction of neural-network which learned past calculation results. Object oriented languages, Smalltalk and C++, were adopted for implementation of calculation parts. The PARTS-Workbench was programed by visual Basic and Visual Smalltalk for considering user customization. In the next phase of study, parallel processing function and neural network parts will be incorporated in the PARTS code. Prototype of this code is going to be completed until F.Y.1996. and be applied to study of thermal mitigation structures.

JAEA Reports


; Haga, Kazuo;

PNC TN9000 93-007, 68 Pages, 1993/10



JAEA Reports

High heat flux experiment on B$$_{4}$$C-overlaid C/C composites for plasma facing materials of JT-60U

Nakamura, Kazuyuki; Akiba, Masato; ; ; Dairaku, Masayuki; Ando, Toshiro; ; Saido, Masahiro; Fukaya, Kiyoshi; H.Bolt*; et al.

JAERI-M 92-052, 41 Pages, 1992/04


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Heat resistant silicon carbide fiber

Seguchi, Tadao

Kagaku Sochi, 34(2), p.53 - 57, 1992/02

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports


Kawamura, Kazuhiro

PNC TN8600 92-001, 86 Pages, 1992/01


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

R&D of heat resistant ceramic fiber by radiation application

Seguchi, Tadao; Okamura, K.*

Hoshasen Kagaku, 0(54), p.43 - 45, 1992/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Radiation application for supper heat resistant material synthesis

Seguchi, Tadao

Hoshasen To Sangyo, 0(54), p.16 - 21, 1992/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Development of heat resistant ceramic fiber

Seguchi, Tadao

Koatsu Gasu, 29(8), p.46 - 48, 1992/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

3.3,Heat-resistant improved SiC fiber by radiation treatment

Seguchi, Tadao; Okamura, K.*

Muki Kobunshi, 1, p.100 - 108, 1992/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Materials properties data sheet (No.B 01); Tensile properties data on FBR grade SUS316 (Base Metal)

; ; ; ; ; ; Yoshida, Eiichi

PNC TN9450 91-008, 38 Pages, 1991/09


In order to advancement in materials strength standard on elevated temperature design guide of the FBRs and evaluation method of materials strength behavior, this report are presented about the tensile properties of FBR grade SUS316, based on the R&D results obtained through the activities of material tests. Contents of the data sheet are as follows; (1)Material : FBR grade SUS316 (Base Metal) B7 Heat 1,000mm$$times$$1,000㎜$$times$$50mm$$^{t}$$(Plate) B8 Heat 1,000㎜$$times$$1,000mm$$times$$40mm$$^{t}$$(Plate) B9 Heat 1,000mm$$times$$1,000㎜$$times$$25㎜$$^{t}$$(Plate) (2)Test temperature : RT$$sim$$750$$^{circ}$$C (3)Test method : According to JIS and FBR Metallic Materials Test Methods (4)Number of deta : 64 points

JAEA Reports

Design of super-heat-resisting structural materials using a d-electron alloy theory (II)

; Morinaga, Masahiko*; Saito, Junichi*; ;

PNC TJ9623 92-001, 81 Pages, 1991/07


[PURPOSE] For structural materials serviced in the Li environments, both Nb-based and Mo-based alloys are selected as the candidate materials. In this study, a simple method was proposed for evaluating the high temperature strength of these alloys. Also, the corrosion resistance in liquid metals was investigated in order to get fundamental information for the design and development of high performance alloys. [EXPERIMENTAL AND CALCULATING METHODS] With a variety of ternary alloys high temperature micro-hardness was measured systematically. The results were analyzed by referring to the relationship between the hardness and the tensile strength reported in previous publications. Also, some alloys designed last year were exposed to the liquid Na at 650 $$^{circ}$$C, and the attendant changes were examined with respect to the weight, microstructure and local composition of alloys. Some of the results were understood in terms of the free energy for the oxide formation of Na and other elements in alloys. Another effort to understand the corrosion properties was made by the molecular orbital calculation of the electronic states of various elements in liquid Li, K and Na. [RESULTS] The high temperature tensile strength of both the alloys was found to be predictable by using a linear relationship between the hardness and the tensile strength of room temperature to 1200 $$^{circ}$$C. The corrosion resistance was much poorer in the Nb-based alloys than in the Mo-based alloys. This is partially due to the enhancement of corrosion by the preferred oxidation of Nb and Ta in the Nb-based alloys, whereas no such oxidation took place in the Mo-based alloys. In addition, it was found from the molecular orbital calculation that Li is the liquid metal of more strongly-bonded with every alloying element, compared to K and Na liquid metals. Futhermore, it was shown that the hardness of each alloy correlated well with the atomic-size difference and also the young's modulus difference ...

Journal Articles

New development of radiation crosslinking

Makuuchi, Keizo

Hoshasen To Sangyo, 0(49), p.4 - 8, 1991/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Improvement of heat resistant SiC fiber and synthesis of Si$$_{3}$$N$$_{4}$$ fiber

Okamura, K.*; Shimoo, Toshio *; Seguchi, Tadao

Seramikku Detabukku 1991, p.292 - 297, 1991/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of high temperature multiaxial fatigue behavior of 304 steel (2nd Reprot.)

PNC TN9410 90-093, 68 Pages, 1990/01


The authors have conducted a series of axial and torsional biaxial fatigue/creep-fatigue tests with :304 stainless steel at 550 $$^{circ}$$C and obtained the following conclusions, (1)A fatigue life under nonproportional loading reduces to 1/2-1/3 of that under proportional loading. (2)The life reduction under nonproportional loading can be accouted for by path-dependent Mises type equivalent strain range. In this report, the results of creep-fatigue tests under proportional and nonproportional loading are examined. The following results were obtained. (1)A creep-fatigue life under nonproportional loading reduces to 1/2-1/5 of that under proportional loading. (2)Stress relaxation occurs towards origin proportionally (to the point where axial and torsional loads are zero) even under nonproportional creep-fatigue loading. (3)A creep-fatigue life under nonproportional loading can resonably be evaluated based on the fatigue properties and the creep properties obtained under uniaxial loading conditions, using the path dependent Mises type equivalent strain range and Mises equivalent stress.

JAEA Reports

Radition-Induced Crosslinking of Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride)

JAERI-M 7142, 76 Pages, 1977/07


no abstracts in English

23 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)