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Journal Articles

Securing reversibility of U$$^{V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$redox equilibrium in [emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N-based liquid electrolytes towards uranium redox-flow battery

Takao, Koichiro*; Ouchi, Kazuki; Komatsu, Atsushi; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro; Watanabe, Masayuki

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 27(14), p.e202300787_1 - e202300787_7, 2024/05

Electrochemical behavior of U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethyl)sulfonylamide ([emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N) ionic liquid was studied to clarify what are required to attain its redox reversibility for utilizing depleted U as an electrode active material in a redox flow battery. As a result, reversibility of the U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{+}$$/U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ redox reaction was successfully achieved in use of a glassy carbon working electrode under presence of Cl$$^{-}$$ in [emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N. To improve diffusivity of solutes, [emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N diluted with an auxiliary molecular solvent, N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). We have succeeded in demonstrating a reversible redox reaction of [U$$^{rm VI}$$O$$_{2}$$Cl$$^{4}$$]$$^{2-}$$ + e$$^{-}$$ = [U$$^{rm V}$$O$$_{2}$$Cl$$^{4}$$]$$^{3-}$$ in the 50:50 v/v [emim]Tf$$_{2}$$N-DMF liquid electrolyte containing Cl$$^{-}$$.

Journal Articles

U(VI) sorption on illite in the presence of carbonate studied by cryogenic time-resolved laser fluorescence spectroscopy and parallel factor analysis

Mei, H.; Aoyagi, Noboru; Saito, Takumi*; Tanaka, Kazuya; Sugiura, Yuki; Tachi, Yukio

Applied Geochemistry, 162, p.105926_1 - 105926_8, 2024/02

Journal Articles

Production and synthesis of a novel $$^{191}$$Pt-labeled platinum complex and evaluation of its biodistribution in healthy mice

Omokawa, Marina*; Kimura, Hiroyuki*; Hatsukawa, Yuichi*; Kawashima, Hidekazu*; Tsukada, Kazuaki; Yagi, Yusuke*; Naito, Yuki*; Yasui, Hiroyuki*

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 97, p.117557_1 - 117557_6, 2024/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)

Journal Articles

Hierarchical aggregation in a complex fluid; The Role of isomeric interconversion

Massey, D.*; Williams, C. D.*; Mu, J.*; Masters, A. J.*; Motokawa, Ryuhei; Aoyagi, Noboru; Ueda, Yuki; Antonio, M. R.*

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 127(9), p.2052 - 2065, 2023/03

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Lanthanide and actinide ion complexes containing organic ligands investigated by surface-enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy

Hirata, Sakiko*; Kusaka, Ryoji; Meiji, Shogo*; Tamekuni, Seita*; Okudera, Kosuke*; Hamada, Shoken*; Sakamoto, Chihiro*; Honda, Takumi*; Matsushita, Kosuke*; Muramatsu, Satoru*; et al.

Inorganic Chemistry, 62(1), p.474 - 486, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Development of heavy element chemistry at interfaces; Observing actinide complexes at the oil/water interface in solvent extraction by nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy

Kusaka, Ryoji; Watanabe, Masayuki

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters (Internet), 13(30), p.7065 - 7071, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:65.39(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Fully chelating N$$_{3}$$O$$_{2}$$-pentadentate planar ligands designed for the strongest and selective capture of uranium from seawater

Mizumachi, Takumi*; Sato, Minami*; Kaneko, Masashi; Takeyama, Tomoyuki*; Tsushima, Satoru*; Takao, Koichiro*

Inorganic Chemistry, 61(16), p.6175 - 6181, 2022/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:58.46(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Based on unique 5-fold equatorial coordination of UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$, water-compatible pentadentate planar ligands, H$$_{2}$$saldian and its derivatives, were designed as strong and selective capture of UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ in seawater. In the simulated seawater condition (0.5 M NaCl + 2.3 mM HCO$$_{3}$$$$^{-}$$/CO$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$, pH 8), saldian$$^{2-}$$ shows the strongest complexation with UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ to form UO$$_{2}$$(saldian) (log$$beta$$$$_{11}$$ = 28.05 $$pm$$ 0.07), which is more than 10 order of magnitude greater than amidoxime-based or -inspired ligand systems most commonly employed for U capture from seawater. Good selectivity for UO$$_{2}$$$$^{2+}$$ from other metal ions coexisting in seawater was also demonstrated.

Journal Articles

Application of a novel gas phase synthesis approach to carbonyl complexes of accelerator-produced 5d transition metals

G$"o$tz, M.*; Yakushev, A.*; G$"o$tz, S.*; Di Nitto, A.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Asai, Masato; Kindler, B.*; Krier, J.*; Lommel, B.*; Nagame, Yuichiro*; et al.

Radiochimica Acta, 110(2), p.75 - 86, 2022/02

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:29.53(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

The study of volatile superheavy element carbonyl complexes requires more efficient methods because the yield of transactinide elements decreases with increasing atomic number. This is achieved by using a newly developed double chamber system to separate the recoil chamber and the reaction one, thereby avoiding the decomposition of reactive molecules by the projectile ion beam, which hinders the synthesis of carbonyl complexes. The feasibility of this method was verified by synthesizing 5d metal short-lived isotopes as homologous element isotopes of the light transactinide elements Sg, Bh, Hs, and Mt at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency tandem accelerator and conducting model experiments.

Journal Articles

Stoichiometry of lanthanide-phosphate complexes at the water surface studied using vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy and DFT calculations

Kusaka, Ryoji; Watanabe, Masayuki

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 125(24), p.6727 - 6731, 2021/06

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:42.16(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Programmable synthesis of silver wheels

Kwon, H.*; Pietrasiak, E.*; Ohara, Takashi; Nakao, Akiko*; Chae, B.*; Hwang, C.-C.*; Jung, D.*; Hwang, I.-C.*; Ko, Y. H.*; Kim, K.*; et al.

Inorganic Chemistry, 60(9), p.6403 - 6409, 2021/05

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Gas phase synthesis of 4d transition metal carbonyl complexes with thermalized fission fragments in single-atom reactions

G$"o$tz, M.*; G$"o$tz, S.*; Kratz, J.-V.*; Ballof, J.*; D$"u$llmann, Ch. E.*; Eberhardt, K.*; Mokry, C.*; Renisch, D.*; Runke, J.*; Sato, Tetsuya; et al.

Radiochimica Acta, 109(3), p.153 - 165, 2021/03

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:43.41(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

We report on a novel two-chamber approach for the synthesis of volatile complexes that allows spatial decoupling of thermalization and gas-phase carbonyl complex synthesis. Neutron induced fission on $$^{235}$$U and spontaneous fission of $$^{248}$$Cm were employed for the production of the fission products. These were stopped inside a gas volume behind the target and flushed with an inert-gas flow into a second chamber. This was flushed with carbon monoxide to allow the gas-phase synthesis of carbonyl complexes. Parameter studies of the transfer from the first into the second chamber as well as on the carbonyl complex formation and transport processes have been performed. High overall efficiencies of more than 50% were reached rendering this approach interesting for studies of superheavy elements. Our results show that carbonyl complex formation of thermalized fission products is a single-atom reaction, and not a hot-atom reaction.

Journal Articles

Systematic comparison of the structure of homoleptic tetradentate N$$_{2}$$O$$_{2}$$-type Schiff base complexes of tetravalent f-elements (M(IV) = Ce, Th, U, Np, and Pu) in solid state and in solution

Radoske, T.*; Kloditz, R.*; Fichter, S.*; M$"a$rz, J.*; Kaden, P.*; Patzschke, M.*; Schmidt, M.*; Stumpf, T.*; Walter, O.*; Ikeda, Atsushi

Dalton Transactions (Internet), 49(48), p.17559 - 17570, 2020/12

 Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:67.43(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

Journal Articles

Journal Articles

A Telescoping view of solute architectures in a complex fluid system

Motokawa, Ryuhei; Kobayashi, Toru; Endo, Hitoshi; Mu, J.*; Williams, C. D.*; Masters, A. J.*; Antonio, M. R.*; Heller, W. T.*; Nagao, Michihiro*

ACS Central Science, 5(1), p.85 - 96, 2019/01

 Times Cited Count:47 Percentile:86.21(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Complexation of Eu(III), Pb(II), and U(VI) with a ${{it Paramecium}}$ glycoprotein; Microbial transformation of heavy elements in the aquatic environment

Kozai, Naofumi; Sakamoto, Fuminori; Tanaka, Kazuya; Onuki, Toshihiko; Sato, Takahiro*; Kamiya, Tomihiro*; Grambow, B.

Chemosphere, 196, p.135 - 144, 2018/04

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:17.18(Environmental Sciences)

Transformation of heavy elements by microbes such as bacteria and fungi has been an intense research subject; however, little is known about that of protozoa. This study investigated interaction of a representative protozoa, ${{it Paramecium}}$, with heavy elements (Eu(III), Pb(II), U(VI)). Non-destructive elemental analysis by micro-PIXE hardly detected those elements on living cells after sorption experiments but clearly detected on the cells that were killed with a fixative beforehand. Chromatographic analysis of aquatic species of those heavy elements after the sorption experiments revealed a fraction of those elements bound to a glycoprotein dissolved from the cell surface of living ${{it Paramecium}}$ cells to form soluble pseudocolloid. These findings suggest that complexation of heavy elements with the dissolved surface glycoprotein reduced the sorption of those heavy elements on living cells.

Journal Articles

Effects of mesopore internal surfaces on the structure of immobilized Pd-bisphosphine complexes analyzed by variable-temperature XAFS and their catalytic performances

Motokura, Ken*; Fukuda, Takuma*; Uemura, Yohei*; Matsumura, Daiju; Ikeda, Marika*; Nambo, Masayuki*; Chun, W.-J.*

Catalysts, 8(3), p.106_1 - 106_8, 2018/03

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:9.72(Chemistry, Physical)

Journal Articles

Bonding study on trivalent europium complexes by combining M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts with density functional calculations

Kaneko, Masashi; Watanabe, Masayuki; Miyashita, Sunao*; Nakashima, Satoru*

Radioisotopes, 66(8), p.289 - 300, 2017/08

Scalar-relativistic density functional calculations applied to some trivalent europium complexes. Five Eu(III) complexes whose $$^{151}$$Eu M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts vary from -1.8 to 0.5 mm/s are referred by previously reported results. Geometrical optimizations of their complexes reproduces the experimental coordination structures. Single-point calculations are applied to their optimized geometries at three density functionals, namely, BP86, B3LYP, and B2PLYP, to obtain their electron densities at Eu nucleus. A comparison of the linearity between the electron densities and the corresponding $$^{151}$$Eu M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts reveals that B2PLYP functional shows the best linearity. Electron population and bond analyses indicate that d- and f-orbital electrons of Eu ion in the complexes are found to be correlated to the experimental $$^{151}$$Eu M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts. This indicates that the d- and f-orbital electrons are involved in the covalent interaction of the coordination bond between the Eu ion and the ligands.

Journal Articles

Bonding study on d- and f-block coordination compounds by combining density functional calculations with M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopic parameters

Kaneko, Masashi

Hosha Kagaku, (35), p.36 - 39, 2017/03

This paper is an article for research introduction by winner of the Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences Encouragement Price 2016. It was mentioned about the achievements which revealed the spin transition behavior of iron complex and the separation mechanism of actinides from lanthanides.

Journal Articles

A Spin-crossover phenomenon depending on the environment around an iron atom for the assembled coordination polymers

Nakashima, Satoru*; Kaneko, Masashi

Advances in Chemistry Research, Vol.36, p.171 - 195, 2017/01

Spin-crossover (SCO) phenomena of the assembled coordination polymers are introduced. When the bridging ligand is flexible like 1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethane, 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane, a variety of assembled structure can be obtained, depending on the conformer of the ligand and the guest molecules. Guest-dependent SCO phenomena of the assembled iron complexes are shown. Density functional theory is applied to know the cause of guest-dependent SCO phenomena. The validity of an iron mono-nucleus model is evaluated for the coordination polymers. It is shown that SCO occurs or not depends on the local structure around iron ion.

161 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)