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Oral presentation

Effect of long term thermal aging on SCC initiation susceptibility in L-grade austenitic stainless steels

Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Aoki, So; Kondo, Keietsu; Yamamoto, Masahiro

no journal, , 

The influence of long term thermal aging (LTA) on SCC initiation susceptibility in L-grade austenitic stainless steels (SSs) has been investigated using Creviced Bent Beam (CBB) tests. Test materials were type 304L and 316L SSs, and aging heat treatments were conducted at 288$$^{circ}$$C in air for up to 14000 hours followed by solution-annealing (SA) or 20% cold-working (CW). The evaluation of the SCC initiation susceptibility was conducted by CBB tests in BWR simulated high-temperature water at 288$$^{circ}$$C for 1000 hours. It was revealed by CBB tests that 304L-SA, 304L-CW, 304L-SA+LTA, 304L-CW+LTA, 316L-SA 316L-CW and 316L-SA+LTA showed no SCC initiation susceptibility, whereas 316L-CW+LTA showed high SCC susceptibility. To clarify the cause of SCC initiation in 316L-CW+LTA, several investigations are in progress from the viewpoint of mechanical properties, cold-rolling texture, microstructure and michrochemistry after LTA. It is considered that the low temperature sensitization was not the main cause of SCC in 316L-CW+LTA, because the TEM/EDX analysis on the 316L+LTA and 316L-CW+LTA specimens showed no chromium depletion in the vicinity of grain boundaries. In this presentation, we will explain the further investigation results for effect of LTA on SCC initiation susceptibility in L-grade austenitic SSs.

Oral presentation

Effect of long term thermal aging on SCC susceptibility in austenitic stainless steels

Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Aoki, So; Kondo, Keietsu; Yamamoto, Masahiro

no journal, , 

The influence of long term thermal aging on SCC susceptibility in L-grade austenitic stainless steels (SSs) has been investigated using Creviced Bent Beam (CBB) tests. Test materials were type 304L and 316L SSs, and aging heat treatments were conducted at 288$$^{circ}$$C in air for up to 14000 hours followed by solution-annealing (SA) or 20% cold-working (CW). The evaluation of the SCC initiation susceptibility was conducted by CBB tests in BWR simulated high-temperature water at 288$$^{circ}$$C for 1000 hours. It was revealed by CBB tests that long term aged 304L-SA, 304L-CW, and 316L-SA showed low susceptibility of cracking, whereas long term aged 316L-CW showed high SCC susceptibility. And so far, it is considered that the low temperature sensitization was not the main cause of SCC in long term aged 316L-CW, because the previous TEM/EDX analysis on the long term aged 316L specimen showed no chromium depletion in the vicinity of grain boundaries. Further investigations are in progress from the viewpoint of mechanical properties, cold-rolling texture, microstructure and michrochemistry after the long term thermal aging in order to discuss the factors increasing SCC susceptibility.

Oral presentation

SCC initiation susceptibility in L-grade austenitic stainless steels after long-term thermal aging treatment

Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Kondo, Keietsu; Aoki, So; Hirade, Tetsuya; Yamamoto, Masahiro

no journal, , 

To clarify the causal relationship between the LTA treatment and the SCC initiation susceptibility, microstructural analyses on 316L CW specimens before and after the LTA treatment have been conducted. One of viewpoints in our research is the deformation microstructure. Results of the surface examination by SEM on CBB tested specimens suggested the difference in the deformation microstructure of 316L CW and CW+LTA. Coarse and planar slip steps were frequently observed on the surface of 316L CW+LTA specimens, indicating the localization of dislocation motion to limited slip planes. On the other hand, surface morphology observed in 316L CW was mainly fine and wavy slip step, indicating the occurrence of the homogeneous plastic deformation. The detail mechanism of the change in the deformation microstructure by the LTA treatment is unknown yet. Researches on its effect on the deformation microstructure and, furthermore, the SCC susceptibility is now in progress.

Oral presentation

Long term thermal aging effect on SCC initiation susceptibility of L-grade stainless steels

Kaji, Yoshiyuki; Aoki, So; Fujimura, Yuki; Kondo, Keietsu

no journal, , 

In this study, the influence of the long term thermal aging (LTA) on SCC initiation susceptibility of L-grade SSs was examined. Results of CBB testing on Type 316L CW and CW + LTA under the BWR simulated water condition showed the increase of SCC susceptibility to initiation after the LTA treatment. The material examinations on those materials were conducted to identify the SCC accelerating factors. The initial microstructure in Type 316L CW and CW + LTA was characterized to dislocation tangles and dislocation cell structures, respectively, indicating that the LTA treatment induced the rearrangement of dislocations toward the energetically favorable state. Whereas, no sensitization of the grain boundaries of Type 316L CW + LTA was confirmed by means of TEM/EDX analysis. The examination of surface deformation microstructure by bending deformation was conducted by the consecutive SEM observation before and after CBB testing. The more heterogeneous deformation was enhanced by the LTA treatment, that is, the reduction in dislocation motion and increase of deformation twinning. It was considered from those obtained results that the concentration of local stress around grain boundaries caused by the more heterogeneous deformation might be one of the promoting factors for increasing the SCC susceptibility in non-sensitized Type 316L CW + LTA.

Oral presentation

Effect of cold-work and long-term aging on SCC initiation susceptibility of austenitic stainless steel

Kondo, Keietsu; Aoki, So; Fujimura, Yuki; Kaji, Yoshiyuki

no journal, , 

The effect of the long-term thermal aging (LTA) on the SCC susceptibility to initiation in cold worked L-grade austenitic stainless steels has been investigated. The thermal aging treatments at 288$$^{circ}$$C for more than 14,000h were conducted on Type 316L SS samples after cold rolling with 20% thickness reduction, and CBB testing was performed to both aged and unaged samples. The results showed that an obvious increase of IGSCC susceptibility was induced after the LTA treatment. In order to reveal the enhancement factor of the SCC susceptibility in LTA treated specimens microstructural examination was conducted by means of SEM/EBSD and TEM. Those results suggested that movement and rearrangement of dislocations toward the dislocation cell structure occurred during LTA treatment. It is presumed that the dislocation cell structure formed during the LTA process might cause the homogeneous plastic deformation and the localization of stress/strain, and consequently, enhance the SCC susceptibility to initiation.

5 (Records 1-5 displayed on this page)
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