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JAEA Reports

Investigation of utilizing plutonium as mixed oxide fuel (5); BWR for next generation

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JNC TJ9440 2000-007, 43 Pages, 2000/03


Planning of the plutonium utihzation in the Light water thermal reactor has been investigated to evaluate scenario for FBR development. Plans for MOX fuel utilization in the ABWR including Ooma plant are studied, and information of high burnup fuels for a future BWR is summarized based on public documents. Nuclear compositions of the present burnup fuel (45,000MWd/t) and a high burnup fue (60,000MWd/t) have been evaluated using an open code: SRAC. Results of the study are follows; (1)Surveying the status of MOX fuel utilization. The status of MOX and UO$$_{2}$$ fuel utilization in the present BWR and future BWR have been summarized based on public documents. (2)Evaluation of spent MOX and UO$$_{2}$$ fuel composition. Nuclear compositions of spent MOX and UO$$_{2}$$ fuels at 45,000MWd/t and 60,000MWd/t burnup have been evaluated and summarized for recycle scenarios by FBR.

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