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Journal Articles

Research on improvement of HTGR core power-density, 4; Feasibility study for a reactor core

Okita, Shoichiro; Mizuta, Naoki; Takamatsu, Kuniyoshi; Goto, Minoru; Yoshida, Katsumi*; Nishimura, Yosuke*; Okamoto, Koji*

Proceedings of 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2023/05

Journal Articles

The OECD/NEA Working Group on the Analysis and Management of Accidents (WGAMA); Advances in codes and analyses to support safety demonstration of nuclear technology innovations

Nakamura, Hideo; Bentaib, A.*; Herranz, L. E.*; Ruyer, P.*; Mascari, F.*; Jacquemain, D.*; Adorni, M.*

Proceedings of International Conference on Topical Issues in Nuclear Installation Safety; Strengthening Safety of Evolutionary and Innovative Reactor Designs (TIC 2022) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/10

Journal Articles

Predictive modeling of a simple field matrix diffusion experiment addressing radionuclide transport in fractured rock. Is it so straightforward?

Soler, J. M.*; Neretnieks, I.*; Moreno, L.*; Liu, L.*; Meng, S.*; Svensson, U.*; Iraola, A.*; Ebrahimi, K.*; Trinchero, P.*; Molinero, J.*; et al.

Nuclear Technology, 208(6), p.1059 - 1073, 2022/06

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:54.16(Nuclear Science & Technology)

The SKB Task Force is an international forum on modelling of groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured rock. The WPDE experiments are matrix diffusion experiments in gneiss performed at the ONKALO underground facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing several conservative and sorbing tracers was injected along a borehole interval. The objective of Task 9A was the predictive modelling of the tracer breakthrough curves from the WPDE experiments. Several teams, using different modelling approaches and codes, participated in this exercise. An important conclusion from this exercise is that the modelling results were very sensitive to the magnitude of dispersion in the borehole opening, which is related to the flow of water. Focusing on the tails of the breakthrough curves, which are more directly related to matrix diffusion and sorption, the results from the different teams were more comparable.

Journal Articles

Boundary condition free homogenization and evaluation of its performance in fast reactor core analysis

Maruyama, Shuhei

Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Reactors 2022 (PHYSOR 2022) (Internet), 10 Pages, 2022/05

This paper proposes a new homogenization method, "Boundary Condition Free Homogenization (BCFH)". The traditional homogenization method separates the core calculation and the cell (assembly) calculation by assuming a specific boundary condition or a peripheral region in the cell calculation. Nevertheless, there are ambiguities and approximation in these assumptions, and they can also cause a decline in accuracy. BCFH aims to avoid these problems and improve the accuracy in the cell calculation such as homogenization. We imposed the conditions that the physical quantities in the cell related to the reaction rate preservation is preserved for any incoming partial current, during the homogenization. That is, the response matrices of cell average (or total) flux and outgoing partial current, to be the same form between heterogeneous and homogeneous system. As a result, homogenized parameters, such as cross-sections, superhomgenization factors, and discontinuity factors, are no longer dependent on a specific boundary condition. The new homogenized parameters obtained in this way are extended from the conventional vector form to the matrix form in BCFH. To investigate the performance of BCFH, numerical tests are done for the simplified models which originates in 750MW-class sodium-cooled fast reactor with MOX fuel core in Japan. It is found that BCFH is particularly effective in evaluating control rod reactivity worth and reaction rate distribution, compared to the traditional method. We conclude that the BCFH can be a promising homogenization concept for core neutronic analysis.

Journal Articles

A Scaling approach for retention properties of crystalline rock; Case study of the in-situ long-term sorption and diffusion experiment (LTDE-SD) at the $"A$sp$"o$ Hard Rock Laboratory in Sweden

Tachi, Yukio; Ito, Tsuyoshi*; Gylling, B.*

Water Resources Research, 57(11), p.e2020WR029335_1 - e2020WR029335_20, 2021/11

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:16.48(Environmental Sciences)

This paper focuses on the scaling approach for sorption and diffusion parameters from laboratory to in-situ conditions using the dataset of LTDE-SD experiment performed at the $"A$sp$"o$ HRL. The near-surface heterogeneities at both fracture surface and rock matrix could be evaluated by conceptual model with high porosity and diffusivity, and sorption capacity, and their gradual change at the near-surface zones. The modelling results for non-sorbing Cl-36 and weak-sorbing Na-22 could validate the model concept and the parameter estimation of porosity and diffusivity, by considering the disturbed zone of 5 mm thickness with gradual parameter changes. The De values of these cationic and anionic tracers showed typical cation excess and anion exclusion effects. The modelling results for high sorbing tracers (Cs-137, Ra-226, Ni-63 and Np-237) with different sorption mechanism could confirm the validity of the scaling approaches of Kd values as a function of particle size and their relation to the near-surface disturbances.

Journal Articles

Quantifying the porosity of crystalline rocks by in situ and laboratory injection methods

M$"o$ri, A.*; Mazurek, M.*; Ota, Kunio; Siitari-Kauppi, M.*; Eichinger, F.*; Leuenberger, M.*

Minerals (Internet), 11(10), p.1072_1 - 1072_17, 2021/10

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:41.70(Geochemistry & Geophysics)

Journal Articles

Treatment of R-matrix Limited Formula in FRENDY

Tada, Kenichi; Kunieda, Satoshi

KURNS-EKR-5, p.229 - 232, 2019/12

The R-matrix limited formula is formatted by the current nuclear data format and it is adopted some nuclei in the latest evaluated nuclear data library. Since the processing of the R-matrix limited formula is significantly different to the other resonance formulae, it is difficult to treat this formula without large modification of the nuclear data processing code. In this study, we implemented one of the Rmatrix code AMUR to treat this formula in FRENDY. The processing results of FRENDY are compared to those of NJOY2016 to verify FRENDY. The comparison results indicate that FRENDY appropriately treat the R-matrix limited formula with similar computational time.

Journal Articles

Measurement of the CKM matrix element $$|V_{cb}|$$ from $$B^0to D^{*-}ell^ {+} nu_ell$$ at Belle

Waheed, E.*; Tanida, Kiyoshi; Belle Collaboration*; 187 of others*

Physical Review D, 100(5), p.052007_1 - 052007_32, 2019/09

 Times Cited Count:44 Percentile:91.47(Astronomy & Astrophysics)

Journal Articles

J-PARC RCS; High-order field components inherent in the injection bump magnets and their effects on the circulating beam during multi-turn injection

Hotchi, Hideaki; Harada, Hiroyuki; Takayanagi, Tomohiro

Proceedings of 10th International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC '19) (Internet), p.2009 - 2012, 2019/06

Journal Articles

3D X Ray micro-tomography as a tool to formulate metakaolin-based geopolymer-oil emulsions

Lambertin, D.*; Davy, C. A.*; Hauss, G.*; Planel, B.*; Marchand, B.*; Cantarel, V.

Proceedings of 1st International Conference on Innovation in Low-Carbon Cement and Concrete Technology (ILCCC 2019) (USB Flash Drive), 4 Pages, 2019/06

Composite materials made of geopolymer (GP) cement and organic liquids are useful to synthetize porosity-controlled media, for the management of radioactive organic liquid waste, or as phase change materials (PCM). Indeed, GP cements are able to integrate huge amounts of organic oils by direct emulsion in the fresh paste. The emulsion (GEOIL) remains stable during GP hardening. In this contribution, by using 3D X Ray micro Computed Tomography (micro CT) with a voxel size of 1 micron$$^{3}$$, we investigate the effect of formulation parameters (oil proportion, Si/Al molar ratio, surfactant) on the 3D oil droplet structure of GEOIL pastes. Samples are emulsified in the fresh state, and imaged in the hardened state. Porosity, oil droplet size distribution and mean distance between droplets are all determined quantitatively. It is observed that the presence of surfactant provides significantly smaller oil droplets. The increase in Si/Al ratio also decreases the oil droplet sizes, but to a lesser extent.

Journal Articles

Evaluation and modelling report of Task 9A based on comparisons and analyses of predictive modelling results for the REPRO WPDE experiments; Task 9 of SKB Task Force GWFTS - Increasing the realism in solute transport modelling based on the field experiments REPRO and LTDE-SD

Soler, J. M.*; Neretnieks, I.*; Moreno, L.*; Liu, L.*; Meng, S.*; Svensson, U.*; Trinchero, P.*; Iraola, A.*; Ebrahimi, H.*; Molinero, J.*; et al.

SKB R-17-10, 153 Pages, 2019/01

The SKB Task Force is an international forum on modeling of groundwater flow and solute transport in fractured rock. The WPDE experiments are matrix diffusion experiments in gneiss performed at the ONKALO underground facility in Finland. Synthetic groundwater containing several conservative and sorbing tracers was injected along a borehole interval. The objective of Task 9A was the predictive modeling of the tracer breakthrough curves from the WPDE experiments. Several teams, using different modelling approaches, participated in this exercise. An important conclusion from this exercise is that the modeling results were very sensitive to the magnitude of dispersion in the borehole opening, which is related to the flow of water. Focusing on the tails of the breakthrough curves, which are more directly related to matrix diffusion and sorption, the results from the different teams were more comparable. The modeling results have also been finally compared to the measured breakthroughs.

Journal Articles

Effects of fine-scale surface alterations on tracer retention in a fractured crystalline rock from the Grimsel Test Site

Tachi, Yukio; Ito, Tsuyoshi*; Akagi, Yosuke*; Sato, Hisao*; Martin, A. J.*

Water Resources Research, 54(11), p.9287 - 9305, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:25.66(Environmental Sciences)

Effects of fine-scale surface alterations on radionuclide migration in fractured crystalline rocks were investigated by a comprehensive approach coupling a series of laboratory tests, microscopic observations and modelling, using a single fractured granodiorite sample from the Grimsel Test Site, Switzerland. Laboratory tests including through-diffusion, batch sorption and flow-through tests using five tracers indicated that tracer retention was consistently in the sequence of HDO, Se, Cs, Ni, Eu, and as well as showing the existence of a diffusion-resistance layer near the fracture surface, cation excess and anion exclusion effects for diffusion. Microscale heterogeneities in structural properties around the fracture were clarified quantitatively by coupling X-ray CT and EPMA. A three layer model including weathered vermiculite, foliated mica and undisturbed matrix layers, and their properties such as porosity, sorption and diffusion parameters, could provide a reasonable interpretation for breakthrough curves and concentration distributions near fracture surface of all tracers, measured in flow-through tests.

Journal Articles

Oxidation and reduction behaviors of a prototypic MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ inert matrix fuel

Miwa, Shuhei; Osaka, Masahiko

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 487, p.1 - 4, 2017/04

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:36.37(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Oxidation and reduction behaviors of prototypic MgO-based inert matrix fuels (IMFs) containing PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were experimentally investigated by means of thermogravimetry. The oxidation and reduction kinetics of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ specimen were determined. The oxidation and reduction rates of the MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ were found to be low compared with those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$. It is note that the changes in O/Pu ratios of MgO-PuO$$_{2-x}$$ from stoichiometry were smaller than those of PuO$$_{2-x}$$ at high oxygen partial pressure. From these results, it can be said that MgO matrix lower the oxygen supply and release of PuO$$_{2-x}$$, which is preferable as the minor actinides incineration devices, since the high oxygen potentials of minor actinide oxides can cause certain problems in terms of thermochemical aspects such as enlarged cladding inner-surface corrosion.

Journal Articles

Development of glass melting process for LLW at the research project commissioned by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Fukui, Toshiki*; Maki, Takashi*; Miura, Nobuyuki; Tsukada, Takeshi*

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu (CD-ROM), 23(2), p.169 - 173, 2016/12

The basic research programs for the next generation vitrification technology, which are commissioned project from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, have been implemented from 2014 until 2018 for developing the advanced vitrification technology of low level wastes and high level liquid wastes.

Journal Articles

Toward advancement of nuclear data research in the resonance region

Kunieda, Satoshi; Shibata, Keiichi; Fukahori, Tokio; Kawano, Toshihiko*; Paris, M.*; Hale, G.*

JAEA-Conf 2015-003, p.33 - 38, 2016/03

We present recent progress of nuclear data evaluation method in the resolved resonance range. Our multi-channel R-matrix code now includes photon-channel and computational capability of charged-particle elastic scattering. We also present the physical constraint from the theory in the analysis of experimental data. Example analysis results are shown for $$^8$$Be and $$^{17}$$O compound system. Finally, perspectives are discussed toward the advancement of nuclear data in the resonance region including those for medium-heavy nuclei.

Journal Articles

Comparative modeling of an in situ diffusion experiment in granite at the Grimsel Test Site

Soler, J. M.*; Landa, J.*; Havlov$'a$, V.*; Tachi, Yukio; Ebina, Takanori*; Sardini, P.*; Siitari-Kauppi, M.*; Eikenberg, J.*; Martin, A. J.*

Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 179, p.89 - 101, 2015/08

 Times Cited Count:39 Percentile:82.31(Environmental Sciences)

Matrix diffusion is a key process for radionuclide retention in crystalline rocks. An in-situ diffusion experiment in granite matrix was performed at the Grimsel Test Site (Switzerland). Several tracers (HTO, Na$$^{+}$$, Cs$$^{+}$$) were circulated through a borehole and the decrease in tracer concentrations was monitored for 2.5 years. Then, the borehole section was overcored and the tracer profiles in the rock were analyzed. Transport distances in the rock were 20 cm for HTO, 10 cm for Na$$^{+}$$ and 1 cm for Cs$$^{+}$$. The dataset was analyzed with diffusion-sorption models by different teams using different codes, with the goal of obtaining effective diffusivities (De) and rock capacity factors. There was a rather good agreement between the values from different teams, implied that De and capacity factors in the borehole damaged zone are larger than those in the bulk rock. However, HTO seems to display large discrepancies between measured and modeled results.

Journal Articles

Exploring of peptides with affinity to HER2 from random peptide libraries using radioisotope; Random hexapeptide libraries with fixed amino acid sequence at 1 and 2 positions

Sasaki, Ichiro; Hanaoka, Hirofumi*; Yamada, Keiichi*; Watanabe, Shigeki; Sugo, Yumi; Ohshima, Yasuhiro; Suzuki, Hiroyuki; Ishioka, Noriko

Peptide Science 2014, p.257 - 260, 2015/03

Journal Articles

Internally Cu-stabilized RHQT Nb$$_{3}$$Al superconductors with Ta matrix

Takeuchi, Takao*; Tagawa, Kohei*; Noda, Tetsuji*; Banno, Nobuya*; Iijima, Yasuo*; Kikuchi, Akihiro*; Kitaguchi, Hitoshi*; Kosuge, Michio*; Tsuchiya, Kiyosumi*; Koizumi, Norikiyo; et al.

IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 16(2), p.1257 - 1260, 2006/06

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:37.24(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

Next generation nuclear fusion magnets would require a high-current conductor in fields more than 16 T. A CIC conductor of the rapid RHQT processed Nb$$_{3}$$Al may be a promising candidate. Good deformability of intermediately-formed bcc supersaturated-solid solution indeed allowed fabricating such a CIC conductor, which would be subsequently transformation annealed. Ag has been internally included as a basic constituent of a round strand so far, because Ag is almost non-reactive with Nb matrix during the RHQ. However, both of Ag and Nb are not suitable nuclei from the viewpoint of radioactivity when irradiated with neutrons. Recently, we have succeeded in replacing the Nb matrix with Ta that has the advantage of shorter half-life of radioactivity. In the present study, an attempt has been made to replace the Ag internal stabilizer with Cu, in the aim of further reducing radioactivity, based on anticipation that Ta would be less reactive with Cu than Nb did.

Journal Articles

Method for detection of separatrix surface using differential double probe

Amemiya, Hiroshi*; Uehara, Kazuya

Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1, 45(1A), p.247 - 249, 2006/01

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:17.03(Physics, Applied)

A method for detecting the separatrix surface in the edge plasma in Tokamak is presented. Two sets of double probes whose front surfaces are shifted by a small distance are mounted and the difference of the currents is measured using a differential amplifier. When the separatrix surface reaches the probes, a current increment appears in the differential amplifier, giving a signal of the arrival of the separatrix. Procedures of obtaining plasma parameters including the ion temperature are described.

Journal Articles

Estimation of covariance matrices for nuclear data of $$^{237}Np$$, $$^{241}Am$$ and $$^{243}Am$$

Nakagawa, Tsuneo

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 42(11), p.984 - 993, 2005/11

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:52.95(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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183 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)