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Katano, Ryota; Yamanaka, Masao*; Pyeon, C. H.*
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 57(2), p.169 - 176, 2020/02
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:36.10(Nuclear Science & Technology)We proposed the linear combination method as a subcriticality measurement method which estimates the prompt neutron decay constant () correlated with the subcriticality using measurement results obtained at multiple detector positions. In the previous study, we confirmed applicability of the linear combination method through the pulsed neutron experiment with DT neutron source at Kyoto University Critical Assembly (KUCA). In this study, we conduct the pulsed neutron source experiment with spallation neutrons at KUCA and confirm the robustness of the linear combination to neutron sources.
Nagai, Yasuki; Kawabata, Masako; Sato, Nozomi; Hashimoto, Kazuyuki; Saeki, Hideya; Motoishi, Shoji*
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 83(8), p.083201_1 - 083201_4, 2014/07
Times Cited Count:11 Percentile:58.88(Physics, Multidisciplinary)Saegusa, Jun; Tanimura, Yoshihiko; Yoshizawa, Michio; Yoshida, Makoto
Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 110(1-4), p.91 - 95, 2004/09
Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:28.86(Environmental Sciences)For the accurate estimation of neutron dose equivalents, it is important to calibrate dosemeters in the field whose energy spectrum is similar to that in the workplace. For the purpose, studies are made toward the built of the spectrum changeable neutron calibration fields with the Van-de-Graff accelerator in the FRS in JAERI. The fields are produced by bombarding proton or deuteron beam from the accelerator to suitable targets surrounded by quasi-cylindrical moderators and absorbers of various materials. In the fields, neutron spectra with wide range energy index should be provided with sufficient fluence rate for the calibration of dosemeters. The objectives and conceptual design of the fields are discussed here, followed by the test simulation results of neutron spectra produced by various arrangements of a target and moderators.
Shiroya, Seiji*; Misawa, Tsuyoshi*; Unesaki, Hironobu*; Ichihara, Chihiro*; Kobayashi, Keiji*; Nakamura, Hiroshi*; Shin, Kazuo*; Imanishi, Nobutsugu*; Kanazawa, Satoshi*; Mori, Takamasa
JAERI-Tech 2004-025, 93 Pages, 2004/03
In view of the future plan of Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University, the present study consisted of (1) the transmission experiments of high energy neutrons through materials, (2) experimental simulation of ADSR using the Kyoto University Critical Assembly(KUCA), and (3) conceptual neutronics design study on KUR type ADSR using the MCNP-X code. Through the present study, valuable knowledge on the basic nuclear characteristics of ADSR, which is indispensable to promote the study on ADSR, was obtained both theoretically and experimentally. For the realization of ADSR, it is considered to be necessary to accumulate results of research steadily. For this purpose, it is inevitable (1) to compile the more precise nuclear data for the wide energy range, (2) to establish experimental techniques for reactor physics study on ADSR including subcriticality measurement and absolute neutron flux measurement, and (3) to develop neutronics calculation tools which take into account the neutron generation process by the spallation reaction and the delayed neutron behavior.
Nakane, Yoshihiro; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Nakao, Noriaki*; Ueki, Kotaro*
Proc. of 3rd Workshop on Simulating Accelerator Radiation Environments (SARE3), p.334 - 342, 1997/00
no abstracts in English
Okumura, Yoshikazu; Hanada, Masaya; Inoue, Takashi; ; ; Miyamoto, Kenji; Ohara, Yoshihiro; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; S.Zimin*
JAERI-Tech 95-018, 104 Pages, 1995/03
no abstracts in English
Funahashi, Satoru; Shirai, Eiji; Morii, Yukio; Kodaira, Tsuneo; Takahashi, Hidetake
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(8), p.837 - 842, 1993/08
no abstracts in English
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Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 12(8), p.491 - 501, 1975/08
Times Cited Count:0no abstracts in English