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Journal Articles

Operational progress of the 110GHz-4MW ECRF heating system in JT-60U

Fujii, Tsuneyuki; Seki, Masami; Moriyama, Shinichi; Terakado, Masayuki; Shinozaki, Shinichi; Hiranai, Shinichi; Shimono, Mitsugu; Hasegawa, Koichi; Yokokura, Kenji; JT-60 Team

Journal of Physics; Conference Series, 25, p.45 - 50, 2005/00

The JT-60U electron cyclotron range of frequency (ECRF) is utilized to realize high performance plasma. Its output power is 4 MW at 110 GHz. By controlling the anode voltage of the gyrotron used in the JT-60U ECRF heating system, the gyrotoron output can be controlled. Then, the anode voltage controller was developed to modulate the injected power into plasmas. This low cost controller achieved the modulation frequency 12 - 500 Hz at 0.7 MW. This controller also extended the pulse width from 5s to 16 s at 0.5 MW. For these long pulses, temperature rise of the DC break made of Alumina ceramics is estimated. Its maximum temperature becomes $$sim$$ 140 deg. From the analysis of this temperature rise, DC break materials should be changed to low loss materials for the objective pulse width of 30 s. The stabilization of neoclassical tearing mode (NTM) was demonstrated by ECRF heating using the real-time system in which the ECRF beams are injected to the NTM location predicted from ECE measurement every 10 ms.

JAEA Reports

Power modulation by changing anode voltage of the 110GHz-gyrotron on JT-60U ECH system

Terakado, Masayuki; Seki, Masami; Shimono, Mitsugu; Igarashi, Koichi*; Mitsunaka, Yoshika*; Isayama, Akihiko; Anno, Katsuto; Ikeda, Yoshitaka

JAERI-Tech 2003-053, 25 Pages, 2003/06


The Electron Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ECRF) system having four 110 GHz-gyrotrons has been successfully operated on JT-60U to locally heat a plasma (ECH) and drive a plasma current (ECCD) for high plasma performance owing to suppressing MHD activities. For investigation of plasma confinement the ECRF power is intermittently injected into plasmas to evaluate thermal conductivity. We have successfully performed power modulation by changing the anode voltage. The power modulation ratio of 80 % is attained changing the anode voltage by only about 10%. Modulation frequency is from 12 Hz to 500 Hz. The mode converter is heated when oscillation efficiency of the main mode decreases in changing the anode voltage. This seems to be due to the parasitic oscillation at the entrance of the converter. The gyrotron will be able to be protected by monitoring the temperature rise in the converter.

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