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Journal Articles

Inelastic neutron scattering study on low-energy excitations of the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$

Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Iwasa, Kazuaki*; Kogi, Masafumi*; Kaneko, Koji; Metoki, Naoto; Raymond, S.*; M$'e$asson, M.-A.*; Flouquet, J.*; Sugawara, Hitoshi*; Aoki, Yuji*; et al.

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 385-386(Part 1), p.82 - 84, 2006/11

 Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:17.92(Physics, Condensed Matter)

We report inelastic neutron scattering experiments performed to investigate the low energy magnetic excitations on single crystals of the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$. The observed excitation clearly softens at a wave vector Q=(1,0,0), which is the same as the modulation vector of the field-induced antiferro-quadrupolar ordering, and its intensity at Q=(1,0,0) is smaller than that around the zone center. This result directly evidences that this excitonic behavior is derived mainly from nonmagnetic quadrupolar interactions. Furthermore, the narrowing of the linewidths of the excitations below the superconducting transition temperature indicates the close connection between the superconductivity and the excitons.

Journal Articles

Field-induced antiferroquadrupolar order in the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$

Kaneko, Koji; Metoki, Naoto; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Kogi, Masafumi*; Shiina, Ryosuke*; Mignot, J.-M.*; Gukasov, A.*; Bernhoeft, N.*

Physica B; Condensed Matter, 378-380, p.189 - 191, 2006/05

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.61(Physics, Condensed Matter)

Neutron diffraction experiments under magnetic fields were carried out on the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$ in order to reveal the origin of the field-induced ordered phase (FIOP) for $$H$$$$Vert$$[1,1,0]. The application of magnetic field induces the weak superlattice peaks with the ordering vector $$q$$=(1,0,0) in FIOP, which is the same as for $$H{parallel}$$[0,0,1]. The observed superlattice reflections for $$H$$$$Vert$$[1,1,0] result from the antiferromagnetic component of $$J_x$$+$$J_y$$; the induced tiny antiferromagnetic moments orient parallel to the applied field. This result cannot be explained by magnetic interactions and strongly evidences the underlying AFQ order with $$O_{xy}$$ as a primary order parameter. These facts clarify the dominant role of $$O_{xy}$$-type antiferroquadrupolar interaction in PrOs$$_4$$Sb$$_{12}$$.

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