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Urata, Kazuhiro*
JAERI-Data/Code 2003-005, 36 Pages, 2003/03
In design of the fusion devises in which ferritic steel is planned to use as the plasma facing material and/or the inserts for ripple reduction, the appreciation of the error field effect and the optimization of ferritic plate arrangement to reduce the toroidal field ripple require calculation of ferritic magnetic field. However iterative calculations by the non-linearity in B-H curve disturbs high-speed calculation. In the strong toroidal magnetic field in the tokamak, fully magnetic saturation of ferritic steel occurs. Hence a distribution of magnetic charges as magnetic field source is determined straightforward. Additionally objective ferritic steel geometry is limited to the thin plate and they are installed along the toroidal magnetic field. Taking them into account, high-speed calculation code FEMAG has been developed. In this report, the formalization of FEMAG, how to use FEMAG, and the validity check in comparison with a 3D FEM code, with the measurements of the magnetic field in JFT-2M are described. The presented examples are design studies for JT-60 modification.