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Udagawa, Yutaka; Mihara, Takeshi; Taniguchi, Yoshinori; Kakiuchi, Kazuo; Amaya, Masaki
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 139, p.107268_1 - 107268_9, 2020/05
Times Cited Count:3 Percentile:29.45(Nuclear Science & Technology)Udagawa, Yutaka; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Amaya, Masaki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(12), p.1063 - 1072, 2019/12
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:61.40(Nuclear Science & Technology)no abstracts in English
Sato, Ikken
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 56(5), p.394 - 411, 2019/05
Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:72.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)Water columns were adopted in the pressure measurement system of Fukushima-Daiichi Unit-3. Part of these water columns evaporated during the accident condition jeopardizing correct understanding on actual pressure. Through comparison of RPV (Reactor Pressure Vessel) and S/C pressures with D/W pressure, such water-column effect was evaluated. Correction for this effect was developed enabling clarification of slight pressure difference among RPV, S/C and D/W. This information was then integrated with other available data such as, water level, CAMS and environmental dose rate, into an interpretation of accident focusing on RPV and PCV pressurization/depressurization and radioactive material release to environment. It is suggested that dryout of in-vessel and ex-vessel debris was likely causing pressure decrease. S/C water poured into pedestal heated by relocated debris was the likely cause of pressurization. Cyclic reflooding of pedestal debris and dryout was likely.
Yamaji, Akifumi*; Yamasaki, Daiki*; Okada, Tomoya*; Sakamoto, Kan*; Yamashita, Shinichiro
Proceedings of 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting (WRFPM 2017) (USB Flash Drive), 10 Pages, 2017/09
Features of the accident tolerant fuel performance were evaluated with FEMAXI-7 when the current Zircaloy(Zry) cladding is replaced with FeCrAl-ODS steel cladding (a type of oxide dispersion strengthened steel being developed under the Project on Development of Technical Basis for Safety Improvement at Nuclear Power Plants by Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) of Japan) for BWR 99 type fuel rod. In particular, influences of the creep strain rate and thickness of the ODS cladding on the fuel temperature, fission gas release rate (FGR) and pellet-cladding mechanical interaction (PCMI) are investigated.
Kojima, Kensuke
Proceedings of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors; Unifying Theory and Experiments in the 21st Century (PHYSOR 2016) (USB Flash Drive), p.3283 - 3292, 2016/05
The MOSRA system has been developing to improve the applicability of the neutronic characteristic analyses. The cell calculation module MOSRA-SRAC is a core module of MOSRA, and applicability tests for realistic problems are required. As a test, MOSRA-SRAC is validated by comparison with measured values. As the measurement, the post irradiation examination SFCOMPO 99-5 is chosen. In the examination, the compositions of major heavy metal and fission product nuclides in a UO-GdO fuel rod pulled from the 88 BWR fuel assembly used in TEPCO's Fukushima-Daini-2 were measured. The result shows good agreement between calculated and measured value. For uranium and plutonium nuclides, calculated values agree within 5% except for Pu. Pu composition is overestimated by 30%, and the overestimation is caused by the unclearness of the void faction history of the fuel rod. For fission products, calculated values agree within approximately 10%.
Nagase, Fumihisa; Fuketa, Toyoshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(12), p.1211 - 1217, 2004/12
Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:76.08(Nuclear Science & Technology)Hydride precipitation along the radial-axial plane increases in high burn-up BWR fuel claddings. The radial hydrides may have an important role during fuel behavior in a RIA and may reduce ductility of the cladding under PCMI conditions. In order to promote a better understanding of the influence of the radial hydrides on cladding failure behavior under the PCMI conditions, tube burst tests were conducted for unirradiated BWR claddings charged with 200 to 650 ppm of hydrogen. About 20 to 30% of hydrides were re-oriented and precipitated along the radial-axial plane. The claddings exhibited large burst openings with an axial crack at room temperature and 373 K. However, the influence of the radial hydrides on both burst pressure and residual hoop strain was very small. It is accordingly expected that ductility of high burn-up BWR cladding is significantly reduced not only by precipitation of radial hydrides as far as hydrogen concentration and radial hydride fraction range in the present study.
Amaya, Masaki; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Fuketa, Toyoshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(10), p.966 - 972, 2004/10
Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:48.24(Nuclear Science & Technology)Pulse irradiation simulating RIA condition was carried out for test rod prepared from fuel irradiated in a commercial reactor. After the pulse irradiation, optical microscopy (OM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) observations and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) were conducted for the test rod as a part of destructive tests. Fission gas release behavior during pulse irradiation was investigated by EPMA and puncture test. Xeon depression was observed in the fuel pellet after pulse irradiation at periphery and center region. It is considered that fission gas was mainly released from the pellet center region during pulse irradiation. The amount of xenon release during pulse irradiation was estimated to be 10-12% from the EPMA results and this estimated value was comparable with the puncture test result. Comparing the estimated value with other results of out-of-pile annealing tests, it was concluded that most fission gas, which was accumulated at grain boundary during base irradiation, was released from the center region of test fuel pellet during pulse irradiation.
Nakamura, Takehiko*; Fuketa, Toyoshi; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Sasajima, Hideo
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(1), p.37 - 43, 2004/01
Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:74.76(Nuclear Science & Technology)Transient deformation of high burnup BWR fuel rods was measured and failure limit was examined under simulated RIA conditions. Brittle cladding failure occurred at a small strain of about 0.4% during an early phase of the pulse irradiation tests at the NSRR. Strain rates were in an order of tens %/s at the time of the failure. Comparison of the results with thermal expansion of pellets suggested that the deformation was caused by thermal expansion of the pellets. In other words, the influence of fission gases in the pellets was small in the early phase of the deformation. Separate effect tests were conducted to examine influence of the cladding temperature on the failure behavior of cladding. Influence of the pulse width on the failure threshold was discussed in terms of the strain rate, magnitude of the deformation and temperature of the cladding for high burnup BWR fuel rods under RIA conditions.
Okuno, Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 40(7), p.544 - 551, 2003/07
Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)A method for classifying benchmark results of criticality calculations according to similarity was proposed in this paper. After formulation of the method utilizing correlation coefficients, it was applied to burnup credit criticality benchmarks Phase III-A and II-A, which were conducted by the Expert Group on Burnup Credit Criticality Safety under auspices of the OECD/NEA. Phase III-A benchmark was a series of criticality calculations for irradiated BWR fuel assemblies, whereas Phase II-A benchmark was a suite of criticality calculations for irradiated PWR fuel pins. These benchmark problems and their results were summarized. The correlation coefficients were calculated and sets of benchmark results were classified according to the criterion that the correlation coefficients were no less than 0.15 for Phase III-A and 0.10 for Phase II-A benchmarks. When a couple of results were in a same group, one result was found predictable from the other. An example was shown for each of the Benchmarks. The evaluated nuclear data seemed the main factor of errors.
Unesaki, Hironobu*; Okumura, Keisuke; Kitada, Takanori*; Saji, Etsuro*
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 88, p.436 - 438, 2003/06
In order to investigate the calculation accuracy of the nuclear characteristics of LWR next generation fuels, the Research Committee on Reactor Physics organized by JAERI has proposed "Reactor Physics Benchmark for LWR Next Generation Fuels". The next generation fuels aim at very high burn-up of about 70GWd/t in PWR or BWR with UO or MOX fuels whose fissile enrichments may exceed the Japanese regulatory limitations for the current LWR fuels such as 5wt.% U-235. Until now, twelve organizations have pariticipated in the benchmark activity. From the comparison with the cell burn-up calculation results using different codes and library data, status of the calculation accuracy and future subjects are clarified.
Nakamura, Takehiko; Nakamura, Jinichi; Sasajima, Hideo; Uetsuka, Hiroshi
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 40(5), p.325 - 333, 2003/05
Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:18.66(Nuclear Science & Technology)In order to examine high burnup fuel performance and to confirm its integrity under unstable power oscillation conditions arising during an ATWS in BWRs, two tests of irradiated fuels under simulated power oscillation conditions were conducted in the NSRR. Irradiated fuels at burnups of 25 and 56GWd/tU were subjected to four to seven power oscillations, which peaked at 50 to 95kW/m with intervals of 2s. The power oscillation was simulated by quick withdrawal and insertion of six regulating rods of the NSRR with a computerized control. Deformation of the fuel cladding of the test rods was comparable to those observed in shorter transient tests, which simulated RIAs, at the same fuel enthalpy level up to 368J/g. The fuel deformation was mainly caused by PCMI and was roughly proportional to the fuel enthalpy. Enhanced cladding deformation due to ratcheting by the cyclic load was not observed. Fission gas release, on the other hand, was considerably smaller than in the RIA tests, suggesting different release mechanisms in the two types of transients.
Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Nakamura, Takehiko; Uetsuka, Hiroshi
JAERI-Tech 2002-105, 24 Pages, 2003/01
High-temperature and high-pressure influence on the destructive force at the fuel rod failure in reactivity-initiated-accident (RIA) simulating experiment using the NSRR (Nuclear Safety Research Reactor) is estimated, for the purpose of mechanical designing of a new experimental capsule for simulating the temperature and pressure condition of typical commercial BWR. When knowledge on pressure impulse and water hammer, which are the cause of the destructive force, and steam property dependence on temperature and pressure are taken into account, one can qualitatively estimate that the destructive force in the BWR operation condition is smaller than that in the room temperature and atmospheric pressure condition. The water column velocity, which determines the impact by water hammer, is further investigated quantitatively by modeling the experimental system and the water hammer phenomenon. As a result, the maximum velocity of water column in the BWR operation condition is calculated to be only about 10% of that in the room temperature and atmospheric pressure condition.
Okumura, Keisuke; Unesaki, Hironobu*; Kitada, Takanori*; Saji, Etsuro*
Proceedings of International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology; Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR 2002) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 2002/10
In order to investigate the calculation accuracy of the nuclear characteristics of LWR next generation fuels, the Research Committee on Reactor Physics organized by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has proposed "Reactor Physics Benchmark for LWR Next Generation Fuels". The next generation fuels aim at very high burn-up of about 70GWd/t in PWR or BWR with UO2 or MOX fuels whose fissile enrichments may exceed the Japanese regulatory limitations for the current LWR fuels such as 5wt.% U-235. Twelve organizations have carried out the analyses of the benchmark problems with different codes and data, and their submitted results have been compared. As a result, status of accuracy with the current data and method and some problems to be solved in the future were clarified.
Nakamura, Jinichi; Nakamura, Takehiko; Sasajima, Hideo; Suzuki, Motoe; Uetsuka, Hiroshi
HPR-359, Vol.2, p.34_1 - 34_16, 2002/09
In BWR, power oscillations can occur due to the void fraction fluctuation. To investigate the fuel behavior during power oscillation of BWRs, two types of irradiated fuel rods were tested under simulated power oscillation conditions in the Nuclear Safety Research Reactor(NSRR). One is high burnup BWR fuel (56GWd/t) test, with 4 power oscillation cycles, to clarify the behavior of high burnup fuel. The second one is high enriched fuel(20%,25GWd/t) test, with 7 power cycles, to perform the test under high power conditions. The fuel behavior data, such as cladding elongation, fuel stack elongation, cladding temperature, etc. were obtained in these tests. The DNB did not occur in these tests. The PCI was observed through cladding elongation and fuel stack elongation during the power oscillations, but the residual strain of cladding was very small. Fuel behavior under simulated power oscillations is discussed based on in-pile data and PIE data and is compared with FEMAXI-6 and FRAP-T6 calculation.
Okuno, Hiroshi; Naito, Yoshitaka*; Suyama, Kenya
JAERI-Research 2002-001, 181 Pages, 2002/02
The report describes the final results of the Phase IIIB Benchmark conducted by the Expert Group on Burnup Credit Criticality Safety under the auspices of the OECD/NEA. The Benchmark was intended to compare the predictability of current computer code and data library combinations for the atomic number densities of an irradiated BWR fuel assembly model, which was irradiated under specific power of 25.6 MW/tHM up to 40 GWd/tHM and cooled for five years. The void fraction was assumed to be uniform and constant, at 0, 40 and 70%, during burnup. In total, 16 results were submitted from 13 institutes of 7 countries. The calculated densities of 12 actinides and 20 fission product nuclides were found mostly within a range of +- 10% relative to the average, although some results, esp. 155Eu and gadolinium isotopes, exceeded the band. Pin-wise burnup results agreed well among the participants. The results in the multiplication factor also accorded well with each other for void fractions of 0 and 40%; however some results deviated from the average noticeably for the void fraction of 70%.
Nakamura, Takehiko; Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; Yoshinaga, Makio; Uetsuka, Hiroshi
JAERI-Research 2001-054, 49 Pages, 2001/12
no abstracts in English
Research Committee on Reactor Physics
JAERI-Research 2001-046, 326 Pages, 2001/10
The Working Party on Reactor Physics for LWR Next Generation Fuels in the Research Committee on Reactor Physics, which is organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, has recently proposed a series of benchmark problems to investigate the calculation accuracy of the nuclear characteristics of LWR next generation fuels. The next generation fuels mean the ones aiming for further extended burnup such as 70GWd/t over the current design. The resultant specifications of the benchmark problem therefore neglect some of the current limitations such as 5wt%235U to achieve the above-mentioned target. The Working Party proposed six benchmark problems, which consist of pin-cell, PWR assembly and BWR assembly geometries loaded with uranium and MOX fuels, respectively. The present report describes the detailed specifications of the benchmark problems. The results of preliminary analyses performed by the eleven member organizations and their comparisons are also presented.
Committee of the Halden Joint Research Programme
JAERI-Tech 2000-066, 60 Pages, 2000/11
no abstracts in English
Nakamura, Takehiko; Takahashi, Masato*; Yoshinaga, Makio
JAERI-Research 2000-048, 77 Pages, 2000/11
no abstracts in English
Ando, Yoshihira*; Nishihara, Kenji; Takano, Hideki
Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 37(10), p.924 - 933, 2000/10
no abstracts in English