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Doi, Daisuke; Ono, Isao*; Seino, Hiroshi
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2015/05
Kawaguchi, Munemichi; Doi, Daisuke; Seino, Hiroshi; Miyahara, Shinya
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 6 Pages, 2015/05
CONTAIN-LMR code is an integrated analysis tool to predict the consequence of severe accident in a liquid metal fast reactor. A sodium-concrete reaction is one of the most important phenomena, and Sodium-Limestone Concrete Ablation Model (SLAM) has been installed into the original CONTAIN code. The SLAM treats chemical reaction kinetics between the sodium and the concrete compositions mechanistically, the application is limited to the limestone concrete. In order to apply SLAM to the siliceous concrete which is an ordinary structural concrete in Japan, the chemical reaction kinetics model has been improved. The improved model was validated to analyze a series of sodium-concrete experiments which were conducted in Japan Atomic Energy Agency. It has been found that relatively good agreement between calculation and experimental results is obtained and the CONTAIN-LMR code has been validated with regard to the sodium-concrete reaction phenomena.
Seino, Hiroshi; Kawaguchi, Munemichi; Izumi, Keitaro*
Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 5 Pages, 2015/05
As a part of development of CONTAIN-LMR, CORCON and VANESA models for calculating the debris-concrete interaction (MCCI) have been improved taking into account the influence of soudium-pool existence. In this study, the following LMFR specific models in the code have been developed and improved: (1) chemical reaction in sodium pool, (2) aerosol decontamination in sodium pool, and (3) heat conduction in concrete. These models have been also confirmed and validated with experimental results. As a result, improved CORCON and VANESA can represent the MCCI behavior reasonably well. Further improvement and validation of CONTAIN-LMR will be continued in order to apply to the ex-vessel accident progression of LMFRs.
Takata, Takashi; Ohshima, Hiroyuki; Denman, M. R.*; Clark, A. J.*
no journal, ,
As a collaboration on the field of advanced reactor modeling and simulation in Civil Nuclear Energy Research and Development Working Group (CNWG) between Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), information exchange of sodium combustion modeling and experimental data has been carried out. In the collaborative work, a benchmark analysis of Surtsey spray combustion experiments done by SNL has been conducted using SPHINCS code at JAEA and CONTAIN-LMR code at SNL. In this paper, the numerical result of SPHINCS code and the comparison between SPHINCS and CONTAIN-LMR codes are discussed. Furthermore, sensitivity analyses have also been carried out to investigate the influential factor on the experiments.
Kawaguchi, Munemichi; Yamamoto, Ikuo; Seino, Hiroshi
no journal, ,
The CONTAIN-LMR code has been developed in Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) for the quantitative assessment of severe accident consequences in sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). We will present results of the development and validation for the sodium-concrete reaction model (SLAM) in this code.