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Journal Articles

Analysis of benchmark results for reactor physics of LWR next generation fuels

Kitada, Takanori*; Okumura, Keisuke; Unesaki, Hironobu*; Saji, Etsuro*

Proceedings of International Conference on Physics of Fuel Cycles and Advanced Nuclear Systems; Global Developments (PHYSOR 2004) (CD-ROM), 8 Pages, 2004/04

Burnup calculation benchmark has been carried out for the LWR next generation fuels aiming at high burnup up to 70 GWd/t with UO$$_{2}$$ and MOX. Based on the submitted results by many benchmark participants, the present status of calculation accuracy has been confirmed for reactor physics parameters of the LWR next generation fuels, and the factors causing the calculation differences were analyzed in detail. Moreover, the future experiments and research subjects necessary to reduce the calculation differences were discussed and proposed.

JAEA Reports

Study on the analyses of the reactor physics benchmark problem for the LWR next generation fuels

Research Committee on Reactor Physics

JAERI-Research 2004-004, 409 Pages, 2004/03


This report summarizes the second phase (FY2001-2002) activity of "the Working Party (WP) on Reactor Physics for LWR Next Generation Fuels". The next generation fuels mean the ones aiming at further extended burn-up such as 70GWd/t over the current design. In the WP, the benchmark activity has been conducted to investigate and improve the calculation accuracy of the nuclear characteristics of the next generation fuels. In the second phase activity, all benchmark results were compiled and compared. Based on the comparison, the present status of calculation accuracy for the next generation fuels has been confirmed, and the factors causing the calculation differences were analyzed in detail. Moreover, analyses of the post irradiation and critical experiments with the codes used in the benchmark were reviewed, and future experiments and research subjects necessary to reduce the calculation differences were discussed and proposed.

JAEA Reports

Proposal and analysis of the benchmark problem suite for reactor physics study of LWR next generation fuels

Research Committee on Reactor Physics

JAERI-Research 2001-046, 326 Pages, 2001/10


The Working Party on Reactor Physics for LWR Next Generation Fuels in the Research Committee on Reactor Physics, which is organized by the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute, has recently proposed a series of benchmark problems to investigate the calculation accuracy of the nuclear characteristics of LWR next generation fuels. The next generation fuels mean the ones aiming for further extended burnup such as 70GWd/t over the current design. The resultant specifications of the benchmark problem therefore neglect some of the current limitations such as 5wt%235U to achieve the above-mentioned target. The Working Party proposed six benchmark problems, which consist of pin-cell, PWR assembly and BWR assembly geometries loaded with uranium and MOX fuels, respectively. The present report describes the detailed specifications of the benchmark problems. The results of preliminary analyses performed by the eleven member organizations and their comparisons are also presented.

Journal Articles

Radioactive inventory calculation for JPDR to be dismantled

; ; ; ;

Theory and Practices in Radiation Protection and Shielding, p.570 - 577, 1987/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Analysis of Criticality Experiments at SHE - Accuracy Investigation of VHTR Nuclear Design Methods (1) -

; ; ; ; Omura, Hiroshi*

JAERI-M 9955, 81 Pages, 1982/03


no abstracts in English

6 (Records 1-6 displayed on this page)
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