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Journal Articles

Identification and quantification of a $$^{60}$$Co radiation source under an intense $$^{137}$$Cs radiation field using an application-specific CeBr$$_3$$ spectrometer suited for use in intense radiation fields

Kaburagi, Masaaki; Shimazoe, Kenji*; Kato, Masahiro*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Takahashi, Hiroyuki*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 59(8), p.983 - 992, 2022/08

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Oral presentation

Measurement test of non-destructive assay for quantification of nuclear materials in fuel debris, 5; In-situ passive gamma-ray measurement for plutonium item using a CeBr$$_3$$ detector

Kaburagi, Masaaki; Shiba, Tomooki; Okumura, Keisuke; Nauchi, Yasushi*; Suzuki, Risa; Nomi, Takayoshi; Nagatani, Taketeru; Takada, Akira*; Kosuge, Yoshihiro*

no journal, , 

The passive gamma-ray spectroscopy for plutonium nuclear fuels was performed using a small volume CeBr$$_{3}$$ detector specific to high dose-rate measurements. This presentation reports that the wide energy range of gamma-ray spectra was obtained by the spectroscopy, and the energy range covered the principal gamma-decay lines of 59.5 keV emitted from $$^{241}$$Am and 2615 keV emitted from $$^{208}$$Tl, which is a descendant nuclide of $$^{236}$$Pu, comparing the measurements using HPGe.

Oral presentation

Introduction to multi Cubic high energy gamma-ray spectrometer

Kaburagi, Masaaki; Shimazoe, Kenji*; Otaka, Yutaka*; Uenomachi, Mizuki*; Kamada, Kei*; Kim, J.*; Yoshino, Masao*; Shoji, Yasuhiro*; Yoshikawa, Akira*; Takahashi, Hiroyuki*; et al.

no journal, , 

Oral presentation

Development of non-destructive assay for nuclear fuel debris; Development of $$gamma$$-ray sepctrometry system for use at high dose rates

Kaburagi, Masaaki; Takahashi, Hiroyuki*; Shimazoe, Kenji*; Kurosawa, Tadahiro*; Kato, Masahiro*

no journal, , 

no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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