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JAEA Reports

Basic concept of Common reactor physics Code Systems; Final report of working party on Common reactor physics Code Systems (CCS)

Research Committee on Reactor Physics

JAERI-Review 2004-003, 152 Pages, 2004/03


A working party was organized for two years (2001-2002) on common reactor physics code systems under the Research Committee on Reactor Physics of JAERI. This final report is compilation of activity of the working party on common reactor physics code systems during two years. Objectives of the working party is to clarify basic concept of common reactor physics code systems to improve convenience of reactor physics code systems for reactor physics researchers in Japan on their various field of research and development activities. We have held four meetings during 2 years, investigated status of reactor physics code systems and innovative software technologies, and discussed basic concept of common reactor physics code systems.

JAEA Reports

Perprocessor System ``EOS'' for a Variable-Array-Size Program

Takeda, Tatsuoki; Tsunematsu, Toshihide;

JAERI-M 82-097, 64 Pages, 1982/08


no abstracts in English

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