Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Initialising ...
Nishihara, Tetsuo; Takeda, Tetsuaki
JAERI-Tech 2005-038, 40 Pages, 2005/07
R&D of the IS process technology and the integration technology of a high-temperature gas reactor and a heat utilization system is advanced by Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute. Hydrogen suuply system to fuel cell cars consists of off-site system and on-site system. The cost evaluation of on-site system must include the cost of storage, transportation, and refueling as well as that of production. Moreover, the hydrogen produced with the fossil fuel must consider the cost of carbon dioxide disposal. The cost evaluation data related to storage, transportaion and refueling in Japan and the USA are investigated. The cost evaluation of several off-site and on-siste systems are carried out.
JAERI-M 8976, 50 Pages, 1980/08
no abstracts in English