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Journal Articles

Determination of parameters for an equation to obtain natural background radiation using KURAMA-II loaded with C12137-01 type CsI(Tl) detector

Ando, Masaki; Matsuda, Norihiro; Saito, Kimiaki

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 20(1), p.34 - 39, 2021/03

We measured count rates and air dose rates at 11 measurement points where the influence of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident could be ignored to obtain parameters for a background equation applying to KURAMA-II loaded with the high sensitivity CsI(Tl) detector, C12137-01. It was found that the sensitivity of KURAMA-II (C12137-01) was about 10 times or more for background measurement, compared with KURAMA-II loaded with the standard type CsI(Tl) detector, C12137. A background equation for the energy range of 1400-2000 keV was determined as, y ($$mu$$Sv/h)=0.062 x (cps). We evaluated background air dose rates using KURAMA-II (C12137-01) for 71 municipalities and compared them with the previous study using KURAMA-II (C12137). Evaluated background air dose rates in this study were almost equal to those in the previous study. We confirmed that the background equation evaluated in this study was applicable for the KURAMA-II (C12137-01).

Journal Articles

Decreasing trend of ambient dose equivalent rates over a wide area in eastern Japan until 2016 evaluated by car-borne surveys using KURAMA systems

Ando, Masaki; Mikami, Satoshi; Tsuda, Shuichi; Yoshida, Tadayoshi; Matsuda, Norihiro; Saito, Kimiaki

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 192, p.385 - 398, 2018/12

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:43.59(Environmental Sciences)

Car-borne surveys using KURAMA systems have been conducted over a wide area in eastern Japan since 2011. The measurement data collected until 2016 was analyzed, and decreasing trend of the dose rates in regions within 80 km of Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant were examined. The averaged dose rates tended to decrease considerably with respect to the physical decay of radiocaesium, and the ecological half-lives of the fast and slow decay components were estimated. The decrease of the dose rate in the forest was slower than its decrease in other regions, and the decrease of the dose rate in urban area was the fastest. The decrease in the dose rates obtained via the car-borne survey was larger than that obtained on flat ground with few disturbances using survey meters approximately 1.5 y after the accident; hereafter, the decrease in the dose rates obtained via the car-borne survey was same as the latter measurement.

Journal Articles

Measurement of ambient dose equivalent rates by walk survey around Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant using KURAMA-II until 2016

Ando, Masaki; Yamamoto, Hideaki*; Kanno, Takashi*; Saito, Kimiaki

Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, 190-191, p.111 - 121, 2018/10

 Times Cited Count:19 Percentile:52.31(Environmental Sciences)

Ambient dose equivalent rates in various environments related to human lives were measured by walk surveys using the KURAMA-II systems from 2013 to 2016 around the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant. The dose rate of the locations where the walk survey was performed decreased to about 38% of its initial value in the 42 months, which was beyond that attributable to the physical decay. The air dose rates decreased depending on the level of the evacuation areas, and the decrease was slightly larger in populated areas where humans are active. The comparison of walk survey data with car-borne survey data indicated that the air dose rate varies largely even within a 100 m square area. The dose rates measured by the walk surveys were estimated to be medial of those along roads and those of undisturbed flat ground. The air dose rates measured by the walk surveys decreased quickly compared with the air dose rate from the flat ground measurement.

JAEA Reports

Theoretical study of the Cs isotope exchange reaction of CsI + Cs'$$rightarrow$$ Cs + ICs' (Contract research)

Kobayashi, Takanori; Hashimoto, Masashi; Yokoyama, Keiichi

JAEA-Research 2015-014, 7 Pages, 2015/12


To discuss the exchange reaction of Cs isotope by CsI + Cs'$$rightarrow$$ Cs + ICs', the structure and chemical properties of Cs$$_2$$I intermediate and potential energy surface are calculated using M06/def2-TZVPPD density functional calculation. The calculation shows that the reaction to the intermediate has no barrier and the two Cs-I bonds of Cs$$_2$$I are chemically equivalent. Thus, the collision of CsI + Cs' results in Cs exchange with the high probability.

Journal Articles

Influence of boron vapor on transport behavior of deposited CsI during heating test simulating a BWR severe accident condition

Sato, Isamu; Onishi, Takashi; Tanaka, Kosuke; Iwasaki, Maho; Koyama, Shinichi

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 461, p.22 - 28, 2015/06

 Times Cited Count:8 Percentile:53.32(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In order to evaluate B influence on the release and transport of Cs and I during severe accidents, basic experiments have been performed on the interaction between deposited Cs/I compounds and vapor/aerosol B compounds. CsI and B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ were utilized as a Cs/I compound and a B compound, respectively. Deposited CsI on the thermal gradient tube (TGT), which is exposed to temperatures ranging from 423 K to 1023 K was reacted with vapor/aerosol B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$, and then observed to determine how it changed Cs/I decomposition profiles. As a result, vapor/aerosol B$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ stripped a portion of deposited CsI within a temperature range from 830 K to 920 K to make gaseous CsBO$$_{2}$$ and I$$_{2}$$. In addition, gaseous I$$_{2}$$ was re-deposited at a temperature range from 530 K to 740 K, while CsBO$$_{2}$$ travelled through the sampling tubes and filters without deposition. It is implied that B influences Cs carriers such as CsBO$$_{2}$$ to transport Cs to the colder regions.

Journal Articles

CsI(Tl)/Plastic phoswich detector enhanced in low-energy $$gamma$$-ray detection

Yamasoto, Kotaro; Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Oishi, Tetsuya*; Yoshizawa, Michio; Yoshida, Makoto

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 550(3), p.609 - 615, 2005/09

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:40.58(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A phoswich detector composed of a thin plate CsI(Tl) scintillator and a plastic scintillator (BC-400) has been designed and evaluated to improve the sensitivity in the low-energy region of large-area plastic scintillation detector. Applicability of the CsI(Tl)/Plastic phoswich detector was examined on radioactivity measurement of massive and large-area materials. The rise-time discrimination technique was applied in order to further improve the minimum detectable activity in the low-energy region. On the basis of the estimation of minimum detectable activity, it was made clear that the energy range of large-area plastic scintillation detector can be expanded down to a few tens of keV by adding a thin plate CsI(Tl) scintillator.

JAEA Reports

Feasibility study of a high-speed X-ray visualization method for multiphase interactions

Usami, Tsutomu; Moriyama, Kiyofumi; Nishikizawa, Tomotoshi; Nakamura, Hideo

JAERI-Tech 2005-028, 37 Pages, 2005/05


The steam explosion during a severe accident in a light water reactor, which may occur by the contact of molten core and coolant, has been known as a potential threat on the integrity of the containment vessel, and has been studied in the nuclear safety research field. Prediction of the intensity of steam explosions needs an understanding of the initial premixture. However, visual observation of the premixture in experiments is usually difficult due to the vapor generation. Thus, we investigated the possibility of a high-speed X-ray visualization with a 4500 f/s high speed video camera with an image-intensifier and three kinds of scintillator materials: CdWO$$_{4}$$, ZnS(Ag) and CsI(Tl). A modeled premixture consisted of metal objects and bubbles in a water vessel was used. The test result showed that the CsI(Tl) scintillator gave the best image quality among the three and the high-speed visualization at 4500 f/s was possible, though in the still picture which carried out one of the recorded picture, the picture became indistinct.

JAEA Reports

Development of elemental components in NDA systems for certifying radioactive wastes with the clearance level

Tsutsumi, Masahiro; Oishi, Tetsuya*; Yamasoto, Kotaro; Yoshida, Makoto

JAERI-Research 2004-021, 43 Pages, 2004/12


We have designed and developed a $$gamma$$ measurement system to certify radioactive wastes below the clearance level. By advancing non-destructive $$gamma$$-ray assay technology, it aims at quantitative determination of radionuclides contained in 200 litter drum/container wastes. Unlike the waste from a nuclear power plant, you have to assume that the waste originating from radioisotope usage and nuclear research laboratory have a variety of contents and a complex mixture of radionuclides, and furthermore the uniformity of activity concentration is unknown. To cope with the problems, we have developed the $$gamma$$-ray measuring instruments (units) with effective improvement of capability against each problem. They are (1) germanium $$gamma$$ spectrometry unit for enhanced peak identification, (2) positioning detection unit for positioning of $$gamma$$ interactions and (3)high-efficiency detection unit for separation of low-energy component. This report summarizes the direction of the clearance level measuring system and the three developed measuring units with their performances.

Journal Articles

Experimental and analytical study on aerosol behavior in WIND project

Hidaka, Akihide; Maruyama, Yu; Igarashi, Minoru*; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; Sugimoto, Jun

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 200(1-2), p.303 - 315, 2000/08

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:42.07(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Analyses of CsI aerosol deposition in aerosol behavior tests in WIND project

Kudo, Tamotsu; Shibazaki, Hiroaki*; Hidaka, Akihide; Maruyama, Yu; Maeda, Akio; Harada, Yuhei; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; Sugimoto, Jun; Yoshino, T.*; Suzuki, K.*

JAERI-Conf 99-005, p.197 - 201, 1999/07

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Journal Articles

Experimental and analytical study on aerosol behavior in wind project

Hidaka, Akihide; Maruyama, Yu; Igarashi, Minoru*; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; Sugimoto, Jun

8th Int. Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, 2, p.595 - 604, 1997/00

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Journal Articles

Experimental analyses of iodine behavior under severe accident conditions with ART

Hidaka, Akihide; Igarashi, Minoru*; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; ; Sugimoto, Jun

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 248, p.226 - 232, 1997/00

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:14.30(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

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Journal Articles

Loss monitor system for the JAERI superconducting RF linac-based FEL

Minehara, Eisuke; ; Sugimoto, Masayoshi; Sawamura, Masaru; Nagai, Ryoji; Kikuzawa, Nobuhiro; Nishimori, Nobuyuki

Proc. of 22nd Linear Accelerator Meeting in Japan, p.343 - 344, 1997/00

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Journal Articles

Deposition of cesium iodide aerosol in horizontal straight pipes under severe accident conditions

Igarashi, Minoru*; Maruyama, Yu; Maeda, Akio; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro*; Nakamura, Naohiko*; Hidaka, Akihide; Harada, Yuhei; Sugimoto, Jun

Proc. of 5th Int. Conf. on Nucl. Eng. (ICONE-5), p.1 - 8, 1997/00

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Journal Articles

Development of a directional neutron detector for neutron emission profile monitor

Kaneko, Junichi; Katagiri, Masaki; Ikeda, Yujiro; Ara, Katsuyuki; Iguchi, Tetsuo*; Nakazawa, Masaharu*

KEK-Proceedings 96-4, 0, p.259 - 263, 1996/07

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Computer simulation to predict ozone concentration in an electron accelerator room

Endo, Akira; J.Henshaw*; M.A.Mignanelli*

Radioisotopes, 45(7), p.431 - 434, 1996/07

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Journal Articles

Experimental and analytical study on cesium iodide behavior in piping in WAVE experiment

Hidaka, Akihide; Igarashi, Minoru*; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; ; Sugimoto, Jun

PSI Report Nr. 97-02, p.531 - 544, 1996/06

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Journal Articles

Computer simulation method to predict concentrations of noxious gases in electron accelerator rooms

Endo, Akira; J.Henshaw*; M.A.Mignanelli*

AEAT-0058, 0, 45 Pages, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Coupling analysis of thermohydraulics and aerosol behavior in WIND experiments

Hidaka, Akihide; Maruyama, Yu; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; ; Nakajima, Kengo*; Sugimoto, Jun

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 75, p.398 - 399, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Analyses of iodine behavior experiments under severe accident conditions with ART code

Hidaka, Akihide; Igarashi, Minoru*; Hashimoto, Kazuichiro; ; Sugimoto, Jun

UTNL-R-0337, 0, p.35 - 46, 1996/00

no abstracts in English

28 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)