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JAEA Reports

Project report on the construction phase at the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project

Nohara, Tsuyoshi; Saegusa, Hiromitsu*; Iwatsuki, Teruki; Hama, Katsuhiro; Matsui, Hiroya; Mikake, Shinichiro; Takeuchi, Ryuji; Onoe, Hironori; Sasao, Eiji

JAEA-Research 2015-026, 98 Pages, 2016/03


Tono Geoscience Center (TGC) of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is being performed Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) Project, which is a broad scientific study of the deep geological environment as a basis of research and development for geological disposal of nuclear wastes, in order to establish comprehensive techniques for the investigation, analysis and assessment of the deep geological environment in fractured crystalline rock. The MIU Project has three overlapping phases: Surface-based Investigation phase (Phase I), Construction phase (Phase II), and Operation phase (Phase III). The project goals of the MIU Project from Phase I through to Phase III are: (1) to establish techniques for investigation, analysis and assessment of the deep geological environment, and (2) to develop a range of engineering for deep underground application. This report summarizes the results of geoscientific study on Phase II to 500m depth. During Construction phase, we have evaluated of adequacy of techniques for investigation, analysis and assessment of the deep geological environment on Surface-based Investigation phase, and have established systematic methodology for stepwise investigation and evaluation of the geological environment on Construction phase. Further, with respect to design and construction of underground facilities, it was confirmed the validity of the engineering involved in the construction, maintenance and management of underground facilities.

JAEA Reports

Study on engineering technologies in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (FY 2014); Development of design and construction planning and countermeasure technologies (Contract research)

Kobayashi, Shinji*; Niimi, Katsuyuki*; Tsuji, Masakuni*; Yamada, Toshiko*; Aoyagi, Yoshiaki; Sato, Toshinori; Mikake, Shinichiro; Osawa, Hideaki

JAEA-Technology 2015-039, 170 Pages, 2016/02


The researches on engineering technology in the Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory (MIU) plan consists of (1) development of design and construction planning technologies, (2) development of construction technology, (3) development of countermeasure technology, (4) development of technology for security, and (5) development of technologies regarding restoration or reversal and mitigating of the excavation effect. To develop design and construction planning technologies, and countermeasure technology, the analysis of measured data during earthquake and seismic movement characteristics at deep underground, and the examination of grouting method were carried out. For the characteristics of earthquake ground motion, measurement data obtained by seismometers installed in the Mizunami Underground Laboratory were analyzed, and the comprehensive assessment of the relationship between the measurement data and the geological condition at each depth was performed. As for "Study on grouting method at deep underground ", post grouting was carried out and evaluated based on the Construction plan in FY2013. Furthermore, target of the future R&D was proposed.

Journal Articles

Implication for long-term behavior of radionuclides in deep underground on the basis of natural analogue phenomena

Nagano, Tetsushi; Nakayama, Shinichi

Genshiryoku Bakkuendo Kenkyu, 8(1), p.81 - 88, 2001/09

Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute has studied to predict the long-term migration of radionuclides in geosphere in terms of radioactive waste disposal. The research activity was introduced to junior high and high school students at a seminar of the Mineralogical Society of Japan. The content of the lecture was summarized.

3 (Records 1-3 displayed on this page)
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