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Two-group drift-flux model for upward cap-bubbly two-phase flows in large square channels

孫 昊旻; 日引 俊*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 237, p.126445_1 - 126445_14, 2025/02

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Thermodynamics)

Various bubbles exist in two-phase flows. A practical approach is classifying the bubbles into two groups based on their drag coefficients. Two-group two-fluid model can potentially provide the most accurate analysis of two-phase flows. Two-group drift-flux model should be established as a constitutive equation to simplify the two-group two-fluid model for its practical use. The drift-flux model for large square channels has seldom been investigated, even though such channels exist in various engineering systems. This study developed the two-group drift-flux model for large square channels based on experimental databases.


Quantifying uncertainty induced by scattering angle distribution using maximum entropy method

丸山 修平; 山本 章夫*; 遠藤 知弘*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 205, p.110591_1 - 110591_13, 2024/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This study developed a new method for evaluating the uncertainty in reactor core/shielding characteristics attributable to the scattering angle distribution, employing a random sampling (RS) technique integrated with continuous energy Monte Carlo (CEMC) calculations. The impact of neutron scattering angle is not negligible in the analysis of fast reactor cores and shielding. Recent advancements have enabled the high-accuracy assessment of nuclear data-induced uncertainty by merging CEMC calculations and the RS technique. Nonetheless, a method to quantify uncertainty due to scattering angle distribution remains unestablished. This study introduces a new approach for uncertainty quantification related to scattering angle distribution in CEMC-RS, utilizing the maximum entropy method. The effectiveness of this method was verified through comparison with results from the classical deterministic uncertainty quantification approach based on generalized perturbation theory. Overall, this method offers a more accurate tool for nuclear engineers and researchers in evaluating and managing uncertainties in reactor design and safety analysis.



涌井 隆; 高岸 洋一*; 二川 正敏

材料, 73(6), p.520 - 526, 2024/06



First demonstration of a single-end readout position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station based on wavelength-resolving analysis

寺阪 祐太; 佐藤 優樹; 瓜谷 章*

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 1062, p.169227_1 - 169227_6, 2024/05

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:75.38(Instruments & Instrumentation)

We have developed a new position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor that achieves single-end readout and high dose rate application. The sensor determines the incident position of radiation on the optical fiber by using the wavelength dependency of light attenuation within the fiber. Through the analysis of the output wavelength spectrum from the fiber end, the incident position of radiation on the optical fiber can be inversely estimated using the spectrum unfolding procedure. Using this optical fiber sensor, we conducted a measurement of radiation distribution inside the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS). The actual trend of incident position of radiation was successfully reproduced in a high dose rate area, with a maximum dose rate exceeding 100 mSv/h. This validates the effectiveness of our new position-sensitive optical fiber radiation sensor.


Estimation of continuous distribution of iterated fission probability using an artificial neural network with Monte Carlo-based training data

Tuya, D.; 長家 康展

Journal of Nuclear Engineering (Internet), 4(4), p.691 - 710, 2023/11



Multi-dimensional characteristics of upward bubbly flows in a vertical large-size square channel

孫 昊旻; 功刀 資彰*; 横峯 健彦*; Shen, X.*; 日引 俊*

International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211, p.124214_1 - 124214_17, 2023/09

 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:51.36(Thermodynamics)

An experiment for upward bubbly flows was conducted in a large square channel. The local void fraction, axial gas velocity, axial liquid velocity, interfacial area concentration, and Sauter mean diameter were measured at three axial locations. Based on the measurement data, the flow characteristics through flow development were investigated. The drift-flux parameters were directly determined from the local measurement data through their definitions. It was found that the distribution parameters and the void fractions could be fairly reproduced by the existing correlations for large circular pipes. Furthermore, the interfacial area concentrations could be predicted by existing correlations with reasonable accuracy.


Cavitation damage prediction in mercury target for pulsed spallation neutron source using Monte Carlo simulation

涌井 隆; 高岸 洋一*; 二川 正敏

Materials, 16(17), p.5830_1 - 5830_16, 2023/09

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Chemistry, Physical)

水銀ターゲット容器は、陽子ビームの入射に伴い、キャビテーション損傷を受けるため、キャビテーションバブルの位置や衝撃圧力分布の不確実さを考慮して、モンテカルロ・シミュレーションを用いたキャビテーション損傷を予測する手法を提案した。本手法では、個々のキャビテーション気泡の崩壊に起因する衝撃圧力の分布はガウス分布とし、衝撃圧力の最大値の確率密度分布は3種類の分布: デルタ関数、ガウス分布、ワイブル分布と仮定した。衝撃圧力の分布を記述する方程式の2つのパラメータについて、実験から得られたキャビテーション損傷の分布とシミュレーションから得られた累積塑性ひずみの分布を比較し、ベイズ最適化を使用して推定することができた。また、ワイブル分布を用いて得られた結果が、他の結果に比べて、実際のキャビテーションエロージョン現象を再現することが分かった。


The Development of a Multiphysics Coupled Solver for Studying the Effect of Dynamic Heterogeneous Configuration on Particulate Debris Bed Criticality and Cooling Characteristics

Li, C.-Y.; Wang, K.*; 内堀 昭寛; 岡野 靖; Pellegrini, M.*; Erkan, N.*; 高田 孝*; 岡本 孝司*

Applied Sciences (Internet), 13(13), p.7705_1 - 7705_29, 2023/07

 被引用回数:2 パーセンタイル:27.59(Chemistry, Multidisciplinary)

For a sodium-cooled fast reactor, the capability for stable cooling and avoiding re-criticality on the debris bed is essential for achieving in-vessel retention when severe accidents occur. However, an unexploited uncertainty still existed regarding the compound effect of the heterogeneous configuration and dynamic particle redistribution for the debris bed's criticality and cooling safety assessment. Therefore, this research aims to develop a numerical tool for investigating the effects of the different transformations of the heterogeneous configurations on the debris bed's criticality/cooling assessment. Based on the newly proposed methodology in this research, via integrating the Discrete Element Method (DEM) with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and Monte-Carlo-based Neutronics (MCN), the coupled CFD-DEM-MCN solver was constructed with the originally created interface to integrate two existing codes. The effects of the different bed configurations' transformations on the bed safety assessments were also quantitively confirmed, indicating that the effect of the particle-centralized fissile material had the dominant negative effect on the safety margin of avoiding re-criticality and particle re-melting accidents and had a more evident impact than the net bed-centralized effect. This coupled solver can serve to further assess the debris bed's safety via a multi-physics simulation approach, leading to safer SFR design concepts.



涌井 隆; 高岸 洋一*; 二川 正敏; 田邉 誠*

実験力学, 23(2), p.168 - 174, 2023/06



Relationship between internal stress distribution and microstructure in a suspension-sprayed thermal barrier coating with a columnar structure

山崎 泰広*; 篠宮 啓介*; 奥村 忠晴*; 鈴木 賢治*; 菖蒲 敬久; 中村 唯我*

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 7(2), p.14_1 - 14_12, 2023/05

The suspension plasma spray (SPS) technique has attracted attention because of its various microstructures, which can be achieved by mixing submicron spray particles with a solvent to form a suspension. Thermal barrier coatings (TBCs) with a columnar structure, which might achieve high strain tolerance, can be obtained using the SPS technique. In this study, the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC with different columnar structures was evaluated by hybrid measurement using high-energy synchrotron X-ray diffraction analysis and laboratory low-energy X-rays. The effect of microstructure on the internal stress distribution of the SPS-TBC was discussed on the basis of the experimental results. In addition, the in-plane internal stress was decreased by decreasing the column diameter. The thin columnar microstructure of the SPS-TBC has superior strain tolerance. The internal stresses in the column of the SPS-TBC are periodic decrements caused by stress relaxation in porous layers.


Insight on the mechanical properties of hierarchical porous calcium-silicate-hydrate pastes according to the Ca/Si molar ratio using ${it in situ}$ synchrotron X-ray scattering and nanoindentation test

Im, S.*; Jee, H.*; Suh, H.*; 兼松 学*; 諸岡 聡; Choe, H.*; 西尾 悠平*; 町田 晃彦*; Kim, J.*; Lim, S.*; et al.

Construction and Building Materials, 365, p.130034_1 - 130034_18, 2023/02

 被引用回数:14 パーセンタイル:76.08(Construction & Building Technology)

Nanocrystalline calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) is a typical heterogeneous material with a multiscale structure spanning a wide length scale from angstrom to micrometer, and whose structure is determined by the Ca/Si ratio. In this study, we directly applied compressive loads on synthetic C-S-H pastes with Ca/Si ratios of 0.6-1.2 and investigated their mechanical properties using the elastic modulus calculated at three length scale levels (i.e., angstrom to nanometer, micrometer, and millimeter) via in-situ synchrotron X-ray scattering, nanoindentation tests, and strain gauges, respectively. Further, $$^{29}$$Si nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy was conducted on the C-S-H pastes to elucidate the alterations in the silicate polymerization. The experimental results confirmed the deformation behavior of the C-S-H paste with different Ca/Si ratios under external loading, which was demonstrated to be transferred from the surface of the pastes to particles owing to the presence of multiscale pores.


LASSO reconstruction scheme to predict radioactive source distributions inside reactor building rooms; Practical applications

町田 昌彦; Shi, W.*; 山田 進; 宮村 浩子; 吉田 亨*; 長谷川 幸弘*; 岡本 孝司; 青木 勇斗; 伊藤 倫太郎; 山口 隆司; et al.

Proceedings of Waste Management Symposia 2023 (WM2023) (Internet), 11 Pages, 2023/02

In order to find radioactive hot spots inside reactor building rooms from structural data together with air dose rate measurement data, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO) has been recently suggested as a promising scheme. The scheme has been examined in simplified room models and its high estimation feasibility has been confirmed by employing Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System (PHITS) as a radiation simulation code. In this paper, we apply the scheme to complex room models inside real reactor buildings. The target rooms are pool canal circulation system room and main circulation system room in Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) at Oarai area, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). In these real rooms, we create STL format structural data based on Computer Aided Design (CAD) models made directly from their point group data measured by laser scanning devices, and we notice that the total number of their surface meshes in these real rooms reaches to the order of 1 million. Then, this order of the mesh number clearly indicates that one needs a simplified radiation simulation code considering only direct transmission of gamma ray as a radiation calculation instead of PHITS demanding high computational costs. By developing such a simplified code and customizing it to perform LASSO scheme, we consequently confirm that LASSO scheme driven by the simplified simulation can also successfully predict unknown radioactive hot spots on real structural models.


Evaluation of power distribution calculation of the very high temperature reactor critical assembly (VHTRC) with Monte Carlo MVP3 code

Simanullang, I. L.*; 中川 直樹*; Ho, H. Q.; 長住 達; 石塚 悦男; 飯垣 和彦; 藤本 望*

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 177, p.109314_1 - 109314_8, 2022/11

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Power distribution plays a significant role in preventing the fuel temperature exceeds the safety limit of 1600$$^{circ}$$C in high-temperature gas-cooled reactors. The experiment to measure the power distribution in the graphite-moderated system was carried out with the Very High Temperature Reactor Critical Assembly facility. In the previous study, the power distribution in the VHTRC was calculated using a nuclear design code system based on diffusion calculation. The results showed a maximum discrepancy of up to 20% between the experiment and calculated values in the axial direction. The large discrepancy occurred near the boundary of fuel and reflector regions. This study describes the evaluation results of pin-wise power distribution of the VHTRC with the Monte Carlo MVP3 code. The calculation results were in good agreement with the measured results. In the axial direction, the discrepancy was less than 1% around the boundary of fuel and reflector regions.


Calculation of shutdown gamma distribution in the high temperature engineering test reactor

Ho, H. Q.; 石井 俊晃; 長住 達; 小野 正人; 島崎 洋祐; 石塚 悦男; 後藤 実; Simanullang, I. L.*; 藤本 望*; 飯垣 和彦

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 396, p.111913_1 - 111913_9, 2022/09

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:17.57(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Estimation of decay gamma distribution in a reactor core is essential for safely conducting various works after reactor shutdown such as periodic maintenance, shuffling fuel, removing spent fuel at the end of cycle, etc. Because of the dependency on the complex operating history of the reactor, attempting to calculate the decay gamma rays distribution in the core remains a challenge. This study showed a method to calculate the shutdown gamma distribution in the HTTR core by coupling a Monte-Carlo transport calculation code MCNP6 and an activation code ORIGEN2 to take advantage of spatial dependence and transportation abilities of MCNP6 and the detailed fission products tracking during burnup and cooling of ORIGEN2. As result, the three-dimensional shutdown gamma distribution in the HTTR core for different cooling times and spatial locations could be obtained accurately.



川口 浩一; 瀬川 智臣; 石井 克典

粉体工学会誌, 59(6), p.283 - 290, 2022/06



Recent studies on fuel properties and irradiation behaviors of Am/Np-bearing MOX

廣岡 瞬; 横山 佳祐; 加藤 正人

Proceedings of International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles; Sustainable Clean Energy for the Future (FR22) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2022/04





JAEA-Review 2021-054, 85 Pages, 2022/01




An Investigation on the control rod homogenization method for next-generation fast reactor cores

滝野 一夫; 杉野 和輝; 大木 繁夫

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 162, p.108454_1 - 108454_7, 2021/11

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:11.39(Nuclear Science & Technology)

A Japanese next-generation fast reactor core design adopts the reaction rate ratio preservation (RRRP) method for control rod homogenization with a super-cell model in which a control rod is surrounded by fuel assemblies. An earlier study showed that the RRRP method with the conventional super-cell model could estimate the control rod worth (CRW) of a 750-MWe large fast reactor core within the analytical uncertainty of 1.5%. The estimation of radial power distribution (RPD) tends to have relatively large analytical uncertainty especially for large fast reactor cores with the control rods inserted. In order to eliminate the radially-dependent analytical uncertainty of CRW and RPD, this study evaluated and refined the surrounding fuel assemblies of the super-cell model for all control rods in the RRRP method. This refinement significantly decreased the radially-dependent analytical uncertainty: the analytical uncertainty of CRW and RPD were reduced to less than 0.13% and 0.35%, respectively.


Stoichiometry between humate unit molecules and metal ions in supramolecular assembly induced by Cu$$^{2+}$$ and Tb$$^{3+}$$ measured by gel electrophoresis techniques

中野 純佳*; 丸茂 和樹*; 風見 綸太郎*; 斉藤 拓巳*; 原賀 智子; 半田 友衣子*; 齋藤 伸吾*

Environmental Science & Technology, 55(22), p.15172 - 15180, 2021/11

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:25.16(Engineering, Environmental)



Coherent eddies transporting passive scalars through the plant canopy revealed by Large-Eddy simulations using the lattice Boltzmann method

渡辺 力*; 高木 毬衣*; 下山 宏*; 川島 正行*; 小野寺 直幸; 稲垣 厚至*

Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 181(1), p.39 - 71, 2021/10

 被引用回数:8 パーセンタイル:45.60(Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences)


381 件中 1件目~20件目を表示