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JAEA Reports

Report of summer holiday practical training on 2023

Ishitsuka, Etsuo; Nagasumi, Satoru; Hasegawa, Toshinari; Kawai, Hiromi*; Wakisaka, Shinji*; Nagase, Sota*; Nakamura, Kento*; Yaguchi, Hiroki*; Ishii, Toshiaki; Nakano, Yumi*; et al.

JAEA-Technology 2024-008, 23 Pages, 2024/07


Five people from three universities participated in the 2023 summer holiday practical training with the theme of "Technical development on HTTR". The participants practiced the analysis of HTTR core, the analysis of behavior on loss of forced cooling test, the analysis of Iodine deposition behavior in primary cooling system and the feasibility study of energy storage system for HTGRs. In the questionnaire after this training, there were impressions such as that it was useful as a work experience and some students found it useful for their own research. These impressions suggest that this training was generally evaluated as good.

Journal Articles

Profile of energy deposition in human body irradiated by heavy ions

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Tsuda, Shuichi; Sakamoto, Yukio; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Niita, Koji*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 41(Suppl.4), p.287 - 290, 2004/03

Radiological protection against heavy ions has been an essential issue in the planning of long term space missions. We performed Monte Carlo calculations of dose distributions in terms of the linear energy transfer (LET) of ionizing particles using Particle and Heavy Ion Transport code System, PHITS, for incidences of various kinds of heavy ions with energies up to 3 GeV/A. Based on the results, we found that large amounts of energies are imparted by particles with an LET above 10 keV/mm even for the incidences of heavy ions with high energies. This tendency is different from that for high energy hadron incidences, where more than 80% of the total deposited energies are imparted by particles with an LET below 10 keV/mm.

Journal Articles

Analysis of dose-let distribution in the human body irradiated by high energy hadrons

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Tsuda, Shuichi; Sakamoto, Yukio; Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro; Niita, Koji*

Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 106(2), p.145 - 153, 2003/11

 Times Cited Count:15 Percentile:68.40(Environmental Sciences)

For the purposes of radiological protection, it is extremely important to analyse profiles of energy deposition in the human body irradiated by high energy hadrons. We therefore performed Monte Carlo calculations of dose distributions in terms of the LET of ionising particles using a newly developed particle transport code PHITS for incidences of neutrons, protons and pions with energies from 100 MeV to 200 GeV. Based on our calculations, we found that more than 80% and more than 90% of the total deposited energies are imparted by particles with a LET below 10 keV/mm for the irradiations of neutrons and the charged particles, respectively. These results are expected to be useful in micro-dosimetric analysis for elucidating the dependence of the biological effects of irradiation on the incident radiation type and energy.

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of burnup characteristics and energy deposition during NSRR pulse irradiation tests on irradiated BWR fuels

Nakamura, Takehiko; Takahashi, Masato*; Yoshinaga, Makio

JAERI-Research 2000-048, 77 Pages, 2000/11


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Stress waves due to deposited heat in mercury and lead spallation targets

Kikuchi, Kenji; Nakashima, Hiroshi; Ishikura, Shuichi*; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Hino, Ryutaro

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 37(2), p.113 - 119, 2000/02

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Evaluation of energy depositions in the NSRR irradiated fuel tests; Tests with fuel rods pre-irradiated in the JMTR

Nakamura, Takehiko; Sasajima, Hideo; Fuketa, Toyoshi; ; Takahashi, Masato*; ; Ishijima, Kiyomi

JAERI-Research 98-052, 55 Pages, 1998/09


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Thermodynamic calculations for chemical vapor deposition of silicon carbide using ehyltrichlorosilane

Nakano, Junichi; Yamada, Reiji

JAERI-Research 95-045, 26 Pages, 1995/06


no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Runaway electron effects

H.-W.Bartels*; Kunugi, Tomoaki; A.J.Russo*

Atomic and Plasma-Material Interaction Data for Fusion, Vol. 5, 0, p.225 - 244, 1994/00

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Fuel behavior in simulated RIA under high pressure and temperature coolant condition

Tanzawa, Sadamitsu; ;

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(4), p.281 - 290, 1993/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Effects of runaway electrons on plasma facing components

Kunugi, Tomoaki

Fusion Engineering and Design, 23, p.329 - 339, 1993/00

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:51.93(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Simulation of energy deposition from runaway electrons in plasma facing components with EGS4

Kunugi, Tomoaki; Akiba, Masato; Ogawa, Masuro; ;

KEK-PROC-92-16, p.56 - 63, 1992/12

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

The Simulation of the energy deposition from runaway electrons in plasma facing components with EGS4

Kunugi, Tomoaki; Akiba, Masato; Ogawa, Masuro; ;

Fusion Technology, 21, p.1868 - 1872, 1992/05

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Estimation of energy deposition in various test fuels in the NSRR FBR fuel tests

Nakamura, Takehiko; Fuketa, Toyoshi; Sobajima, Makoto;

JAERI-M 90-067, 85 Pages, 1990/04


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

JAEA Reports

Themodynamic Calculations for Chamical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Cable

Minato, Kazuo; ; Ikawa, Katsuichi

JAERI-M 85-043, 27 Pages, 1985/03


no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Journal Articles

JAEA Reports

JAEA Reports

23 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)