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Journal Articles

Evaluation of the resistance of ${it Euglena gracilis}$ to ion beam radiation

Hayashi, Hirotaka*; Wada, Seiichi; Funayama, Tomoo; Narumi, Issei; Kobayashi, Yasuhiko; Watanabe, Hiroshi*; Furuta, Masakazu*; Uehara, Kaku*

Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology, 51(3), p.321 - 324, 2004/06

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:6.44(Microbiology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Photoluminescence and Raman studies of curium and americium complexes of 6-methyl 2-(2-pyridyl)- benzimidazole; Evidence for an efficient intramolecular energy transfer

Assefa, Z.*; Yaita, Tsuyoshi; Haire, R. G.*; Tachimori, Shoichi

Inorganic Chemistry, 42(23), p.7375 - 7377, 2003/11

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:38.98(Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear)

The 6-methyl- 2-(2-pyridyl)-benzimidazole (biz) ligand coordinates with the actinide species in solution, and the complexes display efficient intra-molecular energy-transfer processes. The energy transfer in the Cm(III):biz system proceeds in a non-radiative mode, whereas a radiative mode is the principal mechanism in the Am(III)-biz system.

Journal Articles

Mechanical energy generation during high burnup fuel failure under reactivity initiated accident conditions

Sugiyama, Tomoyuki; Fuketa, Toyoshi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 37(10), p.877 - 886, 2000/10

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Journal Articles

Application of thin film dosimeters for 3-45MeV/amu ion beams

Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi; Takizawa, Haruki; Tachibana, Hiroyuki

JAERI-Conf 2000-001, p.310 - 313, 2000/03

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Journal Articles

Dosimetry systems for characteristics study of thin film dosimeters, 4; Fluence measurement and LET characteristics study of film dosimeters

Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi; Takizawa, Haruki; Tachibana, Hiroyuki

JAERI-Review 99-025, TIARA Annual Report 1998, p.100 - 102, 1999/10

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Journal Articles

A Factorization of LET effects of ion induced photostimulated luminescence

Abe, Ken*; Saito, Kiwamu*; To, Kentaro; Kojima, Takuji; Sakai, Takuro

JAERI-Review 99-025, TIARA Annual Report 1998, p.103 - 105, 1999/10

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Journal Articles

Dosimetry systems for 5-20MeV/amu heavy charged particle beams

Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi; Takizawa, Haruki; Tachibana, Hiroyuki

IAEA-TECDOC-1070, p.197 - 202, 1999/03

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Journal Articles

Mechanical energy generation during high burnup fuel failure under reactivity initiated accident conditions

; Fuketa, Toyoshi; Ishijima, Kiyomi

Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-7) (CD-ROM), 10 Pages, 1999/00

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Journal Articles

A Response of an imaging plate to heavy ion beams and its LET effects

Abe, Ken*; Kojima, Takuji; ; ; ; ; Sakai, Takuro;

Radiation Detectors and Their Uses, p.323 - 328, 1998/00

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JAEA Reports

Energy transfer and thermal conductivity through inert matrix and nuclear fuel analogous materials

C.Degueldre*; Takano, Masahide; Omichi, Toshihiko; Fukuda, Kosaku; P.Heimgartner*; T.Graber*

JAERI-Research 97-087, 19 Pages, 1997/11


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Journal Articles

Numerical simulation for metastable states' deexcitation in electron beam evaporation process

Nishimura, Akihiko; Shibata, Takemasa

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 32(9), p.905 - 911, 1995/09

 Times Cited Count:2 Percentile:27.88(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Fuel behavior in simulated RIA under high pressure and temperature coolant condition

Tanzawa, Sadamitsu; ;

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 30(4), p.281 - 290, 1993/04

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.00(Nuclear Science & Technology)

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Journal Articles

Radiolytic hydrogen gas formation from water adsorbed on type A zeolites

Nakashima, Mikio; Aratono, Yasuyuki

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 41(3), p.461 - 465, 1993/00

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:84.82(Chemistry, Physical)

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Journal Articles

Formation and quenching of CO and CO ion in excited states by high energy electron irradiation of helium-carbon monoxide gas mixture

Matsuda, Koji; ; ; ; Hatada, Motoyoshi

Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 42(12), p.1223 - 1229, 1991/00

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Journal Articles

Self-radiolysis of tritiated water adsorbed on silica gel

Nakashima, Mikio; Tachikawa, Enzo

Appl.Radiat.Isot., 37(6), p.527 - 530, 1986/00

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Journal Articles

Radiation luminescence of polymers; Emission behavior of aromatic compounds incorporated in synthetic rubbers

Kawanishi, Shuichi; Hagiwara, Miyuki

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 27(1), p.65 - 70, 1986/00

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Journal Articles

Radiation resistant rubbers; Protection effects of aromatic additives

Hagiwara, Miyuki; Kawanishi, Shuichi

Nihon Gomu Kyokai-Shi, 58(11), p.698 - 705, 1985/00

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Journal Articles

Effect of aromatic additives on the radiation resistance of ethylene-propylene-diene-terpolymer studied by optical emission spectroscopy of both steady-state and picosecond pulse radiolysis

Kawanishi, Shuichi; Hagiwara, Miyuki; ; ;

Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 26(6), p.705 - 713, 1985/00

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Journal Articles

Radiation effects on methane in the presence of molecular sieves

; ;

J.Chem.Soc.,Faraday Trans.,I, 79, p.1973 - 1986, 1983/00

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Journal Articles

Oscillatory behavior of charge transfer cross sections as a function of the charge of projectiles in low-energy collisions

Ryufuku, Hiroshi; ;

Phys.Rev.,A, 21(3), p.745 - 750, 1980/00

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22 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)