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Tsujimoto, Kazufumi; Nagai, Yasuki
JAERI-Review 2005-004, 208 Pages, 2005/03
The Working Group on Energy (WG) was organized under International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP). The WG has been considering problems on future energy supply and role of physics to solve the subjects. As one of activities of the WG, a Workshop on Energy was held on May 13, 2004 at Center for Promotion of Computational Science and Engineering, Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) in Tokyo hosted by IUPAP and co-hosted by JAERI and High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. The objectives of this workshop are to suggest active contributions of pure and applied physics field to the solution of the energy problem and to advance research and development (R&D) of future energy through the discussions about present status, problem and prospect of different energy development in the world and in Japan. This report records the summary of the Workshop and, abstracts and materials of 12 presentations. After the invited presentations about overview of energy problems in the world, in China and in Japan, R&D activities on the following four fields were presented; "Research and Development of New Energy", "Research and Development of Fusion Energy", "Prospect of Accelerator Driven System (ADS)", and "Hydrogen Production, Storage and Transportation".
JAERI-Conf 96-010, 533 Pages, 1996/07
no abstracts in English