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Journal Articles

Assessment of calculation model for annular core on the HTTR

Nojiri, Naoki; Handa, Yuichi*; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Goto, Minoru; Kaneko, Yoshihiko*

Nihon Genshiryoku Gakkai Wabun Rombunshi, 5(3), p.241 - 250, 2006/09

It was shown from the annular core experiment of the HTTR that the discrepancy of excess reactivity between experiment and analysis reached about 3 % Dk/k at maximum. Sensitivity analysis for the annular core of the HTTR was performed to improve the discrepancy. The SRAC code system was used for the core analysis. As the results of the analysis, it was found clearly that the multiplication factor of the annular core is affected by (1) mesh interval in the core diffusion calculation, (2) mesh structure of graphite region in fuel lattice cell and (3) the Benoist's anisotropic diffusion coefficients. The significantly large discrepancy previously reported was reduced down to about 1 % Dk/k by the revised annular core model.

Journal Articles

Annular core experiments in HTTR's start-up core physics tests

Fujimoto, Nozomu; Yamashita, Kiyonobu*; Nojiri, Naoki; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; Nakano, Masaaki*

Nuclear Science and Engineering, 150(3), p.310 - 321, 2005/07

 Times Cited Count:6 Percentile:39.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Annular cores were formed in startup-core-physics tests of the High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor (HTTR) to obtain experimental data for verification of calculation codes. The first criticality, control rod positions at critical conditions, neutron flux distribution, excess reactivity etc. were measured as representative data. These data were evaluated with Monte Carlo code MVP that can consider the heterogeneity of coated fuel particles (CFP) distributed randomly in fuel compacts directly. It was made clear that the heterogeneity effect of CFP on reactivity for annular cores is smaller than that for fully-loaded cores. Measured and calculated effective multiplication factors (k) were agreed with differences less than 1%$$Delta$$k. Measured neutron flux distributions agreed with calculated results. The revising method was applied for evaluation of excess reactivity to exclude negative shadowing effect of control rods. The revised and calculated excess reactivity agreed with differences less than 1%$$Delta$$k/k.

Journal Articles

Characteristic test of initial HTTR core

Nojiri, Naoki; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Goto, Minoru

Nuclear Engineering and Design, 233(1-3), p.283 - 290, 2004/10

 Times Cited Count:12 Percentile:60.80(Nuclear Science & Technology)

This paper describes the results of core physics test in start-up and power-up of the HTTR. The tests were conducted in order to ensure performance and safety of the high temperature gas cooled reactor, and was carried out to measure the critical approach, the excess reactivity, the shutdown margin, the control rod worth, the reactivity coefficient, the neutron flux distribution and the power distribution. The expected core performance and the required reactor safety characteristics were verified from the results of measurements and calculations.

Journal Articles

Rock-like oxide fuels and their burning in LWRs

Yamashita, Toshiyuki; Kuramoto, Kenichi; Akie, Hiroshi; Nakano, Yoshihiro; Shirasu, Noriko; Nakamura, Takehiko; Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; Omichi, Toshihiko*

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(8), p.865 - 871, 2002/08

 Times Cited Count:26 Percentile:81.82(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Research on the plutonium rock-like oxide (ROX) fuels and their once-through burning in light water reactors has been performed to establish an option for utilizing and disposing effectively the excess plutonium. The ROX fuel is a sort of the inert matrix fuels and consists of mineral-like compounds such as yttria stabilized zirconia, spinel and corundum. A particle-dispersed fuel was devised to reduce damage by heavy fission fragments. Some preliminary results on swelling, fractional gas release and microstructure change for five ROX fuels were obtained from the irradiation test and successive post-irradiation examinations. Inherent disadvantages of the Pu-ROX fuel cores could be improved by adding 238U or 232Th as resonant materials, and all improved cores showed a nearly the same characteristics as the conventional UO2 core during transient conditions. The threshold enthalpy of the ROX fuel rod failure was found to be comparable to the fresh UO2 rod by pulse-irradiation tests simulating reactivity initiated accident conditions.

JAEA Reports

Improvement of core calculation model of High Temperature Engineering Test Reactor; Related with excess reactivity

Fujimoto, Nozomu; Yamashita, Kiyonobu

JAERI-Research 99-059, p.43 - 0, 1999/11


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Journal Articles

Revised procedure for determining large excess reactivity of reactors

Kaneko, Yoshihiko*; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Shimakawa, Satoshi

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 36(11), p.988 - 995, 1999/11

 Times Cited Count:0 Percentile:0.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Results of HTTR criticality tests

Fujimoto, Nozomu; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; Nakano, Masaaki*; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Mogi, Haruyoshi

UTNL-R-0378, p.5.1 - 5.10, 1999/00

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JAEA Reports

Preliminary analyses for HTTR's start-up physics tests by Monte Carlo code MVP

Nojiri, Naoki; Nakano, Masaaki; Ando, Hiroei; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; Yamashita, Kiyonobu

JAERI-Tech 98-032, 59 Pages, 1998/08


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JAEA Reports

Analytical estimation of control rod shadowing effect for excess reactivity measurement of high temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR)

Nakano, Masaaki; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; Fujimoto, Nozomu; Nojiri, Naoki; Takeuchi, Mitsuo; Fujisaki, Shingo; ; Nakata, Tetsuo*

JAERI-Tech 98-017, 61 Pages, 1998/05


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JAEA Reports

A Proposal of revised method for determination of large positive reactivity

Kaneko, Yoshihiko*; Shimakawa, Satoshi; Nagao, Yoshiharu; Yamashita, Kiyonobu; ; Yamane, Tsuyoshi

JAERI-Research 97-003, 70 Pages, 1997/02


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Journal Articles

Benchmark calculation of JMTRC core with MCNP

Nagao, Yoshiharu; Shimakawa, Satoshi;

Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 73, p.402 - 403, 1995/00

no abstracts in English

JAEA Reports

Benchmark Calculation on Nuclear Characteristics of JRR-4 HZU Core by SRAC Code System

Arigane, Kenji

JAERI-M 87-063, 133 Pages, 1987/04


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Journal Articles

A New experimental method of estimating physics parameters in large fast reactors

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 13(2), p.58 - 73, 1976/02

 Times Cited Count:2

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14 (Records 1-14 displayed on this page)
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