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Shibata, Kenji; Shimizu, Mayuko; Suzuki, Kazuhiro
Nagoya Daigaku Kasokuki Shitsuryo Bunsekikei Gyoseki Hokokusho, 26, p.126 - 131, 2015/03
no abstracts in English
Shibata, Kenji; Shimizu, Mayuko; Suzuki, Kazuhiro; Sueoka, Shigeru; Niwa, Masakazu
no journal, ,
The CHIME (Chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) dating has been performed on JEOL JXA-8530F FE-EPMA introduced in Tono Geoscience Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Analysis of Pb on conventional spectrometers have disadvantage in count rate. JXA-8530F equipped with three R=100 provides significant shortening in analyzing time. Spectral interferences peculiar to R=100 mm spectrometers are found to be collected on the monazite analyses. The intrinsic responses of the R=100 mm counting systems with a PET crystal and a sealed Xe detector for PbM are around ten times higher than that of the JCXA-733 counting systems. The measurement time required for a spot is ca. 35 minutes. The advanced procedure carried out 42525 Ma for monazite from Cooma granite in southeastern Australia, which had dated by SHRIMP as 432.83.5 Ma. The CHIME monazite age of the Kojaku granite in southwestern Japan is 685 Ma that accords well with the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages of 68.50.7 Ma.
Shibata, Kenji; Shimizu, Mayuko; Suzuki, Kazuhiro; Sueoka, Shigeru; Niwa, Masakazu
no journal, ,
The CHIME (Chemical Th-U-total Pb isochron method) dating has been performed on JEOL JXA-8530F FE-EPMA introduced in Tono Geoscience Center of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. Analysis of Pb on conventional spectrometers have disadvantage in count rate. JXA-8530F equipped with three R=100 provides significant shortening in analyzing time. Spectral interferences peculiar to R=100 mm spectrometers are found to be collected on the monazite analyses. The intrinsic responses of the R=100 mm counting systems with a PET crystal and a sealed Xe detector for PbMb are around ten times higher than that of the JCXA-733 counting systems. The measurement time required for a spot is ca. 35 minutes. The advanced procedure carried out 42525 Ma for monazite from Cooma granite in southeastern Australia, which had dated by SHRIMP as 432.83.5 Ma. The CHIME monazite age of the Kojaku granite in southwestern Japan is 685 Ma that accords well with the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon ages of 68.50.7 Ma.