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Journal Articles

Development of the prediction technology of cable disconnection of in-core neutron detector for the future high-temperature gas-cooled reactors

Shimazaki, Yosuke; Sawahata, Hiroaki; Kawamoto, Taiki; Suzuki, Hisashi; Shinohara, Masanori; Honda, Yuki; Katsuyama, Kozo; Takada, Shoji; Sawa, Kazuhiro

Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 2(4), p.041008_1 - 041008_5, 2016/10

Maintenance technologies for the reactor system have been developed by using the high-temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR). One of the important purposes of development is to accumulate the experiences and data to satisfy the availability of operation up to 90% by shortening the duration of the periodical maintenance for the future HTGRs by shifting from the time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance. The technical issue of the maintenance of in-core neutron detector, wide range monitor (WRM), is to predict the malfunction caused by cable disconnection to plan the replacement schedule. This is because that it is difficult to observe directly inside of the WRM in detail. The electrical inspection method was proposed to detect and predict the cable disconnection of the WRM by remote monitoring from outside of the reactor by using the time domain reflectometry and so on. The disconnection position, which was specified by the electrical method, was identified by non-destructive and destructive inspection. The accumulated data is expected to be contributed for advanced maintenance of future HTGRs.

Journal Articles

Development of the prediction technology of cable disconnection of in-core neutron detector for the future high-temperature gas cooled reactors

Shimazaki, Yosuke; Sawahata, Hiroaki; Kawamoto, Taiki; Suzuki, Hisashi; Shinohara, Masanori; Honda, Yuki; Katsuyama, Kozo; Takada, Shoji; Sawa, Kazuhiro

Proceedings of 23rd International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-23) (DVD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2015/05

Maintenance technologies for the reactor system have been developed by using the high-temperature engineering test reactor (HTTR). One of the important purposes of development is to accumulate the experiences and data to satisfy the availability of operation up to 90% by shortening the duration of the periodical maintenance for the future HTGRs by shifting from the time-based maintenance to condition-based maintenance. The technical issue of the maintenance of in-core neutron detector, wide range monitor (WRM), is to predict the malfunction caused by cable disconnection to plan the replacement schedule. This is because that it is difficult to observe directly inside of the WRM in detail. The electrical inspection method was proposed to detect and predict the cable disconnection of the WRM by remote monitoring from outside of the reactor by using the time domain reflectometry and so on. The disconnection position, which was specified by the electrical method, was identified by non-destructive and destructive inspection. The accumulated data is expected to be contributed for advanced maintenance of future HTGRs.

JAEA Reports

Investigation of pyrometallurgical partitioning and extracting technology of irradiated fuel

Yumoto, Ryozo*; Yokochi, Yoji*; Koizumi, Masumichi*; Seki, Sadao*

PNC TJ9409 96-002, 93 Pages, 1996/03


The state of development of pyrometallurgical partitioning and extracting technology of irradiated fuel is investigated. Also in case of perfoming the test at O-arai engineering center, the contents of the test, equipments, structure and arragement of cells that equipments are installed, are studied. The purpose of the test is to confirm the realization of the process and behavior of FP and TRU elements, and off-gass that cannot be made dear by cold test. In this study it is assumed that $$sim$$100g monju fuel (94,000MWd/t B.U, cooled for 550 days) per batch is treated. Four processes are picked up except for pin sectioning and powdering, as important subjects. They are as follows. (1)reduction of oxide fuel (2)electrorefining (3)cathode processing (4)extraction of TRU elements. And the outline of the test, blocked flow chart and the outline of equipment are clarified. And the outline of chart is drawn. Moreover, the specification of analitical equipments which are necessary to analyze the product is shown. From spent chloride, TRU and a part of FP elements are extracted and they are recycled for electrorefining and so on. The salt-waste including residual FP elements is kept in a receptacle after being absorbed into Zeorite and soldified. As the disposition of these tests, modified test cell in the existing FMF, modified concrete cell in AGF, new cell at B2F in the existing FMF and new cell at second auxiliary room in FMF extension are studied. As result of considering the disposition for equipment, the difficulty of reconstucting new cell including of equipments, method of mentenance, and equipments of ventilazion (Ar circumstance) including of management of off gas, and the plan of disposition, it is concluded that constructing iron cell into the second auxiliary room of FMF extension is best, because it is easy to construct safely, and the occurance of radioactive waste and the influence to other tests is little, and it is possible to examine more efficiently.

JAEA Reports


Okada, Toshio; ; ; ; ; Miyake, Osamu; Sasaki, Shuichi

PNC TN1410 94-006, 57 Pages, 1994/11


no abstracts in English

4 (Records 1-4 displayed on this page)
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