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Journal Articles

Application of indentation technique to material degradation evaluation in the mercury target vessel for spallation neutron sources

Wakui, Takashi; Saito, Shigeru; Futakawa, Masatoshi

Jikken Rikigaku, 24(4), p.212 - 218, 2024/12

Irradiation damage is one of the main factors determining the lifetime of the mercury target vessel for spallation neutron source in J-PARC. To understand material degradation of the used vessels, it is planned to conduct an evaluation using inverse analyses with indentation tests on the structural materials of the used vessels and numerical experiments. This evaluation technique was applied to two kinds of ion-irradiated materials with different displacement damage doses, in which the irradiation condition was simulated. It could be confirmed that the ultimate strength increased, and the total elongation decreased with increasing irradiation. These trends are like the material degradation behaviors which have been reported by using small specimen's tensile tests.

Journal Articles

Proposal of negative stress ratio R for fatigue crack growth rates of austenitic stainless steels in air for ASME Code Section XI based on trend in experimental data

Negyesi, M.*; Yamaguchi, Yoshihito; Hasegawa, Kunio; Lacroix, V.*; Morley, A.*

Proceedings of ASME 2024 Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference (PVP 2024) (Internet), 8 Pages, 2024/07

JAEA Reports

Seismic evaluation of the CRDM and the CRDM guide tube for JRR-3

Kikuchi, Masanobu; Kawamura, Sho; Hosoya, Toshiaki

JAEA-Technology 2021-040, 86 Pages, 2023/02


In JRR-3, in response to new regulatory standard for research and test reactor which is enforced December 2013, we established new design basis ground motion for confirming new regulatory standard and carried out seismic evaluations of the appointments, instruments and structures which are installed in JRR-3 by using that earthquake motion. This report shows that the result of evaluations by fatigue strength evaluation, which is more detailed evaluation approach, about Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) and the CRDM Guide Tube that have gotten the serious result of seismic safety margin by using time history response analysis method. As a result, it was confirmed that CRDM and the CRDM Guide Tube have sufficient seismic safety margin.

Journal Articles

Tensile overload-induced texture effects on the fatigue resistance of a CoCrFeMnNi high-entropy alloy

Lam, T.-N.*; Chin, H.-H.*; Zhang, X.*; Feng, R.*; Wang, H.*; Chiang, C.-Y.*; Lee, S. Y.*; Kawasaki, Takuro; Harjo, S.; Liaw, P. K.*; et al.

Acta Materialia, 245, p.118585_1 - 118585_9, 2023/02

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:88.45(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

JAEA Reports

Experimental study on prevention of high cycle thermal fatigue at the core outlet of advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor; Characteristics of temperature fluctuations and countermeasures to mitigate temperature fluctuations at a bottom of upper internal structure

Kobayashi, Jun; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ezure, Toshiki; Nagasawa, Kazuyoshi*; Kurihara, Akikazu; Tanaka, Masaaki

JAEA-Research 2022-009, 125 Pages, 2023/01


The design studies of an advanced loop-type sodium-cooled fast reactor (Advanced- SFR) have been carried out by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). At the core outlet, temperature fluctuations occur due to mixing of hot sodium from the fuel assembly with cold sodium from the control rod channels and radial blanket assembly. These temperature fluctuations may cause high cycle thermal fatigue around a bottom of Upper Internal Structure (UIS) located above the core. Therefore, we conducted a water experiment using a 1/3 scale 60 degree sector model that simulated the upper plenum of the advanced loop-type sodium-cooled reactor. And we proposed some countermeasures against large temperature fluctuations that occur at the bottom of the UIS. In this report, we have summarized that the effect of the countermeasure structure to mitigate the temperature fluctuation generated at the bottom of UIS is confirmed, and the Reynolds number dependency of the countermeasure structure and the characteristics of the temperature fluctuation on the control rod surface.

Journal Articles

Evidence supporting reversible martensitic transformation under cyclic loading on Fe-Mn-Si-Al alloys using ${it in situ}$ neutron diffraction

Sawaguchi, Takahiro*; Tomota, Yo*; Yoshinaka, Fumiyoshi*; Harjo, S.

Acta Materialia, 242, p.118494_1 - 118494_14, 2023/01

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:73.00(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

The Multiaxial creep-fatigue failure mechanism of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel under non-proportional loading; Effect of strain energy on failure lives

Ogawa, Fumio*; Nakayama, Yuta*; Hiyoshi, Noritake*; Hashidate, Ryuta; Wakai, Takashi; Ito, Takamoto*

Transactions of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (Internet), 7(2), p.549 - 564, 2022/06

The strain energy-based life evaluation method of Mod. 9Cr-1Mo steel under non-proportional multiaxial creep-fatigue loading is proposed. Inelastic strain energy densities were calculated as the areas inside the hysteresis loops. The effect of mean-stress has been experimentally considered and the relationship between inelastic strain energy densities and creep-fatigue lives was investigated. It was found from the investigation of hysteresis loops, the decrease in maximum stress leads to prolonged failure life, while stress relaxation during strain holding causes strength reduction. The correction method of inelastic strain energy density was proposed considering the effect of maximum stress in hysteresis loop and minimum stress during strain holding, and strain energy densities for uniaxial and non-proportional multiaxial loading were obtained. Based on these results, the mechanisms governing creep-fatigue lives under non-proportional multiaxial loading have been discussed.

Journal Articles

Water experiments on thermal striping phenomena at the core outlet of an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor, 1; Proposal of countermeasures to mitigate temperature fluctuations around control rods

Kobayashi, Jun; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ezure, Toshiki; Kurihara, Akikazu; Tanaka, Masaaki

Hozengaku, 20(3), p.89 - 96, 2021/10

Hot sodium from the fuel assembly can mix with cold sodium from the control rod (CR) channel and the blanket assemblies at the bottom plate of the Upper Internal Structure (UIS) of Advanced-SFR. Temperature fluctuation due to mixing of the fluids at different temperature between the core outlet and cold channel may cause high cycle thermal fatigue on the structure around the bottom of UIS. A water experiment using a 1/3 scale 60 degree sector model simulating the upper plenum of the Advanced-SFR has been conducted to examine countermeasures for the significant temperature fluctuation generated around the bottom of UIS. We focused on the temperature fluctuations near the primary and backup control rod channels, and studied the countermeasure structure to mitigate the temperature fluctuation through temperature distribution and flow velocity distribution measurements. As a result, effectiveness of the countermeasure to mitigate the temperature fluctuation intensity was confirmed.

Journal Articles

Water experiments on thermal striping phenomena at the core outlet of an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor, 2; Proposal of countermeasures to mitigate temperature fluctuations around radial blanket fuel assemblies

Kobayashi, Jun; Aizawa, Kosuke; Ezure, Toshiki; Kurihara, Akikazu; Tanaka, Masaaki

Hozengaku, 20(3), p.97 - 101, 2021/10

Focusing on the thermal striping phenomena that occurs at a bottom of the internal structure of an advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor (Advanced-SFR) that has been designed by the Japan Atomic Energy Agency, a water experiment using a 1/3 scale 60 degree sector model simulating the upper plenum of the Advanced-SFR has been conducted to examine countermeasures for the significant temperature fluctuation generated around the bottom of Upper Internal Structure (UIS). In the previous paper, we reported the effect of measures to mitigate temperature fluctuations around the control rod channels. In this paper, the same test section was used, and a water experiment was conducted to obtain the characteristics of temperature fluctuations around the radial blanket fuel assembly. And the shape of the Core Instrumentation Support Plate (CIP) was modified, and it was confirmed that it was highly effective in alleviating temperature fluctuations around the radial blanket fuel assembly.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of multiaxial low cycle creep-fatigue life for Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel under non-proportional loading

Nakayama, Yuta*; Ogawa, Fumio*; Hiyoshi, Noritake*; Hashidate, Ryuta; Wakai, Takashi; Ito, Takamoto*

ISIJ International, 61(8), p.2299 - 2304, 2021/08

 Times Cited Count:5 Percentile:30.58(Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering)

This study discusses the creep-fatigue strength for Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel at a high temperature under multiaxial loading. A low-cycle fatigue tests in various strain waveforms were performed with a hollow cylindrical specimen. The low cycle fatigue test was conducted under a proportional loading with a fixed axial strain and a non-proportional loading with a 90-degree phase difference between axial and shear strains. The low cycle fatigue tests at different strain rates and the creep-fatigue tests at different holding times were also conducted to discuss the effects of stress relaxation and strain holding on the failure life. In this study, two types of multiaxial creep-fatigue life evaluation methods were proposed: the first method is to calculate the strain range using Manson's universal slope method with considering a non-proportional loading factor and creep damage; the second method is to calculate the fatigue damage by considering the non-proportional loading factor using the linear damage law and to calculate the creep damage from the improved ductility exhaustion law. The accuracy of the evaluation methods is much better than that of the methods used in the evaluation of actual machines such as time fraction rule.

Journal Articles

In situ diffraction characterization on microstructure evolution in austenitic stainless steel during cyclic plastic deformation and its relation to the mechanical response

Kumagai, Masayoshi*; Akita, Koichi*; Kuroda, Masatoshi*; Harjo, S.

Materials Science & Engineering A, 820, p.141582_1 - 141582_9, 2021/07

 Times Cited Count:13 Percentile:61.28(Nanoscience & Nanotechnology)

Journal Articles

Synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction method

Hayashi, Makoto*; Shobu, Takahisa

Residual Stress, p.100 - 132, 2021/00

Structural materials may undergo fatigue fracture or stress corrosion cracking during use. One of the causes is the residual stress generated by heat treatment and processing in the manufacturing process of structural materials. There are various methods for measuring the residual stress. This book introduces measurement techniques using ultrasonic and magnetic methods, starting with laboratory X-rays, synchrotron radiation X-rays, and neutrons. In addition, we will outline examples of measurement of residual stress due to processing and welding of various materials, measurement examples of actual machines, change behavior of residual stress due to static and repeated loads, and evaluation methods of fatigue remaining life based on the change behavior.

Journal Articles

Change in mechanical properties by high-cycle loading up to Gigacycle for 316L stainless steel

Naoe, Takashi; Harjo, S.; Kawasaki, Takuro; Xiong, Z.*; Futakawa, Masatoshi

JPS Conference Proceedings (Internet), 28, p.061009_1 - 061009_6, 2020/02

At the J-PARC, a mercury target vessel made of 316L SS suffers proton and neutron radiation environment. The target vessel also suffers cyclic impact stress caused by the proton beam-induced pressure waves. The vessel suffers higher than 4.5$$times$$10$$^8$$ cyclic loading during the expected service life of 5000 h. We have investigated fatigue strength 316L SS up to gigacycle in the previous studies. The cyclic hardening and softening behavior were observed. In this study, to evaluate the cyclic hardening/softening behavior, the dislocation densities of specimens were measured using the neutron diffraction method at the MLF BL-19. The result showed that the dislocation density of a 316L SS was increased with increasing the number of loading cycles. By contrast, in the case of cold-rolled 316L SS, annihilation and re-accumulation of dislocation by cyclic loading were observed. In the workshop, result of neutron diffraction measurement will be introduced with the progress of fatigue test.

Journal Articles

Failure behavior analyses of piping system under dynamic seismic loading

Udagawa, Makoto; Li, Y.; Nishida, Akemi; Nakamura, Izumi*

International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 167, p.2 - 10, 2018/11

 Times Cited Count:9 Percentile:54.17(Engineering, Multidisciplinary)

It is important to assure the structural Integrity of piping systems under severe earthquakes because those systems comprise the pressure boundary for coolant with high pressure and temperature. In this study, we examine the seismic safety capacity of piping systems under severe dynamic seismic loading using a series of dynamic-elastic-plastic analyses focusing on dynamic excitation experiments of 3D piping systems which was tested by NIED. Analytical results were consistent with experimental data in terms of natural frequency, natural vibration mode, response accelerations, elbow opening-closing displacements, strain histories, failure position, and low-cycle fatigue failure lives. Based on these results, we concluded that the analytical model used in the study can be applied to failure behavior evaluation for piping systems under severe dynamic seismic loading.

Journal Articles

Thermal fatigue test on dissimilar welded joint between Gr.91 and 304SS

Wakai, Takashi; Kobayashi, Sumio; Kato, Shoichi; Ando, Masanori; Takasho, Hideki*

Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-25) (CD-ROM), 7 Pages, 2017/07

This paper describes a thermal fatigue test on a structural model with a dissimilar welded joint. In the present design of JSFR, there may be dissimilar welded joints between ferritic and austenitic steels especially in IHX and SG. Creep-fatigue is one of the most important failure modes in JSFR components. However, the creep-fatigue damage evaluation method has not been established for dissimilar welded joint. To investigate the evaluation method, structural test will be needed for verification. Therefore, a thermal fatigue test on a thick-wall cylinder with a circumferential dissimilar welded joint between Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel and 304SS was performed. Since the coefficients of thermal expansion of these steels were significantly different, buttering layer of Ni base alloy was installed between them. After the completion of the test, deep cracks were observed at the HAZ in 304SS, as well as at HAZ in Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel. There were many tiny surface cracks in BM of 304SS. According to the fatigue damage evaluation based on the finite element analysis results, the largest fatigue damage was calculated at HAZ in 304SS. Large fatigue damage was also estimated at BM of 304SS. Fatigue cracks were observed at HAZ and BM of 304SS in the test, so that analytical results are in a good agreement with the observations. However, though relatively small fatigue damage was estimated at HAZ in Mod.9Cr-1Mo steel, deep fatigue cracks were observed in the test. To identify the cause of such a discrepancy between the test and calculations, we performed a series of finite element analyses. Some metallurgical investigations were also performed.

Journal Articles

Remaining fatigue lives of similar surface flaws in accordance with combination rules

Lu, K.; Li, Y.; Hasegawa, Kunio*; Lacroix, V.*

Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 139(2), p.021407_1 - 021407_6, 2017/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:6.90(Engineering, Mechanical)

Journal Articles

Water experiments on thermal striping in reactor vessel of advanced sodium-cooled fast reactor; Influence of flow collector of backup CR guide tube

Kobayashi, Jun; Ezure, Toshiki; Tanaka, Masaaki; Kamide, Hideki

Proceedings of 10th Japan-Korea Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-10) (USB Flash Drive), 5 Pages, 2016/11

JAEA has been conducting a design study for an advanced large-scale sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). Hot sodium from the fuel subassembly can mix with the cold sodium from the control rod (CR) channel at the bottom of Upper Internal Structure (UIS). Temperature fluctuation due to the fluid mixing at the core outlet may cause high cycle thermal fatigue at the bottom of UIS. JAEA had performed a water experiment to examine countermeasures for the significant temperature fluctuation generated at the bottom of SFRs UIS. Meanwhile, a self-actuated shutdown system (SASS) is equipped in a backup control rod (BCR) channel to ensure reactor shutdown. The BCR guide tubes have a flow guide structure "flow-collector" to provide reliable operation of SASS. Flow-collector may affect the thermal mixing behavior at the bottom of the UIS. This study has investigated the influence of the flow- collector on characteristics of the temperature fluctuation around the BCR channels.

Journal Articles

In situ X-ray diffraction study of the oxide formed on alloy 600 in borated and lithiated high-temperature water

Watanabe, Masashi*; Yonezawa, Toshio*; Shobu, Takahisa; Shiro, Ayumi; Shoji, Tetsuo*

Corrosion, 72(9), p.1155 - 1169, 2016/09

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:5.77(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Journal Articles

Fatigue lives of multiple flaws in accordance with combination rule

Lu, K.; Li, Y.; Hasegawa, Kunio; Lacroix, V.*

Proceedings of 2016 ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP 2016) (Internet), 7 Pages, 2016/07

98 (Records 1-20 displayed on this page)