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Journal Articles

R&D on Accelerator Driven Nuclear Transmutation System (ADS) at J-PARC, 4; Proton beam technology and neutronics

Meigo, Shinichiro; Nakano, Keita; Iwamoto, Hiroki

Purazuma, Kaku Yugo Gakkai-Shi, 98(5), p.216 - 221, 2022/05

For the realization of accelerator-driven transmutation systems (ADS) and the construction of the ADS target test facility (TEF-T) at J-PARC, it is necessary to study the proton beam handling technology and neutronics for protons in the GeV energy region. Accordingly, the Nuclear Transmutation Division of J-PARC has studied these issues with using J-PARC's accelerator facilities, and so on. This paper introduces these topics.

Journal Articles

Evaluation of the 3-Gev proton beam profile at the spallation target of the JSNS

Meigo, Shinichiro; Noda, Fumiaki*; Ishikura, Shuichi*; Futakawa, Masatoshi; Sakamoto, Shinichi; Ikeda, Yujiro

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 562(2), p.569 - 572, 2006/06

 Times Cited Count:20 Percentile:78.15(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Focused microbeam formation for heavy ion beam from AVF cyclotron

Yokota, Wataru; Sato, Takahiro; Oikawa, Masakazu*; Sakai, Takuro; Okumura, Susumu; Kurashima, Satoshi; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro

JAEA-Review 2005-001, TIARA Annual Report 2004, p.291 - 292, 2006/01

no abstracts in English

Journal Articles

Single-turn extraction technique for the JAERI AVF cyclotron

Kurashima, Satoshi; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Okumura, Susumu; Ishibori, Ikuo; Yoshida, Kenichi; Kashiwagi, Hirotsugu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Nakamura, Yoshiteru

JAEA-Review 2005-001, TIARA Annual Report 2004, p.349 - 351, 2006/01

A flat-top acceleration system using fifth-harmonic frequency for the JAERI AVF cyclotron was developed to minimize the energy spread of an ion beam mainly for microbeam formation with a spot size of 1 micron in diameter by focusing with a set of quadrupole magnets. A single-turn extraction is an indispensable condition to reduce the energy spread without significant beam loss by the flat-top acceleration. In order to save time for the single-turn extraction tuning over measuring time distribution of the beam bunch, a deflector probe has been developed to observe the turn separation and the radial beam width. In this paper, we report the single-turn extraction technique with the deflector probe. As a result of beam developments, the single-turn extraction can be achieved in one or two hours and radioactivity of the deflector electrode can be also reduced in the acceleration of a high energy proton beam.

Journal Articles

Instrumentation for measurement of beam energy spread

Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Ishibori, Ikuo; Agematsu, Takashi; Nara, Takayuki; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Arakawa, Kazuo

Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and Their Applications (CYCLOTRONS 2004), p.410 - 412, 2005/00

A simple analyzing system has been developed to measure the energy spread of the beam extracted from the JAERI AVF cyclotron with an energy resolution of dE/E = 0.001%. The high analyzing power can be obtained with an existing deflecting magnet system in the transport line by installing three sets of slits with a minimum width of 0.01 mm and a beam intensity monitor with a Faraday cup and semiconductor detectors. These new instruments have been compactly designed to fulfill the geometrical condition of the existing beam diagnostic chambers, which are located at the object and image positions. Installation of the analyzing system was completed and a preliminary test has been carried out. This system will be used for optimization of the flat-top acceleration system to achieve the energy spread of dE/E = 0.02%, required for microbeam production.

Journal Articles

Beam development for flat-top acceleration in the JAERI AVF cyclotron

Kurashima, Satoshi; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Okumura, Susumu; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Yoshida, Kenichi; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Arakawa, Kazuo

JAERI-Review 2003-033, TIARA Annual Report 2002, p.310 - 311, 2003/11

The JAERI AVF cyclotron provides a variety of ion beams especially for the research in biotechnology and materials science. Several cyclotron technologies such as cocktail beam acceleration, a uniform irradiation in a wide area and beam pulsation have been developed so far. A flat-top acceleration system for the JAERI AVF cyclotron has been designed to minimize the energy spread mainly for a microbeam production. The flat-top acceleration using fundamental and fifth-harmonic frequencies for an acceleration voltage is an excellent technique to reduce the energy spread.

Journal Articles

Estimation of keV submicron ion beam width using a knife-edge method

Ishii, Yasuyuki; Isoya, Akira*; Kojima, Takuji; Arakawa, Kazuo

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 211(3), p.415 - 424, 2003/11

 Times Cited Count:18 Percentile:73.78(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A beam width measurement system has been developed for keV submicron ion beams of 0.1 $$mu$$m or less in width assuming a round shape beam. The system enables to measure beam current change as a function of knife-edge position by cutting a beam focusing point (beam spot) with the sharp edge within a spatial resolution of 0.02 $$mu$$m. The width of 30 keV order submicron $$H^+$$ ion beam was estimated by fitting current change curves based on three different ion density models: uniform, flat-top and Gaussian. Among these models, the flat-top model provide the most reasonable beam width of 0.56 $$mu$$m interpreting contribution of halo around the beam spot to beam width estimation. The beam width measurement system with the high spatial resolution and the data analysis based on the flat-top ion density model should contribute to accelerate developments of submicron ion beam production technologies.

Journal Articles

An Energy spread minimization system for microbeam generation in the JAERI AVF cyclotron

Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Kurashima, Satoshi; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Okumura, Susumu; Kamiya, Tomihiro; Oikawa, Masakazu*; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; et al.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 210, p.33 - 36, 2003/09

 Times Cited Count:4 Percentile:33.55(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A heavy ion microbeam with energy of hundreds MeV is a significantly useful probe for research in biotechnology. A single-ion hitting technique using a 260 MeV $$^{20}$$Ne$$^{7+}$$ microbeam is being developed at the JAERI AVF cyclotron facility for biofunction elucidation. Production of a microbeam with a spot size of one micro-meter in diameter requires reducing the energy spread of the beam to 0.02 % to minimize an effect of chromatic aberrations in focusing lenses. The typical energy spread of the cyclotron beam is around 0.1 % in an ordinary acceleration mode using a sinusoidal voltage waveform. The energy spread can be reduced by superimposing the fifth-harmonic voltage waveform on the fundamental one to generate a flattop waveform for uniform energy gain. We have designed an additional coaxial cavity to generate the fifth-harmonic voltage, coupled to the main resonator of one-fourth wavelength coaxial type. In a power test we successfully observed the fifth-harmonic voltage waveform by picking up an acceleration voltage signal.

Journal Articles

Flat-top acceleration system for the variable-energy multiparticle AVF cyclotron

Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Kurashima, Satoshi; Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Agematsu, Takashi; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Nara, Takayuki; Ishibori, Ikuo; Yoshida, Kenichi; Yokota, Wataru; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 74(4), p.2293 - 2299, 2003/04

 Times Cited Count:14 Percentile:58.29(Instruments & Instrumentation)

A combination of the fundamental- and the fifth-harmonic voltages is ideally suited for flat-top acceleration in a variable-energy multi-particle cyclotron for energy-spread minimization. The flat-topping of the energy gain distribution using the fifth-harmonics has the advantages of minimizing an amplifier power, reducing power dissipation in a resonator and increasing the energy gain per turn. The flat-top acceleration system of the JAERI AVF cyclotron was designed to reduce the energy spread to 0.02 $$%$$, required for microbeam production. Tolerable fluctuations of acceleration voltages and the magnetic excitation were 2.0$$times$$10$$^{-4}$$ for the fundamental voltage, 1.0$$times$$10$$^{-3}$$ for the fifth-harmonic voltage, and 1.9$$times$$10$$^{-5}$$ for the magnetic field. In order to enhance compactness of the flat-topping cavity and to make a substantial saving of the amplifier power, optimum geometric parameters of the flat-topping cavity were determined by a cold model test and a calculation using the MAFIA code.

Journal Articles

Status report on the JAERI AVF cyclotron system

Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Nara, Takayuki; Agematsu, Takashi; Ishibori, Ikuo; Tamura, Hiroyuki; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yokota, Wataru; Okumura, Susumu; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Arakawa, Kazuo

AIP Conference Proceedings 600, p.129 - 132, 2001/00

The AVF cyclotron system at JAERI Takasaki has been smoothly operated without serious troubles since the first beam extraction of 50 MeV 4He2+ in March 1991. A yearly operation time is about 3200 hours on an average for past several years. In last three years, we performed some improvements and developments as followings: stabilization of the cyclotron beam, renewal of the control computers and basic programs, installation of a new ECR ion source and reconstruction of the rotary shutter. Furthermore, cocktail beams of series M/Q=4 and M/Q=2 have been developed continuously. Now we are modifying the RF cavity for the flat-top acceleration by the addition of 5th harmonic frequency.

Journal Articles

Application of aperture displacement technique to producing flat beam distributions

Tanaka, Shigeru; Araki, Masanori; Okumura, Yoshikazu

Review of Scientific Instruments, 63(4), p.2779 - 2781, 1992/04

 Times Cited Count:1 Percentile:28.88(Instruments & Instrumentation)

no abstracts in English

11 (Records 1-11 displayed on this page)
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